In case you were wondering how the legislature is going to look next year, the Legislative Research Council announced the House Committee makeup a few moments ago:
Legislative Committees (** denotes Chair, * denotes Vice Chair):
Agriculture and Natural Resources: Marty Overweg**, Spencer Gosch *, Julie Auch, Tim Goodwin, Jana Hunt, Travis Ismay, Trish Ladner, Kaley Nolz, Drew Peterson, Kathy Rice, Richard Vasgaard, Kevin Van Diepen, Kadyn Wittman
Appropriations: Mike Derby**, Tony Venhuizen*, Terri Jorgenson, Chris Kassin, Liz May, Scott Moore, Erik Muckey, Al Novstrup, John Sjaarda
Commerce and Energy: Karla Lems**, Jessica Bahmuller*, Aaron Aylward, Steve Duffy, Lana Greenfield, Tony Kayser, Tina Mulally, Kaley Nolz, Drew Peterson, Tesa Schwans, William Shorma, Nicole Uhre-Balk, Mike Weisgram
Education: Lana Greenfield**, Phil Jensen*, Amber Arlint, Heather Baxter, Roger DeGroot, Josephine Garcia, Jim Halverson, Mellissa Heermann, Travis Ismay, Dylan Jordan, Logan Manhart, Kathy Rice, Tesa Schwans, Mike Stevens, Nicole Uhre-Balk
Government Operations and Audit: Marty Overweg**, Scott Moore*, Julie Auch, Eric Emery, Karla Lems
Health and Human Services: Brian Mulder**, Les Heinemann*, Bobbi Andera, Heather Baxter, Eric Emery, Josephine Garcia, Jim Halverson, Dylan Jordan, Tony Kayser, Logan Manhart, Rebecca Reimer, Taylor Rehfeldt, Brandei Schaefbauer
Judiciary: Mike Stevens**, Bethany Soye*, Mary Fitzgerald, John Hughes, Jana Hunt, David Kull, Curt Massie, Will Mortenson, Peri Pourier, Rebecca Reimer, Tim Reisch, Matt Roby, Tim Walburg
Legislative Procedure: Jon Hansen**, Karla Lems*, Erin Healy, Tina Mulally, Scott Odenbach, Marty Overweg, Tony Venhuizen
Local Government: Greg Jamison**, Julie Auch*, Bobbi Andera, Jeff Bathke, Roger DeGroot, Mary Fitzgerald, Mellissa Heermann, David Kull, Trish Ladner, Tina Mulally, Matt Roby, Kevin Van Diepen, Kadyn Wittman
Military and Veterans Affairs: Tim Goodwin**, Tim Reisch*, Aaron Aylward, Jessica Bahmuller, Heather Baxter, Terri Jorgenson, Tony Kayser, Scott Moore, Peri Pourier, Christopher Reder, Tony Randolph, William Shorma, Keri Weems
Retirement Laws: Mike Weisgram**, Les Heinemann*, Amber Arlint, David Kull, Erik Muckey
State Affairs: Scott Odenbach**, Marty Overweg*, Jessica Bahmuller, Eric Emery, Spencer Gosch, Jon Hansen, Erin Healy, Les Heinemann, Greg Jamison, Karla Lems, Tim Reisch, Brandei Schaefbauer, Bethany Soye
Taxation: Aaron Aylward**, John Hughes*, Jeff Bathke, Curt Massie, Will Mortenson, Herman Otten, Peri Pourier, Christopher Reder, Kent Roe, Tony Randolph, Tim Walburg, Keri Weems, Mike Weisgram
Transportation: Tony Randolph**, Herman Otten*, Amber Arlint, Steve Duffy, Tim Goodwin, Phil Jensen, Brian Mulder, Christopher Reder, Taylor Rehfeldt, Kent Roe, William Shorma, Richard Vasgaard, Keri Weems
Interim Committees (** denotes Chair or co-Chair):
Joint Appropriations: Mike Derby**(co-Chair), Terri Jorgenson, Chris Kassin, Liz May, Scott Moore, Erik Muckey, Al Novstrup, John Sjaarda, Tony Venhuizen
Rules Review: Roger DeGroot, Jon Hansen, Erik Muckey
State-Tribal Relations: Will Mortenson**(co-Chair), Heather Baxter, Eric Emery, Scott Odenbach, Peri Pourier
They know that the Education committee doesn’t teach reading and writing correct? Them forgetting that fact seems to be the only reason why Ismay would be on it.
Good luck getting vouchers out of the education committee. It looks like it starts out a dead heat right out of the gate.
Ismay will play a key role in the education committee.
As an example of what happens when you don’t get one?
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”
Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” which Representative-elect Ismay is well versed in.
Play dumb when you are….. maybe you are just dumb.
Well versed? Who read it to him? Get real. I’m sure he liked some of the pictures. Then he wandered off to color on the walls.
This is an idiot’s take on smart people.
Lems chair of C&E????? WTF
We are against commerce. Of all kinds
Looks like ol Jonny boy got em good.
Ismay to education committee has to be the most ludicrous thing I’ve possibly ever seen. The guy, when confronted with the fact that eliminating property taxes (one of his genius ideas) will effectively defund all public education, said he’s fine with that because everyone should be homeschooled anyway. Seriously, how insane is this session going to be?
Including eliminating property taxes.
after studying the writings of sohlzenytzen, ayn rand and others on the topic, i have wondered what the average russian middle class family experienced from 1917 on as the radicals took over and re-ordered their society. how did the onset of decay feel as it was rolled out slowly day by day, as working class anger was brandished against the bourgeoisie.