Attorney General Jackley Releases Draft Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program

Attorney General Jackley Releases Draft Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program

PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has released a draft ballot explanation for a proposed initiated measure that would repeal South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program. The measure is proposed by Travis Ismay of Newell.

The Attorney General takes no position on any such proposal. He has provided a fair and neutral explanation on the proposed constitutional amendment to help assist the voters.

This proposed initiated measure would repeal the state’s medical marijuana program that was approved by voters in the 2020 general election. The repeal would make all possession, use, cultivation, sale, manufacture, sale of marijuana, and marijuana products a crime.. The ballot explanation can be found here.

State law requires the Attorney General draft a title and explanation for each initiated measure, initiated constitutional amendment, constitutional amendment proposed by the Legislature, or referred measure that may appear on an election ballot. The Attorney General’s explanation is meant to be an “objective, clear, and simple summary” intended to “educate the voters of the purpose and effect of the proposed” measure, as well as identify the “legal consequences” of each measure.

Once the Attorney General has filed and posted the draft explanation, the public has 10 days to provide written comment. The explanation was filed today (Thursday, July 27), and the deadline for comments on this explanation is Aug. 6, 2023, at the close of business in Pierre, South Dakota. The final explanation is due to the Secretary of State on Aug.16, 2023.

The initiated measure would require 17,509 valid petition signatures to qualify for the 2024 general election ballot.

To file written comments on a draft Attorney General’s explanation please use one of the following methods below. Copies of all received comments will be posted on this website.

Comments may be submitted via mail, or through hand delivery, to the Attorney General’s Office at:

Office of the Attorney General
Ballot Comment
1302 E. Hwy. 14, Suite 1
Pierre, SD 57501

Comments that are hand delivered must be received by the close of business in Pierre, South Dakota, by Aug. 6, 2023. Comments that are mailed must be received by the Attorney General’s Office before the deadline expires to be accepted.

Comments may also be emailed to [email protected] by Aug. 6, 2023. Comments should be clearly expressed in the body of the email. The Attorney General’s Office will not open attachments in an effort to prevent malware or other digital threats. Please include your name and contact information when submitting your comment. The title of the comment must be included in the subject line of the email.


15 thoughts on “Attorney General Jackley Releases Draft Explanation For Initiated Measure Repealing South Dakota’s Medical Marijuana Program”

  1. Evidently they have volunteers across the street ready to be petitioners. Some moved to South Dakota escaping from blue and purple states and have stories of far left policies and pot wrecked those states.

      1. maybe we can provide only anecdotal evidence: a relative who had back surgery over a year ago, it was successful, but the medical marijuana card she got hasn’t expired.
        Close family members report she sleeps until noon and doesn’t do much of anything the rest of the day. She hasn’t returned to work. She doesnt go to physical therapy. She smokes her marijuana and that’s it.
        The insurance industry might have some interesting statistics on eternal workers’ comp and disability claims.
        Perhaps it should be up to the proponents of medical marijuana to prove it has therapeutic value and helps the users to be productive members of society.
        Because we aren’t seeing it.

        1. Yeah, you don’t have evidence. Pretty much what we knew already. Thanks for playing.

          1. It seems the medical marijuana is a precursor to homelessness, as families get tired of supporting malingerers who never recover from whatever problem they are using marijuana to alleviate. After a while, the presence in the household of a stoned sloth gets really old, and they are thrown out.
            Why don’t you show us evidence that marijuana users are productive members of society, since we can’t think of any?

  2. This is picking up a surprising amount of support to repeal it. South Dakotans are waking up with the pot recalls, contamination, increased crime, DUIs and the joke of the pop up pot doctor clinics. Fred Deutsch getting a medial marijuana card at one of these pop up clinics shoed what a joke it is.

  3. Hahaha I hope this makes the ballot so you prohibitionist clowns find out how little support you really have.

  4. Down in Texas there are a few towns that are well known to be speed traps and are very lucrative to for those cities. Once stopped law enforcement find all kinds of violations which is a win win for everyone. Public safety is increased, fines provide very good revenue and it gives opportunities to those offenders to change their ways for the better.

    Once this ballot measure passes think of the revenue South Dakota can gain by having checkpoints and increasing enforcement on the border of states and other entities where Marijuana is legal. Public safety is increased and new opportunities for revenue from law breakers.

    1. So your condensed argument is that tyranny of the state is OK if it generates revenue. You are the worst kind of Republican if you claim to be one.

      1. So, if I understand YOUR position correctly:

        Legalization and Regulation = tyranny
        Imprisonment = not tyranny

        Make it make sense.

      2. Public safety and protecting kids is paramount! No one is putting a gun to the heads of elective future lawbreakers and forcing them to smoke and ingest Marijuana to get high. They make a choice. Break the law and we can use the funds to help fund our teachers and public schools. It could help fund the regional jails we need across the state. South Dakota can make money off of the states that are heading in the direction of Oregon and California with all the drug problems and expenses they have. This is a great opportunity for South Dakota!

          1. False! Libertarians have been taking over other states GOP party units and running as RINOS. Does not matter anyways. This is South Dakota! Just finished another zoom call and people are excited about the opportunity for South Dakota to lead. The more South Dakotans we speak to the better!

            1. Sure they are champ. With a deranged clown like Ismay leading them if this gets on the ballot it will be creamed.

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