5 thoughts on “And just think.. she could have been our US Senator instead.”

  1. She was the canary in the coal mine foretelling S.D. Republicans a wave of grifters were coming to loot all they can in the name of true conservatives .

    If only we’d paid more attention then.

    1. I miss her, she was so fun. Remember when she spray painted up a room full of graffiti, and then tried to blame the world was against her because she was female??

      Good times.

    1. Wow. I listened to it. All I can say is wow! And I mean that in the who-bought-all-the-tin-foil kind of way

  2. I was going to listen to it, but 90 minutes is a bit extreme. I would assume this drive for butter is to avoid seed oils. If that is the case, it is more than just her noting that seed oils are bad. Much of Europe has banned seed oil, and the only reason we add it to everything is due to lobbying from the ag companies. It is like eating corn syrup because we must subsidize it to avoid Cuban sugar, and keep those rich people rich.

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