Are Republicans in D21 trying to be like the Democrats, or is that a Democrat PAC involved in supporting the hard right in the District 21 GOP Primaries?

Here’s an instance of where politics are making strange bedfellows.

So, an advertisement has popped up in the newspaper in the District 21 House and Senate Primaries, coming from a group calling itself “The Concerned Citizens of District 21.”  If you’ll notice the disclaimer on this weird, semi-coherent ad appearing in the “Pioneer Advertiser” covering South Central South Dakota:

It’s kind of a multi-font jumbled mess.   So, who is/are the “Concerned Citizens of District 21,” other than someone with word-barf, and too many fonts?

If you look on the Secretary of State’s website, it’s unclear, as there is no current PAC filing listed, but there was a Concerned Citizens for District 21 PAC that was listed as terminated on 12/29/23.  So, did they forget, or change their mind about the whole termination thing? Previously, the Concerned Citizens of District 21 was under the management of Rachelle Norberg, an attorney in Burke:

Why is that important? Well, last I knew, Rachelle was not a big Republican. In fact, she was running Concerned Citizens for District 21 PAC, originally set up with money from Billie Sutton.  And Rachelle herself was noted as a member of the South Dakota Democrat Party’s Executive Board in a 2017 article which seems to have been scrubbed from seemingly retired Democrat blog Dakota Free Press (retrieved via Internet Wayback Machine):

So, either a new group has appropriated the name of a recently retired Democrat PAC and the paperwork is either missing or in progress, or the Democrat-affiliated PAC is back from the dead and is pushing certain Republicans in the District 21 Republican primary elections.

I’m not sure if there are Republicans out there in District 21 who are kind of dumb, and trying to be more like Democrats, or there are Democrats out there with an agenda trying to get behind specific Republicans?

You be the judge.

14 thoughts on “Are Republicans in D21 trying to be like the Democrats, or is that a Democrat PAC involved in supporting the hard right in the District 21 GOP Primaries?”

  1. That would be a Class 2 misdemeanor for those who were responsible for that ad.

    It’s laughable that Lee Qualm can say he is pro-property rights when he was the first in line to sign up for the keystone pipeline via eminent domain. He has quietly avoided talking about that issue and I get why. He is not for property rights.

    He was voted out in 2020, and I think we all know why. He is a legislator who cares more about being in office and in power, than the people he represents. He will lie, barter, bargain, and cheat for re-election. Desperate.

  2. The originally registered Concerned Citizens for District 21 PAC that was appropriately filed and terminated is not responsible nor affiliated with the advertisement referenced in this post.

    1. I think we have our answer.

      “..are Republicans out there in District 21 who are kind of dumb, and trying to be more like Democrats?”

      That appears to be it…

  3. Funny how people want to “fight” for the 2nd amendment, but take away the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th, and we are supposed to just look the other way….

  4. Not all Republicans in D21 are dumb and each party has their fringe. Also, is Honest Abe correct, is this illegal? It seems like it would be? There was a group complaining about Tobin having an incorrect endorsement on one of her fliers, I would assume that this is the same group?

    1. Of course it would be the same group. “Rules for thee but not for me, because I’m holier than thou.”

    2. Someone should dig into Mykayla’s hubby, and wonder about her stance on pot… Just saying…

  5. The people I talk to in my community are 100% behind Erin Tobin. She’s the only one getting anything done for this district, yet here we have some who want to go back to the Lee Qualm days of all talk and no action. Next Tuesday, we will send Erin back to Pierre to keep delivering results, while people like this can continue their misguided efforts at causing division and chaos. Sure, it’s fun to campaign, but actually governing is a difficult business. Lee and his friends may have fun with their catchy slogans, but they know next to nothing about delivering results for the people they want to represent. Erin does, and this district is more interested in results than cool bumper stickers. Sorry Lee, but District 21 is done with your shenanigans!

  6. People are fed up with politics and are ready for change, they want candidates who listen to the South Dakotans that elect them not party games. Draining the South Dakota swamp one candidate at a time. Its is making you establishment sheep heads spin and is enjoyable to watch !

    1. No, 10-30 republicans who aren’t electable want to tell all 25000 voters what to do with their lives. I hope those 10-30 people keep throwing their money at worthless candidates.

    2. Yep, we are ready for a change from the whack-a-doodle, yee-haw-dist’ far right fringe people running for office… I am so over seeing “WE THE PEOPLE” and “UNDER GOD, THE PEOPLE RULE” in campaign slogans. Seriously, this isn’t a problem in D21 – but it’s been perverted into some rallying battle cry.

      But hey, if Erin doesn’t pass the primary – we are getting what we asked for. Nutjobs who spend too much time on Facebook, and think they are fit for office. Again, here we are with the old adage – reap/sow playing out.

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