Minnehaha County GOP claps back at Tornow coup attempt, says it violates bylaws

You go girl. Hot off the press this evening, Maggie Sutton, chair of the Minnehaha County Republican party is stepping up and clapping back at former legislator R. Shawn Tornow’s attempt at overthrowing GOP leadership.

Chairwoman Maggie notes Tornow is refusing to provide his alleged list of “20-percenters” and points out his effort will not be legal under party bylaws anyway:

From: Margaret Sutton
Date: December 27, 2022 at 10:32:09 PM CST

Dear Minnehaha Central Committee Members:

Many of you recently received a notice of a Central Committee meeting to be held on December 29th.  This notice did not come from the leadership of the Minnehaha Republican Party and was not a proper notice.

Issue one is that while they claim to have the signatures of 20% of the required members, Tornow Law Office has refused to provide a list to verify they met the 20% requirement.

Issue two, we have verified that a significant number of members were not notified of the meeting or did not receive the required five day notice.  Again, Tornow Law Office refused to cooperate and refused to provide the list used for notification.

Because of these deficiencies in the process, and our inability to verify the accuracy of the claims, the officers have been advised by council not to attend this meeting. The bylaws require that a quorum must include at least two officers.  Not having the required officers present will result in the lack of a quorum and thus this will not be a recognized meeting and any actions taken will be void.

While we agree that the bylaws do require holding two meetings a year, there is no penalty for failure to do so.  A good faith effort was made to hold the second meeting on December 15th.  Unfortunately, with no travel recommended for all of Minnehaha County the board made the prudent decision to cancel that meeting.

Due to Christmas, New Years, Inauguration, and the start of the legislative session all falling in the immediate future, a decision was made to hold elections later in January.  This will still meet the requirement given in the bylaws.

Therefore, the officers of the Minnehaha Republican Party have unanimously decided to only attend the meeting planned for January 27th or 28th.  A separate invitation will be sent in the next few days.

The Executive Board of the Minnehaha Republican Party
Maggie Sutton, Chair

SD GOP Bylaws for County Central Committees:

Section III – South Dakota Republican Party (sdgop.com)

Not being able to lay your cards on the table when it’s time to show what you’re holding might just be a problem when you’re playing poker.

See you at the end of January.

7 thoughts on “Minnehaha County GOP claps back at Tornow coup attempt, says it violates bylaws”

    1. You know I like Maggie and hope she stays in leadership but she could have gotten that county organized instead of letting an insurrection take over. Everyone saw it happening.

    1. I notice how you ignored the claims of dishonesty instead to ramble as usual. You are completely comfortable with people lying so long as you benefit.

    2. i am getting sick to death of cowards who are so hungry for validation and blood that they’re willing to engage in 5th column sedition inside their own coalition rather than use that energy in a real effort to provide better government.

  1. Excellent slap back Chair Sutton. This is happening in almost every county in South Dakota. It’s a total disgrace.

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