Who will be the Lt.? Time to get serious about speculation.

With Governor Noem’s resignation, and Larry Rhoden preparing for being sworn in, the biggest question remaining is who will he pick as lieutenant governor?

There are lots of names being floated around, but the top three I keep hearing over and over are State Representative Tony Venhuizen, former lieutenant governor Matt Michels, and former State Representative/Sioux Falls City Council member Christine Erickson.

The pick may come from this group, as they all offer certain skills and advantages, or it may be none of the above.

Who will the next lieutenant governor be? You may start your speculation …now!

57 thoughts on “Who will be the Lt.? Time to get serious about speculation.”

  1. If it’s Michels, maybe people will learn how to spell his name. If it’s Venhuizen, maybe they’ll learn how to pronounce it.

  2. grudznick is the past president of the Conservatives with Common Sense, not the current president. Also grudznick is old and gnarly. Otherwise I would be the front runner.

    My bet is on one of the front line Rhoden Rhangers who have been stalwart behind Larry for years. This whole deal will really raise the Rhoden Rhangers force into a real head-knocking squad.

    1. Good call. That would prevent Daugaard for doing his traditional endorsement of Dusty in a competitive primary. But Tony may be angling for Dusty’s seat in 2026 rather than being Lt. Gov.

      Maybe as a middle finger to the far right he taps Schoenbeck (just to finish his term, not to be on the ticket in 2026). Then he takes his time finding the right running mate for the election.

  3. Well, given that the nominee must be confirmed by both houses of the Legislature, Mortenson is probably not going to pass.

  4. Former Senate Majority Leader Russ Olson would be a slam dunk pick and really be a game changer for 2026. Without it I can’t picture Rhoden winning his own term.

    Venhuizen is great, but doesn’t help 2026.

    Michels is great, but doesn’t help 2026.

    Westra isn’t great, at all, period.

    Erickson would be okay, but doesn’t wow. Plus she almost needs to be in the Sioux Falls Mayor race just to keep it competitive.

    No matter what we’re going to have a great Governor and team for the next 23 months. Dems could never.

    1. Yes. Russ is the best possible pick.

      Most important is finding someone who would be a great Governor. Russ is the best option and is all a good conservative choice.

      1. The trouble with Rhoden picking Venhuizen is simple. Its that his entire life is politics and government. He really doesn’t have any experience in the private sector. His association with Dusty is problematic considering dusty is a likely rival.

        Russ Olson or Westra brings business experience to the table. Voters will like that.

        I would also say this climate demands an outsider of some kind.

        1. This is correct. If you’re looking for a bureaucrat, then Tony is the best option. Government is all he’s ever done. But the others offer better leadership qualities.

          While it’s fun to speculate, the pick is probably already done.

          If it’s Tony, you can bet that Rhoden isn’t running for his own term. And they are trying to set up Tony for a Congresional run.

          If it’s Olson or Westra, then he may actually be running. In which case, Jackley is probably the guy who gets the short end of the next election.

          1. I have a hard time believing Rhoden would know if he’s running or not but picking Venhuizen essentially closes the door unless Venhuizen, Daugaard, Rave, Michels and Mccaulley are willing to work against Dusty.

            With so many overlapping players I question if anyone on team Rhoden is actually on team Rhoden for ’26.

            1. I think he pretty much needs to know if he’s running. The primary is only 16 months away – if he’s running, he needs to get going now and he also needs to make a good pick. If he’s not running, then TVH is probably the pick as they all line up behind Dusty for Gov. I think Dusty wins the Gov seat regardless of who else runs. The question is who runs for Congress. Crabtree or TenHaken seem like way better candidates for Congress that VenHuizen.

            1. Crabtree and Mortenson will have a hard time. The 201 blow up is political poo that won’t come off their shoes… forever.

      2. Russ has not been a stalwart enough Rhoden Rhanger.
        grudznick’s guess there is “No.” Plus, there’s the good hair thing.

  5. Russell Olson would be the smartest choice for Gov Rhoden, and South Dakota.

    No real contest in my opinion.

  6. All good options:

    If he picks Venhuizen he’s eliminated himself from serious contention in 2026. Tony won’t work against Dusty. It’s a good move for Tony but that’s about it. Daugaard will still support Dusty and so will Tony.

    Russ Olson is a blow to Jackley. Also a good pick if not running and a good pick if running.

    Westra is the best pick if running.

    Michels would also be a good pick.

    Tenhaken is the best option.

    1. I doubt Larry will select PTH but that would be fascinating. If Paul moved up, who would the 8 council members choose as SF mayor until next April? IMHO, best option is someone who’s not running for mayor in 26. Anyway, I don’t think it’ll happen.

    1. Hahahaha, Rhoden picking Schoenbeck as LT would be such a chaotic move. Takes like this make speculation more fun.

    1. Garcia blathering about illegals on the house floor yesterday. What a friggin nut, whoooooooooo voted for her!!!

  7. It’ll be interesting to watch Dusty explain running against Rhoden after publicly stating Rhoden would govern well.

    1. Noem, Rhoden, and Dusty all share a mutual respect established over the span of almost 20 years, but that doesn’t mean they’re not politicians. They’re all very good at what they do and we’re lucky to have such prosperous options for leadership. I wish other states had the options we have.

  8. Just when I was going to say Tony Venhuizen would be near the bottom of the list, just ahead of past District 4 Fred and John, of the names thrown out. Then John Dale claims people are asking him. Tony, Fred, and John just moved up ahead of Dale and all those who are asking him.

    I would consider TenHaken a top 3, who would blow the minds of that far right faction in the state. Naming Lee Schoenbeck might bring an insurection to Pierre from that same group, but I would welcome the consideration,

  9. D1 State Senator Michael Rohl as LT Gov not only bridging the East River/West river parts of the state but different ideas within the executive office. Fun part is it would trigger Doeden Dumpsterfire & Wackadoodle Tears.

    How many of have written books who post here? I have too!

  10. i’d say matt michels EXCEPT FOR whatever it was that kept him from being the odds on favorite back in 2018. did that go away?

    1. Sure get him a real job that is if you can pull his girth out of pischke, Baxter and Carley’s butts! Can’t believe how much clout the weeble wooble bills have and how dumb the carriers are

  11. Word has it that Matt Michels was seen in the capitol last week. My bets on him. But I would guess he wouldn’t be in it for the long haul. He or AG Jackley would be my choice.

      1. Why? He’s lining up to support the crazies. Notice how a supposed lawyer lined up to support ending birthright citizenship via executive order? He KNOWS this is illegal, but making political hay is more important. You supposedly hate this nonsense, bit still support Jackley. Why? Because he is polite and wears a decent suit?

        I’m beginning to think you’re a form over function guy, Enquirer.

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