Called that one! Former State Rep. Haugaard representing Senator Julie Frye Mueller. Lawsuit filed in federal court.

I called that one. Unsuccessful Republican Primary Candidate for Governor Steve Haugaard is representing Julie Frye Mueller in bringing a lawsuit against the State Senate to fight her expulsion from that body for her actions with an employee of the Legislative Research Council:

8 thoughts on “Called that one! Former State Rep. Haugaard representing Senator Julie Frye Mueller. Lawsuit filed in federal court.”

  1. bringing the husband in as muscle, accusing the staffer of child endangerment, yelling and finger pointing……sounds like a “breach of the peace” to me.

  2. Snowflakes.

    Persecution of free speech.

    In the halls of the South Dakota Legislature.

    I suppose I’m glad to see this, though .. it’s desperate, which is indicative.


    1. the fact is that that there are allegations of harassment and abuse here, which can’t be swept under the rug. they go beyond the mere question of the allegedly unbidden sharing of a firmly held personal perspective by a state senator to a subordinate.
      at this point we are about to experience the freedom not to speak, as the only sane defense is to shut up and deny everything that is alleged.

      1. just reread the documents. since there’s no mention of the charges against her, is she asking the courts to affirm that she SHOULD face these allegations, just not have these dozen senators bring the charges or vote on them, based on a totally unrelated unprosecuted alleged violation of state law that she’s angry about from three years ago? interesting.

        1. just read the detailed filing from a later post in full. the legislature has to investigate the workplace harassment and abuse allegation, because that is why you take action as they did against frye-mueller. the political content and free speech suppression will come into play if the senator doesn’t deny the words that are alleged.

  3. And she will likely win. Senate leadership should not have handed this clown a win. Poor leadership. You need to stay cool when things get heated.

    1. Every federal judge in SD was appointed by a Democratic president. Whoever gets assigned will ignore the case until it becomes moot or rule it is a political question and watch as the GOP makes asses of themselves as it plays out.

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