Can I have my legislator with a side of insurrection?

This might be the most tone-deaf photo I’ve seen in a while:

Congressional candidate Taffy Howard just posted this photo on facebook with Mark Meadows, who the House of Representatives just voted to hold in contempt for refusing to testify about his role in the January 6 riots.

22 thoughts on “Can I have my legislator with a side of insurrection?”

  1. Dusty would never support an insurrection. He wouldn’t do anything about it but he would never overtly support it. He would ignore the direct assault on our form of government based on lies and cultish worship of a reality tv host but he would personally support it. Not in words at least. Probably. He’d read the Eastman memo and Meadows power point and find some good faith points being made. But he would never support insurrection. Not directly. Taffy on the other hand most likely would go full Boebert.

  2. I’d rather have a Republican whose like Fmr. Rep Mark Meadows than Rep. Liz Cheney or Rep. Kinzinger. Come on PP just because they are an elected Republican doesn’t mean you need to drill the well, run the pipe and carry the water for them.

    1. Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger have more patriotism in their little fingers than either Meadows or your dear leader can ever imagine.

      1. Anonymous at 1:35 there have been terrible riots all across the country with lots of death and destruction to go around. But the only one that matters to the Congress is the one that had THEM cowering in fear. While all the others were “mostly peaceful protests,” the one that scared the Senators and Representatives was a Godawful Insurrection, the worst thing to ever happen in US history, worse than the War of 1812, the Civil War, or even the massacre at Wounded Knee. Apparently it was worse than any presidential assassination, the riots of the 20th century, the attack on Pearl Harbor or 9/11, too.
        The spectacle of this committee investigating The Great Horror has me wondering how the hell did we elect so many narcissistic wimps to the US Congress, and can we make them spend a weekend on the streets of Chicago to slap some sense into them?

        1. Bless your heart. Yes, there were dozens of protests last year and yes there was some wanton destruction, but “terrible riots all across the country with lots of death and destruction to go around?” Really? Lemme guess, you’ve seen that over and over on Tucker C’s show, right? Admit it: not one of those “terrible riots” that apparently your favorite channel loved to play up was a march on your nation’s capitol aimed at blocking the work of your Congress with the support and encouragement of your dear leader.

  3. I think you’re not tracking the context ..

    When someone gets shafted by the courts, you stand by them and try to fix the issue.

    We are not water buffalo who watch our companions get devoured by crocks and say, “better him than me.”

    We hunt down and shoot that crock.

    MM is a patriot.

    With this disposition, I think you’re siding with Adam Schiff?

    1. So blind obedience to a wannabe tyrant is better than true patriotism? You’re putting party over country.

  4. Taffy Howard getting elected to Congress is about as likely as Mark Meadows and Nancy Pelosi exchanging Christmas Cards this year, This will however be one of her strongest platform statements. “I once had my picture taken with Mark Meadows.”

    1. They have Dusty Johnson, John Thune and Mike Rounds. That is why that don’t run candidates.

      1. John Thune has fought for real conservative ideals for thirty years. Voted that way. Lead those efforts. Defeated a Democratic leader to do it – at great political risk.

        I don’t always agree with him… but your opinion of him is messed up.

        All three of our representatives are true conservatives. More conservative than the average South Dakotan. So that can’t be your problem with them.

        1. This is “real conservative ideals” and we can’t get better roads, bridges, water supplies, electric grid?
          WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today applauded the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2022. Thune noted that the bill contains numerous priorities that benefit South Dakota and the future B-21 bomber mission at Ellsworth Air Force Base.

          NDAA priorities for South Dakota include:

          $2.87 billion for B-21 development
          $47 million for a B-21 Field Training Detachment Facility
          $36 million for a B-21 Mission Operations Planning Facility
          $65 million for a B-21 Washrack and Maintenance Hangar
          $24 million for a B-21 additions to the flight simulator facility
          $70 million for a B-21 Formal Training Unit/Aircraft Maintenance Unit
          $41 million for a B-21 two-bay Low-Observable Restoration Facility
          $9.8 million for an F-16 Mission Training Center at Joe Foss Field
          $15 million for a South Dakota Guard Readiness Center in Sioux Falls
          Preservation of B-1 maintenance and operational squadrons through at least fiscal year 2023 or until their replacement by B-21 units

  5. Looks like the RINOs are coming out into the light. I think it is time that the patriots get to work voting these swamp rats out of office. We have been taken advantage of for too many years. While we are at our jobs trying to provide for our families these crooked politicians are going to ever high dollar supper/fundraiser with the “Elites” all while lining their own pockets. If half of these politicians ever had a real job or ran a business they would maybe understand what this country really needs. Nobody should be elected to a political position anymore that isn’t an America first candidate. No more of these china sellouts that are playing the good guy all while burying our country, our kids, and our grand kids in debt.

  6. So is the SDGOP leadership slowly realizing that in their lust to dominate elections at all costs they’ve turned their own party into a seething cesspool of unbridled conspiracy-fueled crazy?

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