After complaining that her suspension was silencing the voices of 25,000 people, Sen. Frye-Mueller absent from Senate today.

Where is Senator Julie Frye Mueller in this photo of the Senate Floor today? Answer: she’s not, and was marked ABSENT from the legislature. 

If you recall, Senator Mueller is recently off of her suspension from the South Dakota State Senate where during her suspension, she had a lot to say about what happens when a legislator is absent from that body:

“I am thankful to rightfully return to the South Dakota Senate to represent the citizens of District 30.  The action of this body in suspending the Rules of the Senate to immediately suspend a member WITHOUT DUE PROCESS on an accusation alone without evidence is simply unjust.  The consequence of these actions were to silence the voices of over 25,000 people.

Read her words here.

Yet now that her suspension has been lifted, where is Julie? After complaining that her suspension would silence the voices of 25,000, Sen. Frye-Mueller skipped the legislative session today, and was absent for all proceedings on the Senate floor.

Senator Julie Frye Mueller decided to skip session, silencing the voices of 25,000 people in District 30, and leaving them unrepresented?

Someone should investigate that.


Hearing that Frye-Mueller also had a bill up in committee that she skipped as well. She really decided that she didn’t want to do her job today.

12 thoughts on “After complaining that her suspension was silencing the voices of 25,000 people, Sen. Frye-Mueller absent from Senate today.”

  1. She also missed testifying on behalf of her own bill in Senate Taxation. The Chair said she was nowhere to be found. Quite frankly, as a Disteict 30 voter I’m kind of glad she’s not there – she can’t embarrass us nor can she spout delusional rhetoric and conspiracy theories if she’s missing. It’s way past time for her to go.

  2. Perhaps she’s decided to become a Certified Lactation Consultant and classes just started?

    1. Love it! We should get pins made and distribute to all legislators to wear on their lapel during session! That would be a hoot!

    1. That, unfortunately, will not happen. She is so delusional that she truly believes that she has been ordained by District 30 voters. Lastly, her husband would never allow her to resign. She basically is a front for him and his ultra far right insanity. I do like the idea of her becoming a lactation consultant! Her husband can be her assistant!

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