Woki-Leaks back with more on Woke Culture at USD

Woki-Leaks is back with more articles and document dumps on what’s happening on the campus of the University of South Dakota. According to my mailbox:

We have released several new articles and social media posts in recent days:


“Conservatives and Moderates Need Not Apply” tells the story of how USD discriminates against moderates and conservatives in its hiring practices. Among other things, candidates for teaching positions at the University are now essentially required to pledge allegiance to “equity, diversity, inclusiveness” and other leftwing political causes during the application process.

In “White People Are a ‘Problem’ that Needs To Be Fixed,” we show that USD’s Woke activists are comfortable with racism – so long as it is directed at White people. The article details how Dr. Clayton Lehmann and other campus activists have complained about there being “too many” Whites in South Dakota, and have been creating programs to politically reeducate White students and professors at USD.


On our social media accounts (@WokileaksSD on Twitter, Facebook, and Gab) we have posted documents showing:

1. That a Woke USD activist and USD Provost Kurt Hackemer are recommending ignoring teaching evaluations for faculty of color on the assumption that USD students are racist.

2. That a USD professor, Dr. Conrad-Popova, supports and has been promoting the materials of what appears to be a Black supremacist teaching organization. (Dr. Conrad-Popova is involved in training the next generation of K-12 teachers at USD and also recently helped to set priorities for the USD President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusiveness).

Stay tuned for more!

The Social Media Post on ignoring student evaluations for tenure is fairly interesting.

Tenure Post image 1

tenure 2

Because if the provost is saying that the standard for evaluating people of color is unfair, so certain factors needs to be dropped in the evaluation.. isn’t he creating an implicitly discriminatory and unequal system if he’s not applying the same standards to all instructors?

Food for thought.

2 thoughts on “Woki-Leaks back with more on Woke Culture at USD”

  1. At The University of Arizona, I was a student twice, staff, and independent contractor.

    The university was the most intractable career option imaginable for a conservative male.

    It’s one of the contributing factors to my anxiety and to some of my more acute apoplexy.

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