Are Dems going to get as outraged over one of their own on the whole disclaimer thing?

If you recall a couple weeks ago, Democrat PUC Candidate Jeff Barth took great umbrage because he couldn’t see Chris Nelson’s sign disclaimer from the road.  Given all that sturm und drang over the size of a disclaimer that was always there, do you think Democrats are going to expend the same amount of energy over one of their own who actually forgot to include the disclaimer on the piece?

If you can find it, you’ve got better eyes than I.

Now if Democrats would only apply the same rules they demand of others for themselves.

20 thoughts on “Are Dems going to get as outraged over one of their own on the whole disclaimer thing?”

  1. I didn’t find one either, I did notice the QR code on the front left side. I wondered if the disclaimer was there. That took me to her web site.

    There was none on her web site either.

  2. You extrapolate. “Democrats” weren’t outraged; ONE Democrat was outraged. Address your comments to him, the one that was outraged.

  3. Mr. Barth, who breathes hard while marching downhill, had a bizarre commercial the other day. What happened to that? grudznick knows Mr. Barth stands no chance, but golly he is entertaining.

  4. As far as can be found, only one democrat that complained about Nelson failed to complain about Meyers. Just one.

  5. No mention of this over at the Nebraska based Noem Derangement/Pot Head Blog called Dakota Free Press.

    1. Of course not…he’ll, the short little propaganda minister has yet to tell his idiot worshippers he has left SD. Those brainless folks over there still think he lives in Aberdeen.

    2. I will correct you on just one thing. It’s Dakota fake press. There is no mention because the blogger with a severe case of short man’s disease won’t say anything negative about dems.

      1. I bet Cory says more negative things about Dems than Pat does about Republicans. Granted, there should be far more negative things to critique with SD republicans than Dems because they are outnumber Dems 15-1. Mr Higgins, once again you prove your bias.

        1. I am not accepting any criticism from a keyboard cowardice warrior that has to hide behind anonymous for a name.

        2. Prove it. Go to his site and tally the numbers and give us reference points. Care to put your money where your mouth is? Or are you just another one of his sycophants? The question is which idiot are you?

  6. To be fair, this whole “disclaimer” thing was brought up in the republican primary with Annette Bosworth. They started with the disclaimer and went through all her signatures and found a few that she didn’t witness, despite singing that she did. They then tried to take her medical license away after the fact for these “felonies”, she had to leave the state. This was a message to not threaten the establishment republicans in the Senate.

    But sure, lets blame this on the dems…….

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