2018 Argus video has Neal Tapio admitting on camera he did business with Saudi government owned oil industry

** CRASH **  (That was the sound of a rock crashing through the wall of a glass house.)

In recent days, former State Senator and Congressional candidate wannabe Neal Tapio has been over on facebook trying to gin up his followers against State Republican Party Chairman Dan Lederman for working for a consulting firm with a contract with the Saudi government to work on “outreach and engagement with the public and media groups,” as I wrote about here a couple weeks back.

But very interestingly, that criticism from Tapio falls a bit flat in the context of a video from the early days of the 2018 Congressional race, where Tapio boasts of doing business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

If you recall the news story at the time, where Tapio confronted an interfaith prayer group, and “began yelling at those around him,” he did an interview with the Argus leader where at 30 seconds in he tells the reporter:

“Ironically, I do business with people in Saudi Arabia almost every day. I sell into the oil industry, so ah… as well…”

Go read the entire story here at the Argus Leader.

Neal was on camera, telling people that he sells into the Saudi oil industry – the worlds biggest oil producer – that’s owned by the Saudi Government?  So, when Lederman works for a firm that has a contract with the Saudi government, that’s bad. But when Neal Tapio does business with the Saudi government, that’s good?

Sounds like it’s going to be a long campaign for Neal. Before the campaign even starts.

(*Btw, Yes, I’m not the first one to catch Neal doing business with the Saudi Govt. But, that was before he was throwing stones in his glass house).

11 thoughts on “2018 Argus video has Neal Tapio admitting on camera he did business with Saudi government owned oil industry”

  1. Tapio is a petty, jealous, small-minded bigot that preys on people’s fear to stoke hate just to draw attention to himself. No wonder he got his a$$ handed to him in the last election.

  2. Here’s an idea, how about no one works for such a horrible govt. They represent everything the US doesn’t stand for.

  3. I’d like to hear more about what Sen. Tapio means when he says, “When you politicize faith, that’s a danger.” Methinks he doesn’t really believe that…

  4. Isn’t that what Tapioca is all about? Politicizing faith to rally people who hate anyone who doesn’t follow their religion.

  5. Saudi Arabia is such a horrible government, only Tapio is wise & pure enough to cash such checks.

    Again it is just more evidence Tapio runs in elections to serve Tapio. What was it a few weeks ago he was threatening some contractor with his governmental power and influence? No thank-you, we don’t need to empower thugs like this.

  6. Because someone needs a reminder, posting via a proxy server isn’t allowed.

    No matter how much people posting from “Norway” or “Brazil” might complain.

  7. But, wait, doesn’t Dear Leader love Saudi Arabia? Sure seems like he wants to protect their oil wells and sell ’em our military aircraft. Tapio is just following his idol’s sentiments.

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