Liberal group adding mandatory voter registration ballot measure to their possible ballot measures this year.

The group which had submitted a plethora of ballot measures to the Legislative Research Council in recent weeks has added another measure to their plate – mandatory voter registration upon turning 18:

2020 IM Voter Registration LRCComments by Pat Powers on Scribd

The act demands that all branches of the government check voter registration when they interact with someone, and if they are not registered to vote, they submit their names for registration. And, all schools are to submit the names of students upon their turning 18.

Coming from the hard liberal group that wants to create its own political party, is it just me, or does this seem a bit ‘draconian?”

Where’s the freedom in this measure for people to choose NOT to register to vote, if they so choose?  It’s not that far of a stretch from mandatory registration to the type of compulsory voting they had in the Soviet Union of old.

Would I like to see a higher voter registration and participation? Sure. Do I think we need compulsory laws mandating registration or voting?

Well, this was still the land of the free, last time I checked.

12 thoughts on “Liberal group adding mandatory voter registration ballot measure to their possible ballot measures this year.”

  1. Yep we need more people on the voting roles who don’t care enough to register …NOT

    1. The next thing you are going to tell me they are going to force us to buy health insurance …oh wait

  2. Required voter registration? I’m okay with it as long as it’s tied to required military registration.

  3. The promoters of this would never in a million years do this if they thought this would bring in more conservative voters. So they want mandatory registration, for illegals too of course. No way! If this thing ever gets in the ballot, vote NO!!!

  4. This is such a dumb splitting of hairs in the name of “FrEeDom!!!!”

    Make registering to vote as easy as possible and allow as many people as possible to CHOOSE whether or not they want to vote. There is where your precious so called freedom comes into play.

  5. On reading this a little slowly, it is truly scary. Big brother watching you and reporting you to the government; this mandates all government offices to report you if you aren’t registered to vote, all schools to report a person when they turn 18. If a person wants to vote, he or she will register. If they don’t have the personal responsibility to register, they probably don’t have enough responsibility’s to vote. This is a terrible proposal and not in keeping with American freedoms.

  6. This is a good start! They are our future leaders and have to start out early with man made global warming getting worse in their lifetimes. Change is coming.

  7. The last line of the proposal says a person may opt out of the registration, so it isn’t mandatory. However, this is still a terrible idea. It means every time you fill out a form with your address on it for a state or county government office, that office has to look up your voter registration status and determine if you are eligible to register. That means they have to collect more information (such as citizenship status or DOB or SSN) than may be necessary to process whatever it is you filled out the form for. And that means every government office will be checking what political party you are in. That is highly intrusive and unnecessary.

  8. If it passes it will waste the AG’s time to defend it in the inevitable court challenge. The court will strike it down and then it will show up as a case the AG “lost.” Or, the legislature will have to vote to immediately repeal it, and the event will be reported as the legislature “overturning the will of the people.” Which seems to be the whole point of it.
    The same people will be thinking up a few more of these before they are done. Maybe everybody in the state should be required to own a dog, a gun, a motorcycle and several cats. They could also require the wearing of cowboy boots and hats, think of the possibilities.

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