Rep-Elect Taylor Rehfeldt gets her first COVID-19 Vaccination live

Republican Representative-elect Taylor Rehfeldt was live on facebook today at Sanford Medical receiving her first COVID-19 vaccination, and broadcast it to show that it’s no big deal, and perfectly safe when the vaccinations become available to the general public.

(In case you’re wondering, Taylor is a Nurse Anesthetist, so she’s on the front-line of health care in South Dakota). From Facebook:

28 thoughts on “Rep-Elect Taylor Rehfeldt gets her first COVID-19 Vaccination live”

  1. Bring on those vaccinations!

    Some of you keep bragging about South Dakota’s low death rate from Covid. Last Spring, the northeast states were hit hard with a virus they didn’t know anything about. They had horrific numbers.

    But, even taking that into consideration, our numbers are still bad.

    We have 1 out of 371 residents in the US. Multiply 371 by our deaths (1,301) and you get 482,000. If the rest of the country had as many deaths as we’ve had, there would be 174,000 more fatalities than the country currently has.

    1. Why are you still in South Dakota? Everything is sooooo bad here, according to you. I don’t know that you’d be missed.

        1. Oh I don’t know….maybe because you bitch and moan about SD all the time. Maybe Portland or LA is more your to your liking so why not move to one of those places……oh wait, you would actually have to live under the suppressive laws and other BS that you support while living here….you know put up or shut up.

          1. You’re just trying to reframe my criticism of Noem’s policies on Covid…as me hating SD. That’s kind of lame.

  2. Elk; please just go away and stop puking all over the positive things we have going for us here in South Dakota.

    Representative Rehfeldt thank you for showing us all how easy it is to be a part of herd immunity stopping this China Virus in its ugly track.

    Bravery is where it’s at today…..

    1. Oh Charlie. I always have fun when I’m scrapping with you. You might hurt my feelings if you keep it up.

      “a puke spitter on all things good”. That’s a new one. I hope someday that I can be as positive as you.

  3. Elk, it doesn’t matter how many people catch it, it’s what happens to them after they get it.

    The state DOH is now separating out those deaths which were determined to be caused by Covid-19 and the tally is 1159, but even that is suspicious.
    632 of them were already in Long-Term-Care which means they were already disabled by other conditions. Most people in LTC have DNR orders and the Catholics all receive last rites on admission to those facilities (yes really.) A retrospective study out of New Jersey has shown that a covid patient’s code status is the greatest predictor of death.

    1036 of those who died were over the age of 70. Another 165 were between 60-69, so let’s just guess at least 84 of that group were over 65. Putting the number of those who died who were on Medicare at 1120. This is significant because the CARES Act pays extra for Medicare recipients with Covid, even if that’s not the only thing wrong with them.

    Another game being played nationally with the numbers involves higher numbers of deaths in young people this year between March and July. They are being counted as Covid no matter what the causes were, drug overdoses, suicides, violence, it’s all Covid-related, and has nothing at all to do with school closures, job losses, or social isolation. Nobody is going to admit that the measures taken to stop the spread made things worse for that demographic group.

    1. I think the liberals would say that someone who died in a car crash who had Covid should be put on the Covid tally. That’s just the way they operate.

  4. “The state DOH is now separating out those deaths which were determined to be caused by Covid-19”

    Old age. That will be the cause of death for about 70% of them, I suppose. Call me very suspicious. State government should be careful about interfering in cause of death.

    “It impacts only old folks.” You know how many times I have heard that? Well, I believe that other people have the same right to life as you or me. Even older folks. People need to stop minimizing their value.

    1. Elk…

      I’m chronologically an “old folk” and the fact that viruses prefer to harvest from my demographic, and that sane people like Anonymous at 7:47 point that out, doesn’t minimize my value or right to life one bit. How would you do better than the LTC staff and physicians and politicians to add even one day of life to those who died with Covid-19?

      1. “Almost all those deaths are frail people over 80, which viruses harvest every year.” Cliff Hadley

        Maybe it’s the way you talk, Cliff. You are justifying the deaths of your own demographic to assist this governor.

        They are sick and dying needlessly. It’s Noem’s policies that are doing this. And just before a vaccine arrives.

        1. Again, what would you do differently, both medically and politically, to add one extra day of life for those who die with the virus?

          My answer would be this: There’s nothing any of us can do to help even one person with the virus live one more day. Nothing. Nature doesn’t care about us.

          1. Cliff, I went round and round with Elk trying to get him to commit what he’d have done different. In the end, if people wouldn’t wear masks, he’d mandate it.

            All he is is a person who complains but never is part of the solution.

            1. I am doing my best to be honest. I challenge you when I feel that you are misinforming the public about this virus. I support the CDC guidelines on how to minimize spread of the virus. I believe the governor’s “doing everything wrong” approach is just plain bizarre, and have said so.

              That is being “part of the solution”.

              This is a serious pandemic. Some of you seem more interested in bolstering a political party than preventing illness.

              1. The experts have lied, not been transparent, been cowardly, and used shame and coercion to manipulate behavior. Further they have acted as if covid is the only public health consideration. My views have nothing to do with party. Am just calling bullshit and consider it insane to follow them without asking questions.

              2. Additionally, notice how they put them first in line for a vaccine even though a the average person over 80 is 160 times more likely to die than a health care worker. Yes 160 times.

              3. If you were “honest”, Karen, you would recognize that mask mandates and shutting down of businesses has little to do with taking care of the China flu. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, New York, California and many other states are experiencing increases in China flu cases in spite of draconian tyrannical measures inflicting pain on the people and businesses that will kill both. Perhaps Karen has missed it, but cases are coming down in South Dakota. Could it have anything to do with natural occurrences? If she were honest, she would recognize that the VAST majority of the people who wind up with this virus survive it, even the people in the upper age groups. The people who are dying of this are in the final stages of life and would have died of something anyway. When we lose a loved one, no matter the cause, it is a time of sadness and reflection, but to imply they would all be alive today is less than honest.

  5. Personally I like “Elk”’s first person response to us as if we know whomever he/she is and he/she has somehow developed a relationship with us. Crafty but so intuitive into a warped mind thinking everyone will come around if we just keep responding.

    Elk whomever you are; and I could not care less, you are nothing but a puker on all things Right and Good.

    I like brave, outstanding people and Representative Rehfeldt gets my full on accolades for her bravery in this vaccination season.

    Besides that I am getting mine as soon as I can and the good Rep. Rehfeldt will be my go to person on all health related issues in the SD Legislature.

  6. How do whoever are in on charge decide how many doses go where? Sioux Falls got a higher percentage than Rapid City, even counting for population. Rspid City was the only West River area getting any. Watertown got the same basically as Rapid. I am undecided about getting the vaccine anyway yet, but this concern was raised by a person living in Rapid who does want the vaccine, not a first responder. Just wonder who decides and on what basis.

    1. Possible explanations:

      Sioux Falls has a significant number of health care workers, long term care facilities workers, and long term care facility residents (all of whom are on first on the list).

      Regional distribution- West River is 25% of the people in the state of which about a third are Indian who may be getting their allocation via Indian Health Services. It wouldn’t surprise me if the NE of SD is equal in population to Black Hills area minus Indians.

      After all the people who are vulnerable or care for the vulnerable have been vaccinated, I will take the vaccine.

  7. Let’s review the comments you guys have written in just this one article…

    Why are you still in South Dakota? I don’t know that you’d be missed. You bitch and moan about SD all the time. Put up or shut up. Coming from the likes of you. Please just go away. You are a puke spitter on all things good. All he is is a person who complains but never is part of the solution. If you were “honest”, Karen. Perhaps Karen has missed it, but cases are coming down in South Dakota. Elk whomever you are; and I could not care less, you are nothing but a puker on all things Right and Good.

    Oh well. I can take it. Merry Christmas!

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