Withdrawal drama on House Bill 1009

House Bill 1009, “the other school voucher” bill, sponsored by State Rep. Heather Baxter is apparently caught up in the middle of legislative drama.

Yesterday, it appeared that HB1009 was pulled. Or withdrawn, depending on who you spoke to. But in either case, no one really knew why.  And more importantly, the prime sponsor, Baxter, did not request it’s withdrawal.

I’m told from insiders that right now, they’re still trying to figure out what happened.. but supposedly it will be corrected in session today.

6 thoughts on “Withdrawal drama on House Bill 1009”

  1. From my perspective on what should be done in US education, which is very similar to what Trump proposes with American Academy, the two Bills do the same thing – they do not treat home school teachers like real teachers. This is a mistake in analysis/judgement/reasoning.

    Home School parents deserve a salary, or at least to receive the same amount of money per child that the public schools receive, to be spent any way they wish. Teachers can spend their wages any way they wish. Administrators can spend their wages any way they wish.

    Home school parents are teachers and administrators, and they should be able to spend the money any way they wish.

    1. You could run the idea past a Hippi commune in NorCal and see if they would be receptive. You could live in a Yurt and an environment where you would fit in. Compensation would be negotiable.

    2. The Polygamist Compound in Pringle was home schooling their children. Under HB 1009 tax payers would have been paying these sickos to abuse children. They would have loved the no accountability piece just like they loved all the food stamps they were scamming.

    3. Sure, as long as they agree to the same educational standards, auditing frequency and all other reporting and accessibility requirements as public schools must adhere to. They better be ADA compliant as well!

      Or they can just piss off.

  2. Anything involving Anthony Mirzayants involves drama. In addition to authoring and lobbynig for HB1009, he’s also authored and is lobbying for “the other pipeline bill,” SB49.

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