2q FEC Reports – Democrat Congressional Challenger Sheryl Johnson raises $39k against $31k of expenses. That’s $2600 a month, net.

Sheryl Johnson had her first full fundraising quarter after announcing for office on March 6th of this year.

Would it be too harsh to suggest she might not have bothered?

2q FEC Sheryl Johnson for Congress by Pat Powers on Scribd

Sheryl Johnson posted $39,389 in contributions, against $31,427.43 in expenses, allowing her to bank $7961.57, giving her a total of cash on hand of $38,578.77. Well, that’s about 1/3 – 1/2 of a statewide candidate mailing. That’s a sad war chest to build if you’re running for Congress. 

Subtract expenses from contributions, and divide her net of $8k among the three months it took her to raise that – That’s about $2653.85 a month that she’s clearing for the fall campaign. 

What is she doing? Because she should have been clearing ten times that every week just to be taken seriously.  And no, that’s not a ridiculous amount. $26k times 10 weeks is only $260k. A pittance in a Congressional race.

Sheryl seems to be running at a Sioux Falls School Board level of effort when her opponent is having a very strong showing at a statewide level.

One thought on “2q FEC Reports – Democrat Congressional Challenger Sheryl Johnson raises $39k against $31k of expenses. That’s $2600 a month, net.”

  1. Campaign does not respond to email policy inquiries. It could be one person in the entire campaign. Sad!

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