2q FEC Reports – US Senator Mike Rounds $190k raised, $134k spent, $1.6M cash on hand

Senator Mike Rounds has never had the focus on off-year fundraising that his fellow members of the Washington delegation have found necessary for preparing for the blocking and tackling of the campaign cycle. However, Rounds has been able to raise what he’s needed to get the job done.

But fast-forward to this latest FEC report, and Senator Rounds has $1.6 million in the bank two years ahead of any potential primary contest campaign. That does not sound like anyone who plans to walk away from politics anytime soon. It sounds like someone who is quietly putting the capital together to wage an election.

Rounds for Senate 2024 2q FEC by Pat Powers on Scribd

Detail on the numbers?  $190,405.65 in total reciepts, against $134,758.64 in total disbursements.

Leaving the Senator with $1,619,386.09 to build on for an election two years away, whether it’s a race to return to the US Senate, or something closer to home.

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