Will the Senate bring up Medicaid expansion?

From the Argus Leader, at GOP senator’s recent retreat last week, they at least discussed whether it might be best to bring legislation or to roll the dice at the ballot box:

Senate Republicans this month, during a two-day legislative retreat in Sioux Falls, spent time discussing the potential for the Legislature to pre-empt a pair of proposed ballot measures seeking to expand Medicaid with legislation of their own.

“How has our reluctance to act worked in the past?” said Sen. Wayne Steinhauer, posing the question to his colleagues while pointing to cannabis and minimum wage policies.


Schoenbeck said Friday that given the amount of money on the table through Medicaid expansion, and the ever-changing political climate, it makes sense for lawmakers to consider their options.

“The question is ‘is more federal welfare good for South Dakota?’,” he told the Argus Leader.

Read it all here.

That might be a challenging issue to get the rank and file of the GOP to accept, much less the House of Representatives. And the Governor.

We’ll see. Never say never in politics.

8 thoughts on “Will the Senate bring up Medicaid expansion?”

    1. Steinhauer’s comments to expand Medicaid are based on fear. “if we don’t do it, someone else will.”

      If fear-avoidance is all the man has in his belly, he doesn’t deserve to be a legislator. I would much rather support a man who knows what he believes and FIGHTS for it.

      1. But he also has a point that legislators are not exactly implementing things that voters are asking for, or downright overturning them. Not many are saying that part out loud.

  1. South Dakota will have to kick in more money as well.
    It’s not just more Federal money.

  2. Whatever happened to Public advertisements encouraging fat out of shape Americans to slim down, exercise and get healthy instead of pile on more free healthcare so the Twinkie diet stays up on the top shelf???
    Airfare prices by the pound a great start.

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