10 thoughts on “Announcement from Attorney General on Charles Rhines”

  1. Before i get to the question, i think it is fair to disclose that I am a lifelong Republican and a pro-life Catholic, who also happens to work in law enforcement. I have seen bad people…I know there are bad people. I have been through the Jamison Annex. I have been to the holding cells that Rhines took his last meal within. I have walked the hallway, passed through the doors, and viewed the window from the same angle and position as tonight’s former inmate. Yet I ask, how do we do it? How do we justify it? How do we reconcile praying for life, standing with the Bishop in saying a rosary for the unborn, and then sanction death? Rhines was evil….i get that, but why not life instead?

    1. 100%.

      Not to mention the fact that our justice system, while very, very reliable, is not perfect. Innocent people *have* been put to death through capital punishment. I don’t want that blood on my hands.

      1. Well Mr. 100% thankfully you’re not in charge of our state because He will never kill anybody again unlike others who have been given life sentences let’s talk about Burgett and how they killed a guard and then they got the death penalty

    2. I reconcile it real easy and innocent unborn and then baby has done nothing evil in the world Charles I’m a piece of shit rains committed the ultimate act of evil by killing another human being and innocent 22-year-old with their whole life ahead of them

      I am pro life and I am pro death penalty

  2. To the person claiming to be law enforcement, I doubt that very much. The self righteous “pro life” claim, since there were statistically three babies murdered today at the abortion clinic, why aren’t you and your Bishop over there protesting? And for the rest of you who oppose the death penalty, God forbid the loss of a family member to a horrible seething killer like Rhines, you will be begging for justice in the same manner he got his tonight. Just because you have no spine I will thank God and say a prayer for those who do, and who are able to see a difficult task handled and a killer receiving exactly what he deserved, what we all deserved from our system.

    1. I can’t understand hardly any of your points except you think you can read the mind and predict the future of a person you have never met. Quite a skill there.

      What do you doubt? He is pro life or in law enforcement or actually toured the prison? What is mutually exclusive from opposing abortion and the death penalty? And, that last sentence is total gobbledegook.

    2. Today I learned that not sanctioning state killing of other people= spineless. South Dakota: BETTER NOT TAKE MUH TAXES, but sure, take a life.

      1. Um, I pay property taxes and sales taxes, so I do get taxed. How do you equate the two issues?

        Oh, and your use of “MUH” to indicate that you think those in support of the death penalty are unintelligent-sheer genius. (sarcasm, in case yuh didn’t git it)

        1. You got whooshed pretty hard there, bud. The point is that South Dakotans make a big show of how government is bad, untrustworthy, wasteful, etc. But we sure like trusting them when it comes to killing people that disgust us.

          Also weird how you now seem to want to participate in civil conversations after the comments that set off this chain referred to people as spineless. Amazing how we whine about people being mean when they respond in kind.

          1. What is there to trust..the SOB admitted doing it..was never remorseful and crass to the end$

            Should bring back hanging and some of 20+ years ago

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