Whoof! During the public input tonight at the City Council meeting in Aberdeen, the first person on the agenda was Bob Braun, Superintendent of the Aberdeen Water Treatment plant since 2017.. and an employee there for the last 13 years.
And in a show of fireworks, he absolutely unloaded on the Aberdeen City Council, and as far as I could tell, especially the city Manager, expressing that the water treatment “plant is ready to fail,” among other problems.
From Hub City Radio, go to 3:10 in the video, and get ready to watch the show.
During the video, about at 5:30, he explains how in November of 2020 he caught an employee faking lab work. And after reporting it, he was not allowed to take any action. And as he claims, water tests have been faked to this day.
He also went through a litany of employee issues that he was not allowed to take any action on, as well as delays that increased costs for taxpayers, because they were held for no discernible reason. He also explained how he was denied the ability to get surgery by his employer.
It culminated in his giving his notice to the city as a man fed up with his work situation.
It will be interesting to see what kind of ripples this sets off with the city residents, and whether anyone digs into it further.
Water tests have been faked since 2017? I wonder if Aberdeen will see a run on bottled water.
I’d like to formally coin the phrase “shit show joe”
Joe Gaa thinks he is the god of Aberdeen – and I certainly don’t remember him being elected?!
But the good “conservative” Mayor is the one who “hand picked” him…wonder if he’s regretting that decision?
Then again realistically all Gaa and Schaunaman have done is expand local government at a gargantuan rate, with no signs of slowing down…City marketing department…looking to add a dept City manager…yet what of note have they actually gotten done for the city?
Wake up Aberdeen – you’re getting screwed!
That’s why they just drink beer.
They probably needed the dirty water to build imunity from covid. That and beer.
Isn’t the mayor part owner in the only beer brewery in town? Maybe its all a ploy to get people to drink his beer?
You know who is on this council who is the sort of fellow who takes things into his hands and demands answers and action? A fellow with a respected record of powerful decision making and delivering results? It’s a fellow we don’t get to talk much about anymore. No, it’s not Mr. Novstrup, the elder, it’s Mr. Novstrup, the younger.
There are a number of Libertarians on the council including the Mayor. Another politically fringe driven conspiracy to build up natural immunity?
Skimping on public health and the treatment of public water systems has not had good outcomes throughout history.
Should be a good new story.
The City Manager form of government is inherently wrong in any class 1 municipality. Start by reading Title 9, chapter 10 of SDCL. Essentially a city commission under this authority is, in my humble opinion, only ceremonial in nature. They act only on recommendations of how to vote by the city manager.
The elected governing body, is by SDCL required to work through the city manager, not to do so is a misdemeanor and that commissioner can be removed from office. Only the 1.) city attorney; 2.) the Library board of trustees; and 3.) the auditor/treasurer are appointed by the commission,but by recommendation from the city manager of course. All other officer appointments are made by the city manager.
As a voter, rather than go through an elected official, I have to vent through the city manager, who was not elected, but rather was hired, and does not represent me, but rather only themself.
With the salary, benefits and other perks that a city manager receives (most in excess of $125,00) I am convinced that any class 1 municipality in this state can find highly qualified and motivated individuals within their community to run for mayor. An elected strong mayor form of government is a representative form of government. If that individual does not do their job effectively they can be replaced in the next election cycle. City Managers are nothing more than “hired guns” busy building a resume. Have you ever seen a city manager retire in the community that they governed? City managers choose the information they want the elected commission to view, or at the very least put it into words of their own perspective.
If the city manager form of government is good for the people locally, I would suggest to you that a constitutional amendment change should be offered that would allow the state legislature to hire a state manager, rather than elect a governor. It makes complete sense!
I say Hoo Raay to Mr. Baun for having the courage to step forward and voice his concerns to the city commission, after all he was employed by the city and could only vent his concerns to the city manager,(who may or may not have been listening) rather than the elected body of city commissioners who have ceremonial authority only, in the city manager form of government. The point is this; was the city commission aware of Mr. Baun’s concerns, or were those concerns withheld by the city manager. You be the judge, you ask the questions, and don’t forget to dig deep. Makes a good case of an elected form of government verses a hired form of governance.
oh boy could i tell you some stories about that water plant. All I will say is, that place has been mismanaged for probably 20+ years and it could fail at any moment. They should be looking at a million dollar or more upgrade to their control system that should have been done decades ago.