100,000 absentee ballot requests queued up for fall general election

The Argus is reporting tonight there are close to 100,000 absentee voters who have requested ballots for the fall election:

Nearly 20% of South Dakota’s registered voters have already requested an absentee ballot for the November election amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

South Dakota voters can request their absentee ballots now, but county auditors won’t mail them until absentee voting begins on Sept. 18 in the state. Secretary of State Steve Barnett is encouraging residents to return their absentee ballots sooner rather than later to ensure that they reach the county auditor in time to be counted on Nov. 3.

Statewide, 97,000 absentee ballots have already been requested for the general election in November.

Read the entire story here.

100,000. That’s almost as many voters that the GOP has over state Democrats in voter registration numbers.

4 thoughts on “100,000 absentee ballot requests queued up for fall general election”

  1. As of today, there are 111,007 more R’s registered to vote than D’s. That’s gotta be a record.

    1. Its because that party is completely unhinged, unAmerican, and insane. I don’t know how anyone with any brain cells can vote D anymore. I am not saying ya gotta vote Republican but, what is appealing about them anymore. They have abandoned the American worker for Illegal Immigrants. They have fulling embraced identify politics and have no room for Christians or any room for folks who dont believe in Abortion. They are supported by Hollywood, Big Business, and the Media and cannot relate to regular folks. My grandma would be so upset to see what has happened to her party.

  2. How many of those requests are being made due to our transient residency ? The motor home electorate.

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