Alex Jensen Raises More Than $64,000 for City Council Campaign

Alex Jensen Raises More Than $64,000 for City Council Campaign

(Sioux Falls, SD) Sioux Falls City Council candidate Alex Jensen will end the year exceeding his fundraising goal, receiving contributions from more than 165 individuals and families.

Jensen reported raising $64,484 for his election campaign after formally kicking off his campaign on November 19th. Nearly 67 percent of his donors contributed $250 or less.

“I am thrilled and humbled by the broad support my campaign has received so far,” said Jensen. “I believe that my message of collaborative government, fiscal responsibility and improving quality of life in Sioux Falls is resonating with voters. My campaign has received contributions from business owners, college students, doctors, realtors, retail workers, retirees, teachers and people from all walks of life.”

Jensen plans on an aggressive campaign schedule beginning in early January and leading up to the election on April 14th. He will be visiting with voters door-to-door, making phone calls, attending public events and meeting with city and community leaders. “I am going to work hard and make sure that every voter in the city hears my “positive and proven” message,” Jensen added.

As a life-long Sioux falls resident, Alex Jensen believes in working together to create opportunity. He brings years of experience in business development and growth. He has a working knowledge of good government, having served in the South Dakota State Legislature with a track record of public accountability and balanced budgets.

As a city councilor, Alex will work to keep taxes low, while understanding the critical need to invest in the future. A husband and a father, he supports strong public safety to protect our city’s families. Alex’s top priority as city councilor is improving the quality of life for all Sioux Falls citizens.

Interested voters can learn more about Alex Jensen at

28 thoughts on “Alex Jensen Raises More Than $64,000 for City Council Campaign”

        1. That’s just not true. If you disagree with her she uses a scorched earth policy. She’s unreasonable and unprofessional.

        2. Did you move to Sioux Falls and become an expert in local politics Tara?

          How did you do in your own race in Mitchell? How does your mentor Hubble do in her elections? Neither of you understand the people you claim to or the people you try and represent.

          I rarely say this to anyone- but stop posting and read more. It might help should you have any other future aspirations.

        1. Clearly all the people who donated to his campaign? Sooo quite a few people by the figures outlined above. I’d be surprised if Stehly has even raised $10,000. It’s time for a level headed approach and Stehly is the antithesis of that.

          1. I hope she doesn’t raise that kind of money for a $17,000 dollar job. Votes are more valuable than money. You don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get your message out to your local community. The working class will decide the election.

            1. You definitely won’t have to worry about her ever raising that kind of money. It’s not about the pay of the job, it’s about the difference that can be made by having a competent councilman. People understand that Alex Jensen is that person and Stehly is, and I repeat, the antithesis of that. You’re right, votes are more valuable than money but that’s on election night. Right now people can show support by giving money, so that’s what they’ll do.

  1. Doesn’t he have until the end of the year to fundraise?

    It is not too late to give to him and other statewide and local candidates.

    1. People can continue to give to Alex’s campaign through election day (April 14th).

      Any donations between now and the end of the year will show up on our January 6th campaign filing. In fact, a couple more donations came in this morning since we sent out the press release.

        1. I already contributed. I appreciate your interest though! I support candidates who express an interest in moving S.D. and Sioux Falls forward, not getting stuck in petty politics.

  2. Sounds like a lot of money to raise for a city council race, but it works out to less than $1 per registered Sioux Falls voter. One postcard mailing and yard signs will eat that up and more besides. Maybe two postcards and some additional yard signs if you mail to households and target frequent voters.

    1. If I’m Stehly and I’m committed to advancing conservative policy, I’m skipping the city council race.

      There’s an open house seat in D14. There might be two if Rep. Healy runs for SD Senate.

      I doubt any house candidate in D14 will raise > $60,000.

      Instead of duke it out with Alex, who’ll outspend her 3-1, why not pivot to state legislature?

      Fewer registered voters means Stehly can reach them with a modest campaign budget.

      1. Very few bother to show up for the city elections. If Stehly decides to run, she wins handily. The city doesn’t need someone else entrenched in partisan politics for a non-partisan office.

  3. The large amount raised is evidence that the monied special interest are behind this candidate.

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