Taffy Howard appears to be absent from Budget address.. but has time to meet with Marjorie Taylor Greene?

Interesting.  While it’s not a mandatory attendance for State Legislators, you would think the Governor’s Budget address would be a pretty important thing to attend for a member of the House Appropriations Committee. But at least according to this picture noting State Representative Taffy Howard’s seat in the legislature, it appears to be occupied by Senator Maher:

And where would we find Congressional challenger Taffy Howard instead of at her desk? For starters, it appears she was in Washington DC this week hobnobbing with Congresspersons Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene:

Rep. Howard thought it was more important to meet with Congresswoman Greene than to hear about South Dakota’s budget? Wow. What was she talking with MTG about? QAnon and Secret Jewish space lasers?

When Taffy says “Unlike my opponent, these members of Congress actually stand up for Americans and fight the insanity that goes on in DC.”  She probably should have said these members of Congress ARE the insanity that goes on in DC.

12 thoughts on “Taffy Howard appears to be absent from Budget address.. but has time to meet with Marjorie Taylor Greene?”

  1. Of course she did…I’d rather talk to a Republican like Rep Greene than a Republican spending money like a Democrat like Noem.

    1. She just wants to know how to get Dear Leader’s blessing for her campaign. Next she’ll travel to Mar-a-Lardo to kiss the ring.

      1. It’s good to hear mature political insight from strong minds. Thank you for sharing your meaningful perspective.

  2. I suppose I better update my registration to R so that she can be soundly defeated in the primary.

  3. Yikes. Too many anons.

    I’m sure MTG’s schedule is pretty packed.

    Sometimes, these things coincide.

    What is the true value lost by not being there?

    Unable to pass notes in the hallway?

    Unable to cast a vote?

    Is the speech on youtube?

    Maybe MTG was giving pull-up lessons.

  4. Surprised Noem even made it to her own budget address. I see she was in Virginia the other night wooing big money donors.

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