A little SD political comedy from Twitter.

Just caught this in my Twitter feed:

State Rep Brandi Schaefbauer is reposting some local loopy internet paranoia claiming states are going to fall like “dominions.”  How exactly does a dominion fall? As opposed to those little black things called dominoes that actually do fall.

Rep. Schaefbauer was retweeting some crazy cuckoo paranoia that all the states media are out to get the members of the hard right, including myself, repeating utterly debunkable nuttery that I think originated with Lora Hubbel as a source:

So this other author, no less kooky than Lora, claims I skewer the opponents of Republicans (deriding the GOP as the Uniparty) because I’m paid $40-60k per year by the GOP.

I always have to ask that If that’s the case where is the check?!? I’d love to not need my day job where I deal with insurance claims for things that blow up, burn down, become infested by bedbugs, and where tree branch after tree branch land on vehicles.

Unfortunately, after 18 years of writing the SDWC, no one is paying me from a mysterious pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to write funny things.

In those instances when I’m allegedly skewering the “uniparty opponents,” I have always found that some of the funniest things write themselves, such as this from ex-Noem staffer Caroline Woods.

..and no one paid me to come up with that one.

Stay tuned. (I have to go get dressed so I can deal with a tree branch claim.)

14 thoughts on “A little SD political comedy from Twitter.”

  1. I think she needs to worry about the problems going in her own district…what a nut case. Im hearing rumors coming out of D3 and if true, we can rid ourself of her and Al. That day will be glourious!

    And then we need to fix the inmates (Drew et al) running the asylum.

    1. Al gave up trying a long time ago. Brandi has caught a bad case of self-importance from some of the other House members.

    2. If that can happen I would suggest a big celebration party at the Circus Bar and Grill! One big basket of their Nuclear Wings with jalapenos and an Ale!

  2. New headline suggestion.

    “Man in Pajamas Wages War on Autocorrect”


    I had no idea I could insure tree branches.

    da da, CHING!

  3. Her name was at the top of the list of people who signed the letter to the PUC about an environmental impact study for the CO2 pipeline..
    So now they are all hugging trees, and fussin’ about “enhanced oil recovery.”

    You know, if you are standing next to Tom Pischke and Julie Frye-Mueller, you might want to reconsider your position.

  4. I appreciate Rep. Schaefbauer siding with property owners against Summit Carbon but we really need to clean house and have new representatives in our legislative districts covering Aberdeen and Brown County.

  5. So how do you feel about eminent domain used to deliver telecommunications, electricity, natural gas, oil, potable water?

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