Argus Leader endorses Paul TenHaken for Sioux Falls Mayor

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader has recognized where the race for Sioux Falls Mayor is going and has crossed the political divide to endorse Paul TenHaken to serve as the next Mayor of Sioux Falls.

Though Paul TenHaken and Jolene Loetscher are both political newcomers with an opportunity to bring fresh leadership to Sioux Falls, it was crucial to shed light on which candidate was most prepared to guide a growing city into a challenging new era, and to hit the ground running.

As the May 1 election approaches, those distinctions have been drawn. It is our conclusion that TenHaken’s experience and leadership qualities make him the best choice to succeed Mike Huether as the city’s next mayor.

The former ClickRain CEO has done an effective job of not just selling himself as a candidate but sharing a vision of what his administration might look like when the campaign bluster subsides.


TenHaken has promised to bring more City Hall perspective to economic development talks, hold regular sitdown sessions with city councilors and improve partnerships with neighboring municipalities whose prospects are linked to Sioux Falls.


As for Loetscher, the small business owner and former TV reporter ran a strong, polished campaign that surprised many pundits and opponents. It’s possible that she needed to come out swinging in the runoff to make up percentage points from the initial vote, but the strategy did not serve her well.

Read it all here.

The momentum continues with Team TenHaken, as they get ready to move forward to election day.

Don’t forget to get out and vote!

11 thoughts on “Argus Leader endorses Paul TenHaken for Sioux Falls Mayor”

  1. The Left always overplays its hand, and it appears to have again. Godspeed Mr. TenHaken.

  2. Not a huge surprise given their recent coverage of the Loetscher campaign. The manufactured hacking story must have really annoyed the Argus Leader editorial board. Good news for Paul though. He’s going to make a great mayor (everyone just needs to remember to go vote on Tuesday!).

    1. “The manufactured hacking story?”….. Really? So why is the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Office still investigating it then? The AG’s politically motivated and premature press release merely said the hacking so far detected was not successful and not that there was no intent….

    1. The Argus you embrace you now hate, how ironic. I’m sad you won’t address your tolerance for differing religions:(

      The Argus has not changed my mind. Many of their journalists are as progressive as Jo, and they attempted to help her but failed miserably. Who’s this Joe Sneve? Is he new? Maybe I haven’t noticed him since I don’t consider the Argus to be a credible news outlet worthy of my time.

      1. “Maybe I haven’t noticed him since I don’t consider the Argus to be a credible news outlet worthy of my time.”

        If you would look beyond Alex Jones “Info Wars”and step outside of the bunker you would of known Joe Sneve has written for the Argus for a number of years now.

        1. Why such hatred for me? You’re afraid of me and the facts I bring to the discussion? Instead of attempting to insult me, you should challenge the things I say. You won’t. If you spent any time on SDWC you’d know which outlets I’ve cited. I also read books. Currently Jordan Peterson’s ’12 Rules for Life’. Leftists have called him a Nazi and a racist and a bigot so I guess that makes me one too, right?

          I don’t read the Argus first b/c I’m not paying for information I can find elsewhere online for free; second they’ve been rumored to lie; third, forth and fifth they are an anti-Republican, anti-Christian and a Progressive leaning outlet. I don’t need them to tell me how horrible I am. It was refreshing to see Sneve ask questions to get answers, that’s it. Now, go pound sand, you’ll need practice for Tuesday.

          1. Where did Anonymous state she or he hates you? Have you been diagnosed as a narcissist by a psychiatrist? You make everything about you. It must be miserable to be you.

            And the correct spelling of numerical “forth” is fourth. Smh

  3. Smart tactical decision by the Argus Leader. To stay relevant, a city’s leading paper must maintain public perception that its endorsement –> victory. Doing so sometimes necessitates endorsing the presumptive winner, even if (or when) certain staffers favor a more ‘progressive’ candidate. I agree with the editors: transparent civic leadership is vital; withholding the voicemail was a grave error. If you make serious allegations, you must supply evidence.

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