Release: Tapio on Chinese Tariffs: Trump Fighting Back in Decades-old Chinese Trade War

Tapio on Chinese Tariffs: Trump Fighting Back in Decades-old Chinese Trade War

(Wednesday, April 5, 2018) State Senator and GOP Congressional candidate Neal Tapio today issued strong support for President Trump in the escalating tariff and intellectual property trade skirmish with the Chinese and urged agriculture organizations to direct their energy toward helping President Trump fight back against unfair trade practices China has employed for decades.

“President Trump is right, this isn’t a war. We’ve already lost the trade war with China,” Tapio said.  “The President is addressing trade imbalances that simply can not be kicked down the road any longer.

Annual trade deficits with China are not sustainable, but when combined with currency manipulation and the theft of intellectual property, the current trading relationship with China must change.” Tapio said.

Trump tweeted Wednesday blaming decades of terrible decisions by quote: “foolish or incompetent people,” for surrendering American trade supremacy and allowing China to decimate the United States manufacturing base through years of outright theft of American designs for products ranging from jetliners to microchips. On Tuesday, Trump announced tariffs on 128 Chinese exports to the American marketplace, touching off fears that retaliatory tariffs on American agricultural products like soybeans would threaten to destabilize the ag sector of the U.S. economy.

“Now China is pitting President Trump against the American farmer,” Tapio said. “This tactic from a stale Communist playbook will no longer work. Patriotic American farmers understand that America needs a fighter like President Trump to right the ship. The future of America depends on tougher trade negotiations with China,” Tapio said.

Tapio urged farm organizations to publicly acknowledge the devastating trade imbalances, currency manipulations and intellectual property theft in any public comments surrounding trade negotiations. He further urged these organizations to condemn China for unfair trade practices and to talk tough against communist China’s attempt to divide the American farmer from President Trump. Tapio reassured them President Trump’s polices will benefit the American farmer by having a secure and prosperous America and that Trump has their back in these complex negotiations.

“China’s retaliations of soybean exports are part of a larger negotiation which is necessary to defeating the Chinese economic warfare of tough negotiations, currency manipulation and intellectual property theft that has created a $500 billion trade imbalance and has left us vulnerable to an aggressive Chinese imperialism in the Asian Pacific,” Tapio said. “These problems are compounded by China’s ability to blackmail the US economy by threatening to stop buying US Treasuries.

“The American people understand the complicated dilemma facing America. We  run massive trade deficits and huge annual federal budget deficits which are then piled on to massive piles of federal debt, yet we continually grow social welfare and entitlement programs while fighting a costly and endless war on Islamic terrorism. These terrible policies leave America vulnerable to blackmail. President Trump is willing to face these problems head on.”

While it isn’t easy, President Trump deserves our respect and support.” Tapio said.


45 thoughts on “Release: Tapio on Chinese Tariffs: Trump Fighting Back in Decades-old Chinese Trade War”

  1. Yeah those AG producers and the far reaching households that are effected sure are excited about this Trade War that can be won!

      1. Uh huh. And what about the long term damage to the WTO? Declaring these tariffs a NATSEC issue bypasses the WTO and undermines any future hope of negotiations ending a trade war.

        1. I hear a drain swirling and see a few political figures going down it come election time.

      2. Hmmm! Back in 1929 it took years to recover from that trade war. Hmmm! What was that act called? What happened to the two Senators that sponsored it and probably those that went along with it in DC?

    1. Tapio has declared before that he will blindly support Trump, even when that is against South Dakota interests. Trump’s allies at US Steel and Alcoa and possibly West Virginia coal will benefit, while the rest of us suffer the consequences. Tapio only cares about supporting Trump and hating Muslims. That is his entire platform. It means he could only be a one-term congressman. What would he do after 2020 without Trump to tell him what to do?

  2. those pork producers are really excited for Tapio’s support for them losing all that money.

  3. This is a winning issue for Krebs. She’s the person who is the most loved by Ag. I’d differ with Trump on this one.

    Tapio is irrelevant.

    1. Tapio will be reduced to being an old rerun joining that 3rd rate used car salesman guy from St. Cloud doing the hate tour after the primary.

  4. China has been stealing our trade secrets and conducting unfair trade practices against us for decades. I for one am glad that a president is finally doing something about it.

  5. Fun to watch wimps and fatalistic rubes justify decades of treasonous betrayal by suggesting that the best way to survive a rape is to lay back and not put up too big a fuss. Trump and Tapio are fighters eyeing long term recovery. Krebs and Dusty will get eaten alive in DC by people tougher and smarter and more sophisticated than they are. In other words, everyone else in the room.

    1. your fantasies about “what a lightweight dusty is” are so laughable. he is the only candidate to not only enter the crucible of opposing powerful congress members but putting that opposition right in their face at the point that the most pressure to go along was applied to him. dusty is the man. you are all dreamers.

  6. I suspect Trump is playing us for the fool. If he imposes the tariffs and China retaliates he will lose a big part of his so-called base. He can’t afford to have that happen. The ag community will vote their pocket books over any political party or candidate. Those of you that lived through the ag crises of the late 70’s and early 80’s know what I am talking about.

    1. Yeah! I will never forget the AG crises of the 70s and 80s. Everyone felt it and it was very hard watching those hurt the most by it being friends, customers and family members.

  7. PP, These trade actions are counterproductive, bad economic policies. Tapio is essentially eroding his own credibility by supporting them.

    1. The ideas of a billionaire President with international business concerns and investments are inferior to my own which can be found posted below a blog entry that few people read and fewer take seriously.


  8. Kristi needs to show she actually has some influence on this issue. Right now she doesn’t look like she hardly any and isn’t ag supposed to be why she should be governor?

  9. When was the last time anyone actually saw Tapio at an event?

    Does he just send out press releases? He might want to start getting some photos out so people actually know he exists.

    He’s never in the news on TV or print. The only place he exists is on this blog.

  10. Nice to see Tapio expanding his issue base from just immigration and Islam..

    I would like to hear what the other 2 candidates think about the President’s actions.

  11. Why did most of you Republicans vote for Trump? He told you he was going to do this, but now you complain about a trade war?….. Really?

    I realize that for many Republicans, Trump was the lesser of two evils, but elections have consequences and, well, here you go…..

    1. To be fair, Trump also said he was going to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. Then he said he’d build a wall and have Mexico eventually pay for it. Then he said he’d build a wall and we would pay for it. Then he said that he’d build a wall and the military would pay for it. Now he says that the military IS the wall… so you can see how most folks might not take him at his word.

      1. 4 bankruptcy millionaire with a history of stiffing people. Works off his instinct. Growing US deficit and you know deploying the National Guard is going to be very expensive. Recession looming prior to 2020? Oh Boy!

        1. What? A guy who couldn’t make a casino profitable isn’t a wise businessman or economist?……. 😉

      2. Oh, he definitely fails at many of his promises, but from day one he claimed he was going to do this, yet, 62% of South Dakota voters voted for him and now they act shocked….

        The difference between a wall and tariffs is that Trump, the wannabe autocrat, can do tariffs without Congress…..

        1. They didn’t vote FOR him as much as they voted AGAINST her. They’d vote for literal Hitler just to laugh at librul tears.

          1. Why are any of you upset at tariffs and not more upset at the way china has been stealing trade secrets over the years and putting U.S. business out of business??
            Someone has to finally put China in check, these tariffs are long-term good for America.

            1. Well, rather than start a trade war, why not actually listen to our intelligence services and do something about the fact that foreign actors are meddling in our affairs?

              1. Wait till chief of staff John Kelly resigns or is fired. With only Mattis remaining things will just get worse. Maybe bring that Gorka guy back and just put more fuel on the dumpster fire.

  12. When are these big races going to heat up? Other than press releases and web videos and personal appearances, nothing seems to be happening. I’m sure the candidates would disagree — but the reality is unless I come out to this blog, go to a Lincoln Day dinner or one of their campaign events, or go look for their videos, I don’t see or hear much from the campaigns. Especially the House campaigns, but even the Governor campaigns to some degree. They pump out a bunch of press releases but the mainstream media runs a small fraction of what they send out. So do we start seeing more aggressive campaigns and more aggressive advertising? Or only if the candidates feel they are behind?

    1. Bjorkman has been all over the state and was just in Mitchell again speaking and meeting with people. He has been hard at it.

        1. Who knows what the election results will be but the guy has been working super hard and is focused. A high quality person regardless of party..

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