If you hadn’t thought the school bills were crazy enough this year, then hold my beer – because there’s still time left for bill introductions! The latest is another bill from Rep. Manhart.
This time his House Bill 1201 proposes making everyone who works in a school, from the principal on down to the janitor, mandatory reporters of gay thoughts in school children.
And I wish I was kidding. But I’m not. As stated in the proposed measure:
Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added to chapter 13-32:
A school counselor, or another school staff member, must notify a student’s parent or guardian:
(1) When a direct counseling service is provided to a student;
(2) If a subject is discussed during a direct counseling service that is substantially different from those discussed during previous counseling sessions; and(3) If questions regarding any of the following topics are discussed with a student during a direct counseling service:
(a) Gender;
(b) Gender confusion;
(c) Gender dysphoria;
(d) Homosexuality; or
(e) Transsexuality.
Is ‘counseling session’ defined that bill? Well sort of in section 1:
“direct counseling service” means an interaction, between a school counselor and a student, pertaining to mental, medical, or emotional health and does not involve career planning or academic discussions.
But section 2 says another school staff member. So if a lunch lady has an interaction with a kindergartner in the lunch line, and a girl says “they wish they were a boy,” the lunch lady is subject to the mandatory gay thought reporting law?
With all this errant gay thought policing schools HB 1201 will demand schools to take on, I’m not sure when teachers are supposed to get any teaching done. Maybe we need to drop wood shop and accounting?
Remember when people used to say “The government is best which governs least?”
That’s not happening in Pierre this year.
All I can do is SMDH
If these are the bills they dropped in, don’t you wonder which bills they drafted but didn’t release??
Manhart Prime sponsor (D1) Perry (D3) on this bill. No surprise there with this session shaping up to be another non-productive one that is supposed to help everyday South Dakotans and especially their districts.
Their Nazi loving sponsor has a history of being obsessed with LGBT. Featured speaker at their rally Mark Robinson has a history too.
Wouldn’t be easier to come out of the closet?
These legislators won’t criticize Nazi or Confederate sympathizers like Mark Robinson or Steve King. Oh no. They invite them to South Dakota to speak at their sanctimonious gatherings.
Theocracy… posing as liberty.
Mandatory reporting to who and for what? Are schools next gonna be required to keep an evil potentially gay kids roster? Will that be a public record to be inspected by all homophobes? WTFFFFF
1930s Nazi Germany all over again.
The obsession with people’s sexuality is sick…….
Next bill will be making it mandatory to g gave your sexual orientation on your vier registration.
John Doe
Cross dresser
The obsession with people’s sexuality is sick…….
Next bill will be making it mandatory to give your sexual orientation on your voter registration.
John Doe
Transgender with preference for women aka Lesbian
Watch for it folks. That bill is coming
MAGA = Big Government
Carl Perry and Logan Manhart – the thought police!
Here to monitor and mandate your thoughts and your children’s thoughts; Perry/Manharty, we’re from the government and here to help!
We won’t leave parenting to parents, teaching to teachers (cough, cough – mandatory 10 commandments bill), or freedom to citizens (MANDATE is our favorite word of the legislative season!), but be assured, we’re both freedom-fighting patriots! Toby told us so!
Pat, if you can, please show photos of these people. I would like to be warned when crazy is in my area.
Photos in or out of their uniforms? Pat are they wearing uniforms out in public yet?
It won’t be long before students are required to report the same, Hitler youth.
It’s great to see we have a government small enough to fit in everyone’s pants. The new conservatism sucks.
It will cause clam up and have no safe place. Suicide may follow.
With so many of these looney bills that are coming down it’s like they can’t resist trying to raise taxes, increase the size of government, and strip local control from schools.
Did Carl campaign on being a champion for local control? Or is it just give local control to those who line his pockets?
Mandating breaching confidentiality of counseling sessions is an incredibly dumb move. We have enough problems staffing counselors in schools as it is.
But think about all the gayness this could prevent! /s
Before all this gender craziness, the best way to get someone out of the wrong bathroom was to tell them or yell at them, “Get out of the bathroom!” These last 4 years destroyed common sense. This is a “walk-and-chew-gum-at-the-same-time” scenario. Parents need to be informed when these topics are discussed, specifically b/c of how schools failed recently. BUT, new notices every time a kid changes their mind? This has to be the worst language I’ve seen in a bill in a long time, “(2) If a subject is discussed during a direct counseling service that is substantially different from those discussed during previous counseling sessions…” WTH does this even mean?
Of course it’s horribly written. Look at the sponsors. I’m pretty sure the district 28b rep is illiterate.
Let me get this correctly: Were this bill to become law, school staff would essentially be required to have their “gaydar” on at all times. Yet, nowhere in this same chapter of law, would school staff be required to report to parents or anyone else, their suspicions that it is possible that a student may harm themselves or others (and I’m not talking about possession of a weapon). Sure makes a lot of sense!!
I doubt this bill will ever see the light of day.
Ever notice that Pat always takes the pro LGBTQ stance on issues?
I think this is actually called the protecting kids side
Every notice how Pat takes a common sense approach that keeps the government out of people’s personal lives. Also known as conservatism.
Lol. I was going to say the Republican view. Not the view batsh*t crazy view that’s going to lose us elections if it keeps up.
“Ever notice that Pat always takes the true conservative with limited government stances on issues?” There I fixed your comment for you Anonymous. Conservatives used to be for small government until all these ultareligious nanny staters took firm hold on the party.