And the stragglers are coming in to fill out the ticket. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

There’s a few more candidates who have come in late, changing the landscape of the races somewhat, including giving the GOP the opportunity to fill an amazing 105 seats – all of them – in historic numbers in an amazing show of strength for the party.

Who do we have filling out the last entrants into the legislative races? It’s kind of like the old Clint Eastwood movie. The good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good:

Laska Schoenfelder nephew and namesake of the Lyon political family, County Commissioner Ralph Lyon threw his name into the ring to fill out the final seat Republicans needed for a full set of 105 this year in 28A.

Box Elder Mayor Larry Larson has also thrown his name in the ring for District 35 House, improving chances that one, if not both, of awful legislators Tina Mulally and Tony Randolph will be sent down the highway.

The Bad:

The other half of the twin curbstops of conservatism, Jodie Frye, is again joining her sister Julie Frye (D30 Senate), on the ballot (in District 34), running for the House where Jess Olson and Mike Derby will handily defeat her again.

And of course, The Ugly:

After his defeat in the last District 31 Senate Primary election, former Legislator and cop-fighter John Teupel is climbing back on the horse for another run.  (Yes, I’ll be revisiting the 2020 post I did on this race between now and the primary, and I also have a hilarious update.)

Stay tuned…

11 thoughts on “And the stragglers are coming in to fill out the ticket. The good, the bad, and the ugly.”

    1. Doesn’t mean anything if they DON’T DO anything that goes along with the party’s platform for the benefit of our state.

    2. Oh wouldn’t that be a hoot!! The screaming and crying and gnashing of teeth from the DFP out of state run mud-slinging blog would be a site to behold…..LOL!

        1. DFP is a website run by a left-wing lune by the name of Cory Heidelberger. It stands for Dakota Free Press (which is laughable when you become familiar with how he operates it and the fact he now lives in Lincoln, Neb) or it more aptly stand for Dumb F###ing People which is very accurate for describing the crowd that regularly posts over there.

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