Associated Press rehashes last years’ news on Oath Keepers, points out Phil Jensen’s membership again.

The Associated Press has posted an expose on some elected officials having been members of the Oath Keeper’s group, which is accused of playing a role in the January 6 riots and insurrection activities at the US Capitol.  The downside is that we’ve read about a lot of this already, as they point out what we already knew, that State Representative Phil Jensen was at least once counted among their members.

The data raises fresh concerns about the presence of extremists in law enforcement and the military who are tasked with enforcing laws and protecting the U.S. It’s especially problematic for public servants to be associated with extremists at a time when lies about the 2020 election are fueling threats of violence against lawmakers and institutions.


Jensen said he felt compelled to join because he “believed in the oath that we took to support the US Constitution and to defend it against enemies foreign and domestic.” He wouldn’t say whether he now disavows the Oath Keepers, saying he doesn’t have enough information about the group today.

“Back in 2014, they appeared to be a pretty solid conservative group, I can’t speak to them now,” he said.

Read the entire story here.

Not sure what the purpose of this new story is, since we read most of it last year.  Obviously, it didn’t matter to Phil Jensen’s voters in the primary.

23 thoughts on “Associated Press rehashes last years’ news on Oath Keepers, points out Phil Jensen’s membership again.”

  1. Why is anyone or any organization that believes in supporting the Costitution deemed extremist, while BLM or Antifa and such organizations which promote violence and anarchy are never labeled as such?

    1. i’m sure the answer is in ‘rules for radicals.’ some passage about “making your enemy hyper-obey the rules while you are free to ignore them”.

    2. Let’s consider the facts.

      Oathkeepers is and organization registered as a non-profit with defined membership requirements and they are defined as an “anti-government militia” with a leader.

      Black lives matters is a decentralized political movement, there is no leader, membership, or defined rules. There has been disinformation spread on the group (goals, affiliation with Soros), but is tough to credit or discredit since there is no organizational structure or leadership.

      Antifa is a decentralized political movement, there is no leader, membership, and a mission only defined as “anti-fascist” (not embracing anarchy).

      Bringing up these two movements shows you are a “news follower”. Learn to distinguish facts from fear tactics, there is a difference here. A member of government who is anti-government, do you think he will represent his constituents, or his personal beliefs?

      1. “Antifa is a decentralized political movement, there is no leader, membership, and a mission only defined as “anti-fascist” (not embracing anarchy).”

        Not only is ANTIFA confused about what really is fascist, they seem to be somewhat organized despite what you claim. This is just one chapter of ANTIFA…

        “Learn to distinguish facts from fear tactics, there is a difference here” Maybe one named Tony should follow his own advice.

        1. As noted, there is disinformation, anyone can create a website, and anyone can post crap online. The websites do not disprove my statements that they are decentralized and a political movement. If I started a website for oathkeepers, it does not mean I’m the new leader.

          You can be this dense, can you?

          1. “anyone can post crap online.”

            Ya, well you and the rest of the DFP crowd would know about that.

            “You can be this dense, can you?”

            I think you mean…you can’t be this dense, can you?

            No I’m not but you apparently are. Please explain to us all how millions of dollars ended up in the BLM founder’s bank account…you know the money that she used to purchase several mansions across the country and pay her family members huge amounts of money for doing nothing.

            Explain how ANTIFA could fund and pay for protestors to travel to different protests across the country.

            If these entities have no organization and are completely decentralized, explain to us all how millions of dollars end up in a centralized point and then distributed from that point. Explain how millions of dollars are changing hands and there is no accounting for it because they are “decentralized.”

  2. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, et al have been identified as far right extremists who stages a violent insurrection against her majesty the crown. “For heaven’s sake people passed away at the event and we’d like those responsible brought to justice .. as well as all of their family members and any other property owners that were in the area”, said her majesty the Queen’s spokesperson, owner of Royal Land Trust and Escrow Service of the Northern quadrant of the Southern section of England’s central-most authority on empire and nation-building. He continued, “We’re forming the Final Beachhead Industrial, or FBI, to facilitate organizational training to create a steering committee for other such rabble who might question our authority and/or provide disruption to our make-up and lace supply chain.”

    That is all.

    1. John you and the DFP out of state name callers should do a podcast show. Call it “Mixed Nuts”

  3. Phil Jensen was formerly a legislator in my district. If not for the shenanigans in redistricting, he still would be. Phil is an honest, patriotic, conservative legislator. It is too bad we can’t say the same about the rest of the Legislature. We have witnessed the actions of the RINOS at the state GOP Convention to support some incumbents, Noem, Thune and Johnson. who are definitely not doing their jobs for the citizens of South Dakota. Lee Schoenbeck and his minions need to be replaced.

    1. Mr. Jensen is insaner than most. He is of the Ineffective Nelson Feather of the legislatures, and is respected by none other than a few fringe whackos.

      He does often sport really neato fake leather sports coats that look really cool with his pornstache.

    2. Refusing to serve his country in uniform is ‘patriotic’? Introducing a bill to kill doctors is ‘honest and conservative”? Sounds like the stupidity of the SD GOP electorate.

    3. Are you referring to the RINOs at the state GOP Convention who showed up to vote, and will not do anything to elect Republicans this fall? I agree. Kick those RINOs to the curb. You can’t just show up and do nothing. Being a precinct person isn’t just a one day job.

  4. there is a really bad movie on Netflix right now called”In the Shadow of the moon” (2019) about an assassin from the future who travels back to kill right-wing extremists by making them bleed to death and dissolving their brains. The targets are responsible for the destruction of civilization in 2024 and must be eradicated.
    Of course you don’t know why these people toting biographies of GeorgeWashington and ThomasJefferson are being picked off until the denouement. But that’s who needs to be destroyed, to save the world: fans of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
    It’s Netflix after all.

    1. it’s a familiar dramatic trope. in “the Manchurian candidate” the evil candidate went to a party dressed as abraham lincoln- i.e. evil always pretends to be the opposite.

      1. movie message: you liberty conservatives should eliminate your leaders. wouldn’t that just be convenient for the other party.

        1. hmm a movie about a demagogue racing around the country destroying a political party from the top down, nah, who’d believe it.

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