Card promoting Brookings candidate Julie Erickson from hit group Convention of States using picture of Watertown’s Redlin center.

Well, no one ever accused the Convention of States group of being smart. In a postcard that hit Brookings yesterday, they demonstrated that they need some remedial geography lessons.

On the front side, they have a picture of the D7 Senate candidate nobody has ever heard of, Julie Erickson, superimposed in front of a photo of downtown Brookings.

But then you flip it over, and you get something that’s… not very Brookings.

They seem to have used Watertown, SD attraction (and Senator Lee Schoenbeck’s law office location), the Terry Redlin Center as the backdrop to show ‘how Brookings’ they are. Which, of course, they’ve failed miserably at, giving one the impression that they know their South Dakota politics as well as they know their South Dakota geography.

Moving on..

3 thoughts on “Card promoting Brookings candidate Julie Erickson from hit group Convention of States using picture of Watertown’s Redlin center.”

  1. I’ve also been really interested that the mailings for Julie/against Tim Reed have been coming to registered Independent voters; the hit cards about Tim have been coming to the registered Independent in my household, which I’ve taken to mean the out-of-state groups also don’t understand the closed GOP primary.

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