With South Dakota’s political universe jumbled around like a giant handful of Yahtzee dice, the question now is who will Larry Rhoden go to to serve in the job he’s held himself for the past 6 years. Who will the incoming new Governor pick to serve as his Lt. Governor?
If Larry intends to run himself for the job – and I have heard he is already starting to make fundraising calls – he’s going to have to pick someone who can fill the bill. The would most likely be running with him in the next election in what will be a very crowded field led by Congressman Dusty Johnson who already has $6 million in the bank. Add to that list fellow Meade County scion and current Attorney General Marty Jackley. Throw someone from the hard right in there, such as incoming House Majority Leader Scott Odenbach. And we will have someone else who rolls the dice for the sake of rolling the dice.
Who can the new Governor pick that would set himself up to improve his competitiveness for June 2026 GOP primary? Who can he pick that would get through the House and the Senate in the selection process? Who can he pic that will bolster his Gubernatorial Street-cred? Or, who might be willing and capable of doing it, since they’re going to be thrown in the deep end without a net?
Here are suggestions of three who could serve some of those needs for the new Governor, and should be on his list of hopefuls:
Outgoing SDGOP Chair John Wiik – Wiik has served in both the House and the Senate alongside Rhoden, and has a decade of legislative experience to go alongside his time as the Republican Party Chairman. Wiik would know many of the players on the ground, and have a valuable rolodex that the new Governor could call on in raising funds and people in assembling a team to mount a campaign for statewide office. Yes, Larry knows many of the same people, but as the candidate his job would be different, and Wiik could put his skills in place to help wrangle the team. Politics aside, Wiik has long been a budget man, and that will be where many of the new Governor’s headaches would be as the COVID-funded land of plenty runs dry, and South Dakota needs to get back to normal revenue expectations.
State Auditor Rich Sattgast – Sattgast is the longest serving state official in Pierre right now, currently in the second term of his second run at State Auditor, having served across three Chief Executives now as auditor or treasurer. State Government is in upheaval at the moment as checks and balances of the executive branch are under fire with instances of employees being light-fingered in Revenue and DSS as those checks and balances have been eroded, sometimes in the name of efficiencies over the years. Sattgast is not unaware of this, as he has lamented as some budgetary functions have been assumed by others due to software functionality changes and updates over the years. He may be in an unique position to lead reforms, and to help restore more robust standards. Plus, Sattgast has been untouched by intra-party battles, and can flow between the factions at a time when others are being named to blacklists.
State Senator Erin Tobin – Erin would provide an interesting contrast to the current Lt. Governor as a medical professional, business owner, and sharing his background in Agriculture. Elections are about the future, and Tobin’s relative youth would provide a contrast to Rhoden, but still retain that strong relationship to our state’s ag industry. Conservative, smart and well spoken, even though she lost a close race in one of the craziest primaries we’ve ever seen, as opposed to making another run at the legislature sometimes the best path forward takes a quick jog sideways. Rhoden would do well to have Tobin serve as a surrogate as he hits the campaign trail.
Those are the three suggestions from me who the incoming Governor might pick – who would your choices be for our incoming Governor Larry Rhoden to pick as South Dakota’s next Lt. Governor?
Aside from the idle speculation here and war-gaming it out in the comment section, I am hearing 2 names consistently from multiple sources – Tim Rave and Steve Westra are said to be two of the top contenders at the moment. Although there are some who say there should be a woman in the office, which if this is the case, helps out those who would like to see an Erin, a Taylor, a Sue, a Sydney or someone else be considered for the job as our State’s #2.
Tobin is nice but she just got beat. I don’t think she is terribly conservative as compared to Wiik or Sattgast. Could he throw the ultimate curveball and pick Paul TenHaken? Running the senate can be learned prior to session. Could he pick Josh Hader, popular with conservatives because of pipeline vote? Or how about Taylor Rehfeldt? She just lost her leadership race but handily won her election. Or someone to even his right with money to consider would be Karla Lems. Or how about Amber Arlint or heck even Sue Peterson? The Sioux Falls area folks wouldn’t be a bad choice. Lots of interesting choice, not sure who is super close to Rhoden which may play another factor.
I would pick Taylor R. in a second, but I view her as more aligned with Team Dusty, and similarly, Sue P. is arguably closer to Marty. I would anticipate that whomever is chosen will be expected to be a running mate and candidate surrogate, so (at least in my opinion) you have to look at who in your estimation might be neutral enough that they would consider it.
You’re picking for not just 2 years, you’re picking for 2 years and a big fight in the campaign, and then for the next 4.
“When he decided to run for U.S. Senate eight months after Rounds announced, it was clear in Republican circles that Rhoden wanted to present an alternative.
Former state Rep. Bill Peterson of Sioux Falls is quietly backing Rhoden. Sue Peterson, his wife, is the treasurer for Rhoden’s campaign committee.”
Sue Peterson would be pretty high on his list plus she’s a good fundraiser.
Not saying she’s down on Larry, but there is an association with Marty as well.
I don’t think Marty will run if Larry runs.
Sorry — you are smoking dope if you think there is anyway to deter Marty “Don Quixote” Jackly from the race.
Sue also gave one of Marty’s nominating speeches at the 2022 convention from H-E double toothpicks. (I didn’t want to swear and hurt Sue’s ears)
This is Bill Peterson. I am friends with Dusty Johnson, Marty Jackley and Larry Rhoden. I am not currently backing anyone either publicly or quietly and have had no conversations with anyone about their future ambitions. Any of them would be a fine Governor for South Dakota and I may or may not get involved in any primary race in 2026…that is still a ways away. Nice to be remembered though!
Bill Peterson for LT!!!!
Bill, the comment above about silently backing Larry was from the 2014 Senate run. Not current.
A person chosen must know the rules of procedure. None that were mentioned here have any knowledge nor have they led a legislative session.
Tony Venhuizen would be good. Couple help organize the office and make LR effective as quick as possible.
Downtown Rotarian Jack Marsh would be a phenomenal choice for Lt. and South Dakota.
Sausages and gravy can go along ways to some deal making.
The wheels of politics are often lubricated with sausage gravy and scotch.
Watch the Rhoden Rhanger flags start popping up all over!
Wiik couldn’t raise money for the party – wouldn’t be politically helpful at all as the Lt.
Really could use someone from the Sioux Falls area. TenHaken would be the best pick for capturing a lot of votes and raising money. Plus he’s highly capable and very authentic. Would be better for TenHaken to run for Congress, but being Lt.Gov would allow him to dip back into the private sector as well.
VenHuizen is certainly intelligent, but he is loyal to Dusty so wouldn’t be the right fit for Team Rhoden.
The problem with most legislators is they have next to no name ID. They all think they are well known, but the reality is they aren’t known at all outside their districts. All of that can be overcome with the right personality. But you also need someone who can raise money, because Rhoden can’t do it on his own. Which leads to this question — does Noem turn over her political operation to Larry — mainly her campaign account? Or at least write him a giant check to make him competitive. I suspect she doesn’t do that, but would give her a bunch of influence if she decided to do so.
Wiik’s feud with the far right and his inability to raise money eliminates him.
They would all do a great job.
Narrow mindedly, this session and possibly next, will be around RL21 (amongst others). They need someone who is strong in knowing who has what legal authority. Gary Hanson or Chris Nelson would be good considerables.
There is really only one name that puts Larry in serious contention for governor in 2026.
Paul Tenhaken.
Universal name id, charismatic, connected to Sioux Falls donors and voters, youthful, energetic, positive. No he’s not the most conservative guy in the world but Larry being a rancher, Noem’s Lt, trump supporter, will be sufficiently conservative and Noem and Rhoden’s covid response eclipse Tenhaken short comings over that.
It’s a perfect fit.
Rhoden/Tenkaken become the frontrunners almost immediately.
Tenhaken brings the evangelical vote also.
Larry needs an arms length pick from the last 4-6 years of the legislature. Too many factions and sides. Everyone hates each other.
He needs a clean slate and someone who brings a breath of fresh air to the process.
Paul is the guy.
TenHaken has been very close to Dusty. I’d be surprised if he’d be willing to flip to Team Rhoden
I wouldn’t be so sure of that…
I don’t think any of these are good picks, honestly, except maybe Tobin. No offense, Larry is kind of a boring white dude and he shouldn’t add another middle-aged boring white dude to the ticket. And Paul TH is too clean and probably wants the spotlight on him, not play second fiddle. It’ll be interesting no matter what.
Who is better than Tenhaken?
Rehfeldt, for one. From Sioux Falls, in the medical field, not extremely conservative. Maybe Will Mortenson, Chris Karr, Mike Rohl, Tamara St. John.
none of those are better than TenHaken. Zero.
Perhaps, but PTH is the prize horse, he’s not going to waste 4 years being a background guy that nobody ever hears from except when the leg is in session.
Agreed. PTH has to have the spotlight at all times and being #2 doesn’t suit his personality.
Who does number 2 work for?
I think Senator Casey Crabtree would make an excellent choice. He has leadership experience and just as important, he has corporate business experience. He is a good campaigner and fundraiser. He is good at bringing both sides together.
Jordan Youngberg?
There has not been any conversation with Lt,. Gov Rhoden and being appointed to his position. You heard it here first LOL
We need need you back in your old district and in the senate representing the good people of Madison.
Russ Olson
I could dig it
I for one would love to see Russ Olson whoop the senate chamber into shape this session!
That would be fantastic!
amber hulse. she’d be awesome on the youth side, while tim goodwin would be awesome on the experience and ability side.
If Larry is serious about trying to keep the seat, TenHaken is probably the only shot he has in doing so. Paul can raise money and is well known and well liked. Westra and Rave are good dudes but don’t help in winning a Governor’s race. They just don’t. All those other legislative names are even lesser known and of virtually no assistance financially either.
Only other name I can think of is Cynthia Mickelson. Lawyer, former school board, and part of the Mickelson family. Not sure she would do it, however.
If Rhoden really wanted to shake things up, he’d say he’s not running for the spot but instead will seek the House seat in 2026. He’d instantly be the front runner for that seat and would set himself up for the next Senate opening.
Tenhaken is the only legit option.
Wiik might have a name with the party but not the voting public. Lacks both charisma and personality.
Does Tenhaken want to play second fiddle? Spend six or up to ten years as an LG? People who can raise large sums of money typically want to serve at the top of the ticket, not as the running mate.
If Rhoden does not plan to run for reelect, this position serves as massive stepping stone to a candidate who may wish to run for the open Congressional seat. Rhoden will have to know and share his plans with any candidate under serious consideration.
Who is the modern equivalent of Steve Kirby? It obviously didn’t work out for Miller but he was facing a historic figure in Janklow. I’m a Dusty fan but I think even he’d agree he’s no Janklow. So the wisdom of picking a big name from SF like has merit. Not sure who that is though.
Along the lines of those suggesting PTH (who I don’t think would take it), I think any hope Larry has of being competitive in 2026 requires him to pick someone from the greater SF area.
Christine Erickson? Steve Westra?
Dana Dykhouse
Katie Washnok? She would have been a far better state senator but could be a great Lt. Gov and set her up to run for Governor.
Young – but long history with the Republican Party. Long list of accolades. Well connected. She raised $100k for a legislative primary, for God’s sake. She has both east and west river connections.
Not to mention she kept the wheels on the bus in Brown Country for a long time. And she has legislative experience, she could step in day one of session and be good to go. Capitol idea!
Would she do it?
Now we are just throwing out names.
Michael Rohl would be great. See i can do it also.
Honestly either of those would be great choices. Both young, super effective leaders, with proven track records of getting things done. Both are proven fundraisers with great connections across the state.
Washnok has the east river + west river connections.
Rohl obviously has great legislative and policy experience.
Washnok is probably a little more conservative and a little more well known in statewide republican/political circles.
But Rohl has national policy awards under his belt and is known for bringing legislators together to get policy passed.
Both are no BS and would honestly be fantastic at the gavel.
I like this. Young. Longer credentials list with the GOP than half already named on this list. No BS, no nonsense. Great fundraiser. I think I just became Team Washnok! Let’s go!!
Taylor Rehfeldt all the way!
The Taylor fans are out! But anyone outside that district doesn’t know her. Who is she and what has she done. I’m not even sure I’ve seen her interviewed on Kelo.
Why is is that you HAVE to be from Sioux Falls to win a state wide? What happened to being strong and able to stand up to opposition in a debate? You don’t think rich people will write checks unless you are already from Sioux Falls? I think people will write checks if they see someone who can get the job done.
Maybe it’s harder to get those face to face meetings, but I also think the previous Lt. Governor has a seat at that table and if you show a bright running mate, who gives.
So a small town Hazel, SD girl became Governor and picked an even smaller town Union Center as her Lt. Governor. Now, in our wisdom, we seem to think in order to win a future race, we need Rhoden to pick a SF Lt. Governor and future running mate. Also, why a female? Where is our list of qualifications? Experience? Historical knowledge of rules? Think smart!
PS: If there are three men running for Governor and just one picks a woman – they have set themself apart and added value. Let’s hope one of those men is smart enough to do so.
There two types of Lt picks. Those that indicate he’s running and help him win and those who indicate he will serve 2 years and be done.
He’s running:
Paul Tenhaken
Steve Westra
Dana Dykhouse
Russ Olson
Scott Odenbach
He’s not running:
Tim Rave
Erin Tobin
John Wiik
Erin Tobin is the best choice.
NO on Tobin.
Scott Odenbach…..bahahahaha. He needs someone who will deal with crazies not bring the crazy kool aid.
He needs someone who is willing and able to deal with the crazies in the senate.
Not going to be fun.
The interesting thing about Rhoden running is it might get Dusty and Jackley to pick someone before the primary is over. We will see teams running.
Are we going to see a Jackley/Tobin logo?
I can’t believe nobody has yet said Annette Bosworth. I mean why not!
She is very pretty, indeed. But the job is grudznick’s, if I want it.
Sue Petersen. She fills the bill in every way.
I agree that the best choice for Lt Gov for Gov Rhoden would be Sue Petersen. She is knowledgeable, a proven fundraiser, East River, and excellent. It would be a reasoned and common sense pick for Gov Rhoden.
These comments are clearly from people who don’t work with Sue.
Sue Peterson is the logical choice. Sue understands Sioux Falls and East River voters and their priorities but is also aligned with solutions to the important issues facing West River voters. Sue is tirelessly hardworking, easy to talk to, and gets the big picture. Sue is undaunted by challenges, has a keen eye for important issues, is solidly conservative, unafraid to call out mistakes and errors, and was on the right side of all the ballot initiatives.
Sue Peterson for Lieutenant Governor!
Folks, the obvious choice here is the Canvass Queen, Jessica Pollema. She can help bring South Dakota’s clearly corrupt voting system up to par and help her good friend Leah Anderson get the SOS position that she unquestionably deserves.
You win the internet today.
Sue Peterson? Ya’ll are delusional.
The can get real simple in a hurry. Pick someone who will help you win a big race. Some combination of:
ability to raise significant money
Charisma and likability
Can actually do the job of Lt Gov and Gov
This decision is not to be taken lightly. Some of the names tossed around here are a joke. Larry should choose from SF area. Someone competent and successful in their private life. Someone who has built a business or a significant career. Someone who could raise or donate money. Someone who will be loyal and have a burning desire to win the job. This is not for type faint of heart. And not for some one or two term legislator that nobody has ever heard of.
Mike Zitterich
Chad Haber
Blast from the past Chad Haber?
Someone who believes in and will fight for the Constitution and our freedoms outweighs celebrity as we just saw in this election. Sue Peterson would be a great choice.
For some. Not all.
Sue Peterson is politically astute and has a well-deserved reputation as a serious legislator. She understands the lay of the land in Pierre and has a proven read on the electorate across South Dakota. She is respected for what she accomplishes, not who she is, and would make a great lieutenant governor!
She votes no because she claims to not understand the bills. When did that become an accomplishment worthy of all these accolades?
I’m catching the drift that the far right had tapped Sue Peterson as their chosen one…
So I’m going to have to pass. NEXT!
Amanda Radke! She can help grift money for the ticket.
What would her Lt Gov fee be? I’m assuming double or triple what her speaking fee, right? Would they have to pay her each time she takes the podium, or flat fee?
Empassioned for hire, at its finest!