Carl Perry announces for Senate, stale endorsements for House now ported to his Senate website generating complaints.

Had an e-mail with an announcement for Carl Perry running for Senate sent to my Yahoo account this AM by his marketing agency. I really hadn’t had a chance to look at it yet, because the first couple of lines had my eyes rolling so badly I was worried I’d have to visit my optometrist, so I set it aside until later.

But then my e-mail and text messages started blowing up, as people were noting that endorsements they made when he first ran for the House have now been ported over to his Senate campaign website without permission, and using them in a context several years later that they weren’t intended for.

First, the announcement which had me scoffing:

Carl had “six successful years in the State House of Representatives?” Are they kidding? Did they bother to actually read the record? As I noted in my previous post noting that Perry & Novstrup were switching chambers:

 His 2023 record for the bills he primed were 4 bills killed in committee, 4 bills withdrawn, so there’s no laurels for him to rest on.

Read that here.

His legislative record has been middling, at best. When he talks about “legislative victories,” he probably isn’t talking about this years’ House Bill 1083, where he tried to double the minimum amount of insurance required on vehicles, to make South Dakota the highest in the nation (higher than Massachusetts or California).

But aside from a couple of my gripes on puffery, after the release went out, what was more interesting were the unsolicited comments I started getting from people about endorsements that are on his website which were from several years ago in a different race.

“I’d say Carl’s “endorsements” aren’t overly honest.”  and

“Carl has updated his website. Problem is he hasn’t reached out to me to see if I am supporting him. He just assumes?”

Those were two people who had started to express interest in the candidacy of Katie Washnok for the District 3 Senate Seat before the announcement, and whom I suspect will be more forthcoming and vocal of their support.  That’s not a good look for Carl.

Candidates are going to wordsmith their resume and support to paint them in the most favorable light. But they need to know that too much puffery runs a risk of blowing up in their faces.

Look at what happened with Jolene Loetscher when she was running for Sioux Falls mayor in 2018. For example, when she claimed in her advertising that she was a “biotechnology pioneer” when she was actually had a business collecting dog poo and shipping it to a lab. And claimed the support of the police when she didn’t have it.

Puffery and embellishment were largely the cause of Loetscher’s woes and eventual loss. If Carl Perry isn’t careful, he’s going to be following her down that path.

16 thoughts on “Carl Perry announces for Senate, stale endorsements for House now ported to his Senate website generating complaints.”

    1. I think you should look up juggernaut in the dictionary. Unless you know a different Carl Perry than the rest of us do.

  1. Is Carl Perry psychic? Does he know how this next session is going to play out before the rest of us do? He is in his 3rd term with a session left. He’s only served 5 years but claims to have had 6 successful years under his belt. Starting to sound like Biden – at least he had the decency to hide in his basement when he started getting dementia.

  2. Can we assume that President Pro Tempore of the South Dakota State Senate Lee Schoenbeck recruited and is supporting Katie Washnok in this race given this post?

    1. THAT is your take away from this post? Laughable.
      I don’t know the Washnok lady or who supports her, but if THAT is what you take away from reading this post about Perry’s poor campaign ethic, you should check for loose screws. Still laughing.

    2. As a Republican interested in politics since she was a kid, I’m pretty sure Katie doesn’t need any one prompting her to run for anything. Or do you just have a thing against women running for office?

  3. Carl should have lost the last election. The voters in district 3 would be better off. He makes big claims but has little to show for it. By moving to the senate because Al asked him to shows how he can’t think for himself. He will be the big loser out of this.

    1. Everything about Carl is big. His depth of knowledge on the issues that matter to his constituents. His love of South Dakota, this great country and a fine sandwich. His heartfelt crooners timber when he sings happy birthday to those visiting the chamber. He is Aberdeen. He is all of us.

    2. Yet he was the top vote getter out of 5. Katie is a good candidate also. It’s a shame they are running against each other.

  4. I wish I could take credit for recruiting an outstanding senate candidate like Katie. Alas, I’m not that good.
    But Charlie Fischer’s grandkid, a child of Long Lake, mothered by Kristi Wagner, a force of nature, is the kind of outstanding, bright, talented candidate that everyone who loves South Dakota – wishes represented them
    Aberdeen will be well served by a bright voice and force for South Dakota and Aberdeen’s future. This is no real choice


    1. When Mr. Schoenbeck endorses, you should listen. grudznick would vote for this young lady if she was in my district.

      1. On the hand when the out of state name callers endorses candidates on Mr. H’s blog what is the end result?

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