Attack the Women & Children first – Liberal website going after Kristi Noem’s kids

Chatting with a legislator today who had the following observation:

Dakota Free Press is way out of line commenting on Governor Noem’s children and their choice of colleges. It just seems nothing is sacred anymore and that is a major reason why good people don’t consider running for public office. We’ve lost a little more civility and it is very sad.

What this astute gentleman was noting is that Noem Derangement Syndrome seems is at an all time high over at Dakota Free Press, as former Democrat Legislative Candidate Cory Heidelberger has been on a tear lately attacking Governor Kristi Noem’s children (and the Governor herself) because two of her children have decided to attend school out of state, one for a graduate program, and another for their undergrad.

Governor Kristi Noem took her daughter to college yesterday. Kennedy Noem is graduating from nepotism to grad school, seeking her MBA at Belmont University in Nashville.

Read that here.


…after dropping her daughter off at grad school  in Tennessee, Governor Kristi Noem proceeded to render her youngest child ineligible for political office in South Dakota by taking him to an out-of-state college in Missouri.

Read that here.

We already know that Cory is no stranger to crossing in appropriate lines, as evidenced by his weird thing with female political candidates, but Is Cory so desperate to lob bombs that he has to take it out on Governor Noem’s kids?

Kids are going to lead their own life, and make their own choices. While I’m sure Kristi’s kids love their home state deeply, I’m sure they have their own reasons and their own choices for the schools they’ve selected. It may have nothing to do with politics. Or they might be glad to be away from buffoons like Cory while they study.

The important point is that the school they attend is their choice, and they aren’t candidates for anything.

Yes, it’s evidence that we’ve lost a little more civility.  If the Noem kids can take solace in anything, frequent blog commenter grudznick had an observation about the ease with which Heidelberger is triggered:

Tonight’s goat gotten, indeed.

21 thoughts on “Attack the Women & Children first – Liberal website going after Kristi Noem’s kids”

  1. I have posted on Cory’s blog over the years, and have even occasionally been the subject of his longer blog posts – both complimentary and critical. I spent an enjoyable evening visiting with him one-on-one when he visited Sioux Falls. We don’t agree, but he’s intelligent and articulate.

    I stopped reading Dakota Free Press recently because I realized that most of his posts are negative and critical rather than informative. The proverbial last straw was when he used the word “fascist” to characterize…well, something with which he disagreed or about which he was obviously angry. At that level of name-calling, what is being posted is no longer factual information or even reasoned commentary.

    In my opinion, we all need a well-reasoned liberal blog to analyze SD politics and events, keeping the rest of us not only honest, but thinking and reassessing our own presumptions and assertions. At present, there’s a market opportunity available.

    And, yes, it *is* possible to be both liberal and well-reasoned. Just because I disagree doesn’t mean the ideological argument has no merit. I still believe reasonable people can disagree while still respecting each other. I have seen it happen, and I have even experienced it personally.

    1. Michael
      Well stated and I couldn’t agree more. I have very deep friendships strained by the Trump derangement where their once thoughtful insight or counter point has turned into rude temper tantrums that a 2 year old would think is irrational.
      Very well said

    2. YOu can’t help but, see the true colors or most Liberals these days. Most cannot just accept you see it different, they have to demean you and ensure you bend to their will. The cancel culture we have was born and breed from the Left and now they are eating their own. I say good riddance to anything that looks and smells of Liberalism as its a disease. Every single solution most come up with, no matter how well reasoned always require a Govt solution. This never makes sense to me as the same group then complains about said govt or whine for 4 years due to a lost election. I am tired and glad we have less and less of this in our state.

    3. Indeed, Mr. Wyland. I find Mr. H to usually be a reasonable fellow but he has gotten more and more negative and just picks at imaginary nits, seemingly only to inflame his out-of-state name-calling minions. What was that term that our old friend Mr. Sibby used to use but grudznick never understood? Sickophants?

    4. I agree completely. He used to offer some good information and different point of view in South Dakota politics. But lately, he seems little different from an elementary kid name-calling during recess. After the 2016 election reporting and commentary started to go downhill for Cory, and then further downhill after the 2018 election. But over the last few months, he seems to have completely lost connection with the world we live in. He especially seems to have lost all connection with the world of South Dakota politics. Its too bad, I really do think it is important for multiple points of view to be heard.

  2. what a concept: a young adult wanting to make it on his or her own, in a place where nobody knows Mom is the governor.

  3. Cory Heidelberger is a legend in his own lunch box.

    Please don’t drive any decent folks over to that cesspool he calls a blog. Oh sure, Heidelberger is “intelligent and articulate” but so are hucksters and con men that will try to dazzle you with their linguistic brio. His strong suit…..temper-tantrum driven ad hominem attacks he loves to heap upon anyone who is not Cory Heidelberger, especially if they are Christians.

    1. Sorry, my bad. Apparently I forgot to enter my surname in the above post. I wrote that, and I am Ed Randazzo.

    2. Ed – I’ve found the content there to be beyond possibility for a truly rational person. The derangement seems to be echoed/reinforced by a small community of ideological left wing Marxists all frothing at the mouth at anyone disagreeing with any portion of the agenda. I used to pull a lot of great hate mail out of that community .. you know, the kind of cringeworthy stuff that seems to have put an end to my hate mail. I could have an hour long daily show just deconstructing the daily insanity on those pages.

  4. The media, which is not Mr. Heidelberger, has always been appreciative of the difference between the politician parent and their private children. Bush daughters, Clinton daughter, Bush children, etc. However, when a child goes to work in the government…works for their parent or in-law, no such separation is afforded, nor should it be afforded. Taxpayers should know if the politician parent’s kids are actually earning their keep. As a general principal Booker should be off limits, but the daughters, when in the employ of the State…fair game. Additionally this site should probably confront some blatant double standards: ie. it was never okay for Brendan Johnson to get his schooling out-of-state, but it is perfectly fine if the kid is a son or daughter of a Republican. Either throw out the stupid criticism of a South Dakota child earning their college degrees outside of South Dakota or hold the standard of disapproval to all. Respectfully, USD has a great MBA program…..why couldn’t she go here? If you want to argue that USD is a liberal bastion….that is not the case in the S.O.B……far from. The young Noem would have been a good fit, gotten a solid MBA education, and saved some money in her matriculation.

  5. I am responding solely to public statements made by Governor Noem on her gubernatorial social media channels that seem to contradict public statements she made in past campaigns about the acceptability of out-of-state study, as well as the odd contradiction between the Governor’s active discouragement of mask wearing and her promotion of her kids’ attendance at schools that require masks.

    1. If this is in fact Herr Heidelberger….you go WAY BEYOND what you claim in this response. You sir, are a liar.

    2. Cory,
      The problem is that you are using decisions made by the governor’s children against the governor. That’s not a valid basis for criticism or finding a “contradiction.” The only thing the governor did was celebrate on social media the family milestone of taking a child to college. By doing so, she did not contradict herself. Trying to manufacture a contradiction out of the children’s choices of school is really an attack on the children. How do you think that makes the feel?

  6. The Booker stuff was particularly disappointing (but I’d echo all of the above about how President Trump has affected Cory). The college Booker is going to is a name now familiar to many of us in Watertown because it seems to be a popular destination for people of their faith. A pretty simple example of what the Founding Fathers called freedom of religion in that little old addition (Bill of Rights) to that little old document called the Constitution.
    After the election, regardless of outcome, not sure how relationships recover from this new derangement syndrome. i guess we just all relocate to states and communities where we are comfortable.
    Last night there must have been a thousand people out on the street for Jonny Holmes in downtown Watertown. He rocked it. We rocked it. Good place for freedom lovers to be. Cory wouldn’t have enjoyed it.

  7. Liberals/Leftists are insufferable anymore and no matter how well reasoned their arguments, they will never accept you see if different. This is why Dakota Free Press and SouthDacola (retired-gave up) blogs are full of hate, name calling, and vindictiveness. What puzzles me is why these folks don’t just pack up and live in their Utopia of California or New York. You read these blogs and they rail against SD as a state and how backwards it is. No one is keeping you here, bounce!! Just like most Liberals in SD the never leave or put their money where their mouth is, they sit here and complain and whine about how horrible Conservatives are. If I was in California I would know that I cannot change that state nor would I sit there and flip out on a blog. I would simply pack up my bags and find a place that works for me, Very Simple. While us South Dakotans are welcoming to all, we are getting tired of these types in our state telling us how bad we are. Please feel free to leave and I think a GoFundMe could be set up to help.

  8. the whiz kids in the sddp have excelled at making self marginalization a high art form. if they snark, insult and slander their way into being a major party again, THEN some of this might matter. back to nap time.

  9. When this person made the comparison of people who are pro-life as “sex offenders” and when confronted, doubled and tripled down (instead of saying it was a excessive hyperbole for which he apologized) I realized he has some rather significant mental pathologies requiring serious intervention, an intervention which is neither my place or interest. He is just a sick person.

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