Attorney General Explanation Released for Initiated Measure to Legalize Marijuana and Paraphernalia

Attorney General Explanation Released for Initiated Measure to Legalize Marijuana and Paraphernalia

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley announced today an Attorney General Explanation for a proposed initiated measure has been filed with the Secretary of State. This explanation will appear on a petition that will be circulated by the sponsor of the initiated measure. If the sponsor obtains a sufficient number of signatures by November 2019, as certified by the Secretary of State, the initiated measure will be placed on the ballot for the November 2020 general election.

The measure is entitled “An initiated measure to legalize marijuana and paraphernalia for certain people, and to make other changes to State law regarding marijuana.”

Under South Dakota law, the Attorney General is responsible for preparing explanations for proposed initiated measures, referred laws, and South Dakota Constitutional Amendments. Specifically, the explanation includes a title, an objective, clear and simple summary of the purpose and effect of the proposed measure, and a description of the legal consequences. The Attorney General Explanation is not a statement either for or against the proposed initiated measure.

To view the Attorney General Explanation for the measure, as well as the final form of the measure submitted to this office,

26 thoughts on “Attorney General Explanation Released for Initiated Measure to Legalize Marijuana and Paraphernalia”

  1. Good explanation…anyone reading just the explanation can see this version is too extreme

    Don’t sign any petitions and a solid NO if it makes the ballot.

    When will these guys learn?

    1. Mr. John Dale Cannabis Consumers for Liberty 239 W. Jackson Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783

      from Sec of State website this is the sponsor

  2. With the last pot petition John Dale did you had to go inside his house and sign the petition taped to the living room wall.

  3. It actually says no one can be prosecuted for DWI involving marijuana??!! The rest is almost as bad. These people must think we in SD are really stupid. We AREN’T!

      1. Can’t you see someone drinking alcohol…hurry light the joint smoke it and we are good! no DUI’s the law!

  4. My, the Potheads want to be a special protected class. Can’s tax or charge them with driving under the influence. How special.

  5. Didn’t Marty have another month to put this out? Why give them extra time to get signatures?

    1. Doubtful they’ll get the signatures. And even if they do, there’s literally no chance of this passing. Zero. I’d say this one is even worse than the one that would have made April 20th a holiday. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if the right proposal is brought forward for recreational marijuana, id vote for it. But this one is far from it. And I think there are more South Dakotans who have that same mindset than you’d think. I personally know several public figures that when are in states where it’s legal enjoy the freedoms recreational marijuana yet publicly speak out against it here. But naming names is something I will never do from a personal conversation. You have to be living in another dementiom to think this has a remote chance. The sponsor should be ashamed.

    1. My friend Bob says that the demon weed sharpens your senses but dulls your wit, with the side effect of excessive pillow drool. I’ve seen Bob’s hair in the mornings, and the dried drool in his bangs speaks volumes.

  6. So, unlike alcohol you must be over the age of 21 to get high. Sounds like the twit who typed this up on his computer in Mom’s basement didn’t think it through as I assume he meant that if you are 21 and older you may get high.

    So, localities may tax booze but pot is off limits? The guy who came up with this seems like quite a crusader for his “right” to escape reality. I guess if you can’t succeed in life, escape it.

    I wish them no success with this, and I hope they fail miserably. I don’t like to see morons succeed.

    So, does this nermal think that it you are an alcoholic it shouldn’t count against you in a custody dispute?

    Stupid from top to bottom, and I hope I run across the dipsticks who are trying to get petitions on this. I think they need to be filmed and put on FB.

    1. Legalize pot = further dumbing down of America and even more people making really bad choices.

  7. CBD products being sold in South Dakota and other states are little different from raw milk, preserves, pies or juices that are often tainted with hormones, pesticides and worse but sold at farmers markets anyway. Giving the products as gifts is one thing but selling untested product especially through interstate commerce is completely different.

    The tribal nations trapped in South Dakota should be the primary beneficiaries of cannabis industry growth in my home state and if i was a cannabis lobbyist in South Dakota I would draft a resolution acknowledging there is a segment of the population who believes some medical procedures are offensive to some voters as a compromise to principled conservatives.

    1. problem with medical marijuana it is a joke…all it is is a pathway for recreational….NO THANKS EVER

    1. False. Did we give up on the war on Murder? No!
      Marijuana is a performance degrader
      It is dependence inducing.
      North Dakota defeated this and people across the country are wising up to the false claims by advocates for legalizing Marijuana.

  8. Just like alcohol……..but how did prohibition work for that? An adult should be able to use marijuana whether for medical or recreational purposes. Aren’t you for freedom? Why do so many people have reefer madness? Legislating pot laws have cost the work force and taxpayers billions.

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