Youngberg announces candidacy for District 25 Senate

Youngberg announces candidacy for District 25 Senate

COLMAN, SD – Today, Jordan Youngberg announced his intention to seek election to represent District 25 in the South Dakota Senate during the upcoming election cycle. This decision comes on the back of support from citizens across the district and a desire to take action to improve the lives of South Dakotans through his conservative values and proven record of results and leadership.

“The decision to run again is something I’ve been excited to announce for a while now,” Youngberg said in a statement, “I would like to thank my family and friends for supporting me in this decision, and I look forward to working with our communities to take action for District 25.”

Youngberg enters the race with an extensive amount of experience in the legislative branch. He was first elected to the South Dakota Senate in 2016, where he served as the Republican Whip and championed legislation to prevent higher taxes, improve education, and protect children and victims of human trafficking.

He resides in Colman with his wife, Ann, and their two children, Russell and Blake. If elected to the Senate, Youngberg’s goals remain the same: focus on actions over words and use his proven record of conservative values to work hard for the people of District 25. Youngberg is committed to keeping taxes low, supporting agriculture, cutting red tape, and improving public safety.

To learn more about Youngberg’s campaign, please visit For press inquiries, please email [email protected].

46 thoughts on “Youngberg announces candidacy for District 25 Senate”

      1. Youngberg raises $45k
        Youngberg gets all the endorsements
        Youngberg wins by 10%

        Because Pischke made dumb votes and tried to get his colleagues arrested.

        Next stop is DC!

  1. Not a huge Youngberg fan, but wow would he be a significant improvement for that district.

  2. I hate youngberg but he’s not pischke. I’ll be telling all of his neighbors that too, at least he’s not pischke

      1. Who’s pushing this Congress narrative? If there were a list of good prospects, I don’t know if he makes top 20.

  3. At this point, Pischke has zero credibility and is an embarrassment to his district, even amongst conservatives. If he’s smart, he’ll be looking for a way out. But he’s not smart

    1. “even amongst conservatives?”
      Conservatives believe in paying child support, not in sending the bill to the taxpayers.

    1. Is he smart enough to pull that off? I don’t think so. He and Tapio have a lot in common.

    1. Now that would be an interesting race. Hansen lives for media attention and is a strong campaigner. Unlike Pischke (and Youngberg), he also has a very conservative voting record. I don’t know why people think Youngberg is conservative, take a look at his voting record.

    1. to keep other people from jumping in. Pischke won the nomination last time because it was a four-way race

  4. I’ve heard many of my neighbors in D25 say they think Pischke might have cost Hansen his seat also because he has been so aligned with him.

    1. Hanson has been shooting himself in the foot lately with the grandstanding about “no eminent domain for private gain” nonsense. Eventually enough people will figure out their utility providers are private corporations created to be profitable.

      1. Bingo. Imagine the cost of diesel without eminent domain and pipelines owned by the oil companies? Farmers fuel prices would be up 50% if it all could come first by train, then by truck. And, don’t forget the impact on reliability of supply would require farmers to hold significantly bigger tanks to insure fuel during planting and harvest.

  5. Once Pischke has been defeated who will be there in the legislature to be the champion for deadbeat dads? Deadbeat dads want their freedom from responsibility and accountability! Freedom!

  6. There are more Tom Pischkes moving to South Dakota seeking their freedom thanks to the governor’s marketing campaign. Republicans in other states are doing their best to encourage them to seek their “Freedom” in South Dakota. Why? They are electoral liabilities.

    South Dakota will get even more politically extreme and be a dumping ground.

    1. The Governor’s marketing campaign is targeting professionals with high incomes they don’t want subjected to state income taxes.
      Deadbeat dads, who don’t pay child support, will be subject to revocation of their licenses to practice their professions (or hunt.)

      1. NASCAR sponsorship does not target “professional with high incomes.” She is going after blue collar workers because that is where the greatest need is right now.

      2. We are talking those who choose to be intellectually lazy, morons, love conspiracy theories are super spreaders of rumors and misinformation, want a seat on the board of local party units or be delegates but never do any work especially during campaign season, parades or county fairs. These are voter repellants. Libertarians, Constitutional Party and other political fringe.

        They are moving in droves to South Dakota. The practical and sensible Republicans in those states are not only encouraging these Tom Pischke types to move they are helping them pack up and cheering them off.

    2. What a snob you are!!! People moving here are coming for jobs (blue and white collar), higher disposable income to improve the lives of their families/children, and lower crime (again for the safety of their children.

      The dripping snobbery of your comment is palpable.

      1. What else can you expect from a dolt who is most at home in the septic tank called the Dakota Free Press?

    3. So pischke benefits from Noem’s leadership by supporting Haugaard for Governor? I don’t think so.

  7. Whether blue collar or white collar, South Dakota is seeing an uptick in sovereign citizens. To a person, they allege that Governor Noem contracted with them in such a way as to make their personal freedoms inviolable and not subject to the laws the rest of us have to follow. To that end, ‘thank you Governor Noem!’

    1. “To a person” Really? You’ve talked to them? All of them? Slur much?

      You are nuttier than anyone to whom you think you are referring. I know people who have hired people who have responded to those ads and they characterize them as just good people.

      What a snob you are. Actually, you are a bigot.

      1. Why would you say that?

        AI generated ~ fully curated, edited by dazed & confused P. Aitch or PH-V

  8. A couple bold predictions here tonight.

    Pischke loses in 2024

    Dusty Johnson loses in 2024 because SD is so pro Trump

    Schoenbeck, Mortenson and Crabtree run up the score on legislative races for moderates by recruiting good candidates.

    Trump is president and Noem is elevated to his cabinet. Rhoden becomes governor for next 10 years.

    Wiik wins every race in SD but Haugaard takes over SD GOP and no one cares.

    Aylward continues to trash Republicans as freedom caucus chair. His caucus is smaller than the Democrat caucus but media gives him megaphone. He ends his tenure with 0 bills passed. Smugly feels satisfied at his ineffectiveness and flips to senate to become a career politician while still virtue signaling.

    Julie Frye Muehler wins because at least she didn’t take any money from the state.

    1. Last prediction. In 2024 everyone finally gets along! And it all started because Jordan Youngberg ran for Senate.

    2. All of this is pretty believable, except Dusty losing. Won’t happen. He is too hard of a worker, and he and his team learned their lesson last time not to rest on their laurels. Most surprise primary defeats (see: Eric Cantor and Joe Crowley) happen when people are caught flat footed. That won’t happen to Dusty.

  9. re: above predictions – dusty is on track to be a future gov of sd, ‘when’ depends on whether rounds wants it back or not in 2026. noem’s best future employment path is swapping jobs with rounds and running for senate. re: frye-mueller, i’d love tim goodwin getting in again and really working it to the max this time – an effort that someone would have to gerrymander dist30 into an upside down “f” or something to thwart.
    my only prediction about trump is that he will be out of politics by the start of the 2024 primaries, or the gop itself will be out of politics by that time, as displaced leadership tries to keep their efforts afloat in some deconstructed form. it’s not a pretty future, but at no time will we turn into wyoming. not happening.

    1. what happens between now and 2028 will decide whether thune has a window to parlay his high profile into more upward progress toward the white house. if trump never goes away, loses in 2024 but keeps his broken carnival rolling from town to town, it wouldn’t be good for the gop or thune.

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