Campaign Lit time… Tara Volesky for Mayor

Just had a friend send this over.. in case you wanted to see some of the campaign material being passed around at the moment:

So many mistakes…. you should NEVER replace part of the name with a graphic element. It makes it difficult to read, much less without dropping a shadow on it.

NAME & OFFICE are the most important thing to be advertising on the piece, yet office is separate from the name and demoted to be just a minor element on the front of the piece. Here’s a name in big letters, but you have to search for office. That’s assuming a lot more interest than people actually have.

There’s lots of minor things I’d do, such as reducing the number of fonts for starters, and cleaning up that mess in the middle of the second page. (What is that? Random internet things?)

But one of the most glaring errors is the fact that there is no disclaimer on this piece. In some cases, leaving that off might violate law. Never do that. I know of no laws or ordinances of South Dakota that dictate font size. Just that it has to be there.

So there you go. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

50 thoughts on “Campaign Lit time… Tara Volesky for Mayor”

  1. Tara, How many races have you run in now? Have you ever been elected to anything?

  2. She will appoint an ethics committee?? Like the democrats want on the state level? Seriously?

    Another unelected unaccountable committee…bet people will appreciate that…gez

  3. Are those her special HubbleVision glasses that detect chemtrails and sort out people that vaccinate?

    1. You guys are more interested in my glasses and card design than you are in my platform.

        1. I can laugh at myself. It really doesn’t bother me. I get made fun of a lot. Just come to coffee. I can dish it back though.

  4. Never seen a candidate advertise to google them with a newspaper reference attached to find articles about them before….

    1. Well, I have run enough times, and if people research what I stand for, I might just get elected. By the way I am not running for graphic artist award. If I have more cards made, I will have her change the font. Thanks for the advice.

      1. I don’t know if it is good or bad, just never seen that before….google reference…was also hopeful it would generate some discussion 🙂

  5. The Sioux Falls media did a great job covering the Mayors race. Not sure if they know there is a race in Mitchell. One planned Mayor’s forum for 4 candidates, 35 minutes. Go figure.

  6. I will share it to my fb page to help you out a little bit ok Pat? By the way, thank you for posting my announcement. Maybe the MDR will get on the ball. Getting scooped by SDWC.

  7. Well put on your readers Joe, or get out your magnifying glass. I hope the printing company that did my cards doesn’t read this.

  8. What will you do about the slumlords in Mitchell? Besides safety issues there is one with fencing in a residential neighborhood and belongs in a commercial zone scrap yard and affect other residents resale & property values. Zoning enforcement is weak.

    Downtown Historic buildings falling down with landlords doing nothing?

    1. Correction fencing that belongs in Industrial not commercial zone. Other slumlord properties that look horrible.

    2. The city has a nuisance director that should be taking care of those matters. Instead of sending warning letters, I would personally talk to them in a reasonable way. Sometimes that’s all it takes. The building on main is going through the legal process. I went through it and it is starting to lean. A real hazard that needs to be taken care of immediately.

    3. We have people that are getting paid to take care of those issues. Communication will be improved 100%. I will take care of those issues, but I have to get elected first.

    4. Slum lords……………I guess I could be called a slum lord. My trailer house has been trashed 3 times. It was beautiful when I bought it. I bought it for a homeless family and they almost destroyed it. Never paid on contract for deed, utilities, nothing. One day I saw them out at Menards driving a beautiful looked like new pick-up. Unbelievable. If you are going to destroy other peoples property go live with the pigs on a pig farm. The second and 3rd parties did the same thing. Some people have no respect for other peoples property.

      1. There are legal options for that and just being persistent. Hard to get blood from a Turnip but again play the long game to recover damages and let them know there are consequences for their actions.

        1. I think the city will again be stuck with another building. The problem should have been taken care of a year ago.

          1. Those landlords in a few of those old buildings are sucking them dry without re-investing in them just like a number of slumlords in Mitchell. By the time they are done their properties will be worth hardly anything, probably be torn down and pull down the neighborhood too in values and tax revenue.

            1. When I am elected, I will uphold my pledge for mainstreet. It will be great again. No doubt.

  9. Tara, what have you learned from your four loses and how are you applying that to this race?

  10. Well I have been told by several people to tell people what they want to hear instead of telling the truth. I would rather lose by being honest than win by being a phony. I run because I know I could really help this town. There is a lot of talent here that is just sitting on the sidelines. Thanks for your questions.

    1. Also the special interests always vote, while the mass majority who should vote pay no attention. Very apathetic and disgusted with the system. The media is a joke too. They don’t report the news anymore.

    2. Tara, the reason I asked the question is due to the old saying that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”

      1. I hope the votes rise up and let their voices be heard. I am not a status quo candidate. Hope they don’t do the same thing again. If you are happy with your high property taxes and out of control spending don’t vote for me.

  11. I would add that voting early is illegal, like voting often..

    Absentee voting should be encouraged.. There is a distinction and difference here and if you don’t know it you shouldn’t be involved in campaigns and politics. Words and their meaning matter, don’t get lazy with their usage.

    1. Early voting in South Dakota starts 45 days before the election. Early voting started last week for the primary.

      1. Thanks for straightening planning student out Dave R. I would have to give PS an F.

      2. Early voting is when your ballot goes into the ballot box before Election Day. That does not happen in South Dakota, your ballot goes into an absentee envelope and is only inserted into the ballot box during the election. If you are convicted of a felony or die after casting your absentee ballot it will not be counted. The same is not true of early voting. We do NOT have early voting in SD. Absentee voting begins 45 days before Election Day.

  12. Hey, planning student, I voted early. Early voting started over a week ago. I think the court house knows what they are doing.. Voting early is not illegal, voting often is illegal. Another stupid comment. Talk about the issues instead of nonsense.

  13. Tara I see Lora Hubbel is tweeting to elect you. Is Lora going to be hosting a campaign rally for you in Mitchell? You could have CJ Abernathy come and do a flag burning demonstration in front of the VFW and American Legion. I’m sure they would get a kick out of that and help you with votes.

  14. People can say whatever they want. I am all for freedom of speech. I am running for mayor to move Mitchell foward, not interested in any flag burnings. I rather focus on issues.

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