Attorney General’s office reviewing Toby Doeden’s $100,000 (which is $90k over the limit) PAC donation

In case you were looking for some light afternoon reading, the Attorney General’s office is reviewing the situation in which Toby Doeden appears to have made a donation which is WAAAAAAY over what South Dakota Law allows, based on my affidavit noting there’s some trouble in the hub city:

SD AG Letter Regarding Alleged Violations of SD Law and Political Action Committees by Pat Powers on Scribd

6 thoughts on “Attorney General’s office reviewing Toby Doeden’s $100,000 (which is $90k over the limit) PAC donation”

  1. Good. Because if you believe his story that “it was just a loan” you’re a moron. How exactly is the committee going to pay it back when Toby is the only significant donor?

  2. I believe there should be penalties in relation to campaign finance laws but it’s insane to me that they rise to the level of DCI and the Attorney General right off the bat. I mean is there not some way to Empower the sos to investigate these and provide the information to a body which would then review and slap somebody on the wrist?

    Who’s investigating the billboards that went up against Odenbach and Hansen? Who’s investigating and the list goes on and on.

    I just think there is a better way to resolve this.

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