Blast from the Past- Lora Hubbel: Butterball Turkeys, Ron Paul & the Bombing of Auschwitz

This morning, I was on facebook where I’m already seeing that as one component of her campaign, Lora Hubbel is apparently documenting articles written about her as “campaign fodder” including those articles written by yours truly.

It’s a tactic she adopted in the last Gubernatorial primary, so it’s nothing new.

Why is she waging a never-ending war against political blogs in her campaign for Governor? It’s a time worn tactic. Attack the news when they point out that you’re unfit for office, such as Lora’s views and statements that people recognize as nutty as well as her tendency to make things up.

With that in mind, I thought it would be a fun blast from the past to re-run a column I wrote for KSOO Radio upon her announcement that she was running for Governor the last time back in October of 2013….. which also pointed out some of the views she held 4 years ago which were equally off the wall.

Without further ado…

Lora Hubbel: Butterball Turkeys,
Ron Paul & the Bombing of Auschwitz

By Pat Powers October 23, 2013 10:19 AM

I was reading the Rapid City Journal this morning, as it discussed former State Representative Lora Hubbel’s announcement for Governor via her campaign swing out to Rapid City.  

If you haven’t heard, former State Representative Hubbel is challenging sitting Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard because of her belief he isn’t conservative enough. (Despite his opposition to Obamacare, abortion, and reduction in state government upon winning office).

As part of the article, the newspaper had a sidebar as to where she stood on various issues, including Climate Change, State Spending, Gun Laws, Evolution, the Tea Party movement, and of course Health Care Reform.

Unfortunately, as is often the case in South Dakota’s Mainstream Media, they just don’t have the time to go in-depth as some of us whose platform is exclusively on-line.  So, I thought I’d bring you up to speed on where Lora stands on other issues important to South Dakotans.

Butterball Turkeys. “Butterball turkey’s are Sharian (Islamic) blessed…from Conservative Action Alerts: Most grocery stores carry Butterball© turkeys. It is one of the very largest suppliers of turkeys in America. Did you know that every single Butterball turkey is halal?” (Lora Hubbel Facebook 11/23/2011)

Conspiracy Theory. “Have you ever noticed that people use the words “Conspiracy Theory” as if they are one word? Probably just because they rhyme. But those who understand terminology know that a conspiracy is quite common and happens all over the world and in every business. A conspiracy is 2 or more people trying to succeed over or take advantage another person. Oh…but to the self-acclaimed geniuses in this world, that definition doesn’t have a landing place of understanding in their brains.” (Hubbel Facebook, Oct 7, 2013)

Fallout Shelters.  “I would have a plan developed that would join with Homeland Security to build fallout shelters in new or remodeled buildings such as, churches, schools, large event buildings, hotels, etc. Homeland security has the plans and funds to help communities with this.”  ( “Fall Out Shelters” 9/19/13. It was up on the website until she announced for Governor. Then it went away)

South Dakota Motto. “We have submitted to government rather than to God. It was never intended for this to happen to our people. America is undeniably a Christian Nation if one reviews the historical record with any honesty….  Why is stealing a crime in America? Because our religion tells us not to steal. That is not the case with all religions…. Currently we are vulnerable for a Governmental or dictatorial takeover… because many of us have forgotten what made America great.” (taken from South Dakota Motto at on 9/19/13)

About Drugs:  “All drugs are partial poisons and Big Pharma bought off the FDA years ago and neither want prices to go down. Your doctor used to get his license taken away if he didn’t prescribe drugs but instead recommended diet and vitamin therapy… I don’t know if that is still true. Pharmacy comes from the word “sorcery” for good reason.” (Lora Hubbel Facebook 12/31/2012)

Government ID’s:  “The government is actively stealing your identity. REAL ID and Obamacare dovetail nicely… both want to control, label, subjugate you. We are not acting like a free nation… we are emulating China, North Korea, and Iran.” (Lora Hubbel for Senate Facebook 5/12/2012).

America Runs on Christianity: “America was created to run on Christianity and/or Judaism…it sputters and dies on humanism, agnosticism, atheism, islamism or anything else…just as a Cadillac does when there are impurities in its fuel line….” (Lora Hubbel for Senate Facebook 10/11/2011, and Lora Hubbel Facebook October 15, 2011).

Obama’s 33 Social Security Numbers:  “Orly Tatz has been saying this a long time… she had a 2 hour meeting in Sioux Falls, SD where she showed proof that Obama’s grandmother volunteered in the probate office of their county… getting all the deceased people’s SS#… Obama’s mother had 2 SS#’s and Obama has 33 SS#’s!!! One of Obama’s SS#r has been given campaign money from FOX news and another from O”Reilly… so don’t expect to see this info on either program!” (Lora Hubbel Facebook 10/27/2011)

Ron Paul & Bombing Auschwitz: “Being that America did NOT support Israel when they asked for bombers to help them destroy Auschwitz and hence we suffered for ignoring them (the Bible says that as a nation does to Israel, so God will do to them, and we suffered in Vietnam that same amount of years as months that we ignored Israel – maybe a coinsidence but may be not)… and similarly Ron Paul would not actively support Israel, I can’t support him. And Ron Paul does not acknowledge that Pharmachia and sorcery are the same in the biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek and are WRONG (and i believe are a gateway to hell) I cannot support him… though he would be good as the Sec of Treasury!”  (Lora Hubbel Facebook 3/3/2012)

And there you go. In case you were wondering.

There might be one good thing about Lora running…We should all probably give thanks that there are candidates to give voice to all the crazy Uncles that forward fake news on facebook.

As well as those who are still mad about America not helping Israel bomb Auschwitz in WWII.

Hubbel IS looking at bringing the insanity to the 2018 Gubernatorial race

I had hoped it wasn’t true, but Lora Hubbel IS looking at bringing her brand of insanity to the 2018 GOP Gubernatorial Race, as I’d feared:

Another Republican has emerged as a candidate for Governor in 2018.

Lora Hubbel, a Sioux Falls nurse, has set up an exploratory committee for her campaign to find out what South Dakota wants.


Hubbel says she will be running on a platform of corruption killing. She says “if South Dakota want’s a change, I am your best bet.”

Read it all here at KCCR News.

Why do I say I had feared it?  You know how tough it is to convince people to vote Republican when you have someone as flat out nutty as Lora on the ballot?

She’s an anti-vaxxer, she has stated that government wants people to sleep babies on their back because it makes them more susceptible to mind control, that jet contrails are evidence of a plot to spray us with nefarious chemicals, that electronic highway signs may be “scanning our irises” for inclusion in a government database, Muslims are plotting pre-jihad at the Sioux Falls Airport, and the list goes on and on…

As I’ve said before, and I’ll say again – SERIOUSLY, WHO BELIEVES THIS STUFF?!?

There was a possibility that she wasn’t going to run as a Republican, as she’s ran as an independent in the past, and up until last month was chairman of the Constitution Party.  But it looks like she’s a Republican again… possibly “In Name Only,” since in the past she’s been happy to shed that label as quickly as a snake sheds it’s skin, as she continues her self-promotion.

And the 2018 election rolls on….

Update In a radio interview you can listen to here, Hubbel blames state corruption on non-profits, and wants more government oversight of them. So, yes, she’s actually running on a platform of more Government

Lora Hubbel files Statement of Organization for Gubernatorial Campaign Committee

<insert audible groan here.>

Apparently getting her butt kicked in the past several elections is not a barrier to outgoing Constitutional Party Chairwoman Lora Hubbel, who had previously ran as a failed GOP Gubernatorial Primary Candidate, defeated Independent Lt. Governor General Election Candidate and most recently vanquished GOP State Senate Primary Candidate.

Because last week, South Dakota’s highest profile anti-vaxxer candidate filed a statement of organization in the race for Governor.

No word on party yet. (Please don’t be Republican.. Please don’t be Republican…)

If you want to replace the Department of Health with the Department of Alchemy, with the job description of that department head requiring the practice of the lost skills of being a medieval barber, well then she might just be your person.

God help us all.

The 2017 State Senate. Caucus elections on Saturday.

Because I’m a visual person, I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to map out a seating chart for the incoming State Senate just to show how the 2017 incarnation of the South Dakota State Senate is going to look:


It’s a timely topic, as in 2 days time on Saturday the Republican members of the State Senate are heading to Pierre to hold Caucus elections to determine who will be leading the group.

Who do I hear is running?   At the moment, I’m hearing those who could be making a bid for Majority Leader include incoming Senator Jim Bolin, who spent some time going door to door and helping other Senate candidates in the past few weeks before the election. His major handicap would be that this is his first term as a Senate.

Senator Blake Curd is also pegged as looking at the Majority Leader Position. He’s been around he Senate for quite a while, so is familiar with the process and the players. His downside is that as a surgeon and his work at the Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital, his plate isn’t exactly empty. He’s tremendously busy.

Senator Alan Solano is also said to be looking at the Majority Leader Position. After being appointed by the Governor, he’s won election on his own right a couple of times now, so he’s also familiar with the workings of the Senate. Alan is as conservative as any in the Senate – just ask the NRA or SDRTL who both rank him highly. But for some reason, the hard right has targeted him, and tried to take him out in a primary as not being conservative enough.

There’s also talk of Senator Ernie Otten throwing his hat in the ring, but I’ve only heard that from one source.

Who is in the chase for Assistant Majority Leader? Senator Ryan Maher is the lone person I’ve confirmed as seeking the office at the moment. This is important, because under caucus rules, you don’t drop down if you lose. You run for one office, and one office only.

Incoming Senator Lance Russell is also mentioned as running in an e-mail being sent out of Rapid City by some unknown group (Update – I’m told it’s Citizens for Liberty) trying to convince legislators to vote for their choices. I spoke with Lance today, and I don’t think that’s going to happen.

President Pro Tempore sounds as if it’s going to be a choice of Senator Gary Cammack versus Senator Brock Greenfield. This could be close

While Cammack has the job right now, the Senate has become far more conservative. In addition, Brock has been in the Legislature a great number of years, and has shown a great deal of interest in running for the position, including going out campaigning for some of the races. This may be Brock’s year, and if so, it’s going to be a big year.

I’m hearing that at this late hour, Senators Phil Jensen and Bob Ewing both are looking at running for Majority Whip positions – and considering there’s 29 Senators, there’s probably room for both of them, and more!

Getting back to the e-mail that’s going out to Senators trying to campaign and sway their votes in the closed caucus election process. This went out at 3am this morning…

From: Bobbe Helmerick
Date: November 10, 2016 at 3:38:44 AM CST
Subject: Senate Leadership Election

Dear Senator Elect:

Please reject the corrupt practice of quid pro quo when choosing leaders in the South Dakota Senate.  South Dakotans have had enough of corruption and the appearance of impropriety in our state government – it’s time to stop it.  

As a first step toward that goal, I ask you to support Brock Greenfield for the position of President Pro Tempore, Ryan Maher for Majority Leader, and Lance Russell for Assistant Majority Leader. 

Brock has promised to equitably distribute committee chairmanships among Senators willing and able to take those positions rather than concentrate power in the hands of a few.  He has promised to use the knowledge and experience of each Senator as a guide to determine suitable committee assignments, and to give fair and timely hearing for all bills in appropriate committees.  He has put this promise in writing.    

Ryan has demonstrated solid leadership during his legislative career.  Under his guidance as chairman of the Executive Board, an independent audit of the LRC was conducted.  As a result, many needed reforms and infrastructure improvements that benefit both houses were accomplished.  

Lance has served for eight years in the House.  He is known for his wise approach to difficult issues.  He has earned the respect of his colleagues who depend on his thoughtful deliberation and helpful demeanor.  His judicious approach to leadership makes him a perfect choice for this leadership team.  

Please help to restore the people’s trust in their state government and cast your vote for these worthy candidates:  Brock Greenfield, Ryan Maher, and Lance Russell!

R.D. Helmerick

The letter gets a lot of things wrong, such as Maher running for Majority Leader, a race which he has directly told me he’s not running in. Which is why I’m not sure on Lance Russell running.

So, who is Bobbe Helmerick, and why is he trying to influence these elections? If you don’t know who Bobbe Helmerick is (I know I didn’t) google him, and you will find him here at the SDWC:

Dear [redacted],

Dennis Daugaard is not the only candidate for SD Governor.

Lora Hubbel, another Republican, is challenging him.


Bobbe Helmerick
Hubbel Campaign scheduler

Read that here.

So, the person pushing a caucus dream slate was the Hubbel Campaign Scheduler?   Given the paranoid tone of the e-mail, I’m not shocked.  (Update – I’m now hearing this is all being coordinated by Citizens for Liberty in Rapid City)

I wouldn’t hold it against any of those Senators mentioned in the e-mail, because they’re all good guys, and I consider all of them friends.

Constitution Party makes it official on candidates, announces D23 Candidate

Now, if they can only sue successfully to put them on the ballot. The South Dakota Constitution party announced late yesterday who their choices are for Senate and that mysterious D23 House Seat:

Kurt Evans won the CP’s nomination for the US Senate at the Constitution Party of South Dakota’s state convention that was held on Saturday, July 9th in Sioux Falls.  We are happy to have Kurt back in our party after a long hiatus.


Lora Hubbel was elected as the new State Chairman of the Constitution Party of South Dakota!  We also elected Joel Bergan as the new State Vice-Chairman.  Lori Stacey will serve as State Party Treasurer and Secretary.
Wayne Schmidt of Mobridge was nominated for the State House, District 23.  Wayne has run for this legislative seat in the past and we wish him well on his new campaign.

Read it all here.

Obviously, it’s summer, and there’s not a lot going on. Because they’re all going to get their silly butts kicked.  But, it’s something political to write about!

Constitution Party: Kurt Evans running for Senate, Mystery candidate for D23 House?

An observant reader pointed out a couple of things with regards to the Constitution party’s unnamed candidates over the noon hour. And I have to admit, you had me on these, because even I couldn’t guess they would have gone this route.

First up, as confessed by himself, Kurt Evans admitted that he’s changing parties again From Indy, to libertarian, to democrat…. and now to Constitution Party, where’s he’s going to run, and presumably drop out for US Senate at a later date:


Read that here.

If you recall, Evans has been active in social media using anti-Catholic rhetoric on occasion, and has faced questions over accusations of stalking a woman on the SDSU Campus, as well as other controversies. He was widely viewed as a spoiler candidate in John Thune’s race against Tim Johnson for the US Senate in 2002, and has announced for US Senate on more than one occasion since, and dropping out about as often.

As for the legislative candidate running on the Constitutional ticket…. while Lora Hubble was the immediate suspect.. apparently, that’s not correct, according to outgoing Constitution Party Chair Lori Stacey (of the robot bees):


So, Kurt Evans for US Senate, someone for D23 according to robot bee lady, and Lora hubbel is the new Constitution Party Chair. Good luck with that.

And that’s all the news about the Constitution party that’s fit to print.

Well, that should be interesting… Constitutional party apparently nominates for US Senate and Legislative seat.

Apparently, yesterday the Constitution party decided that they’re going to try to act outside of state law, and sue to get their people on the ballot instead of using the normal primary process.

Good luck with that.

From Ballot Access News:

The Constitution Party is ballot-qualified in South Dakota. However, under the law, it can’t nominate candidates for Congress or legislature by convention, even though it can nominate for certain other partisan offices by convention. Nevertheless, on June 9 (Actually, July 9, -PP), it did hold its state convention and it did nominate a candidate for U.S. Senate and one for the legislature.

Read that here.

I can only guess who those are. (I’m thinking Lori Stacey for Senate, and Lora Hubbel for Legislature.).  Anyone finding anything I missed?

The hunt for South Dakota’s Next Governor. Who will we be choosing in 2018?

Dovetailing off of my earlier post on Secretary of State Shantel Krebs talking like she’s running for Governor, it bring up a question of who all we’ll actually see in the field running for the office.

I thought I’d put this up to see if we can fill in the blanks from the Crystal Ball based on precedent, the current landscape, and throwing darts into the wind.


There is absolutely no doubt that Attorney General Marty Jackley and incoming House Speaker Mark Mickelson are firmly in the race. And except for the fact that Congresswoman Noem has to dispatch sacrificial lamb Paula Hawks, I’d say that she would be a sure thing.

But instead, we need to wait for December or so for confirmation.

From there, it gets a lot murkier. Lt Governor Matt Michels does his job quietly, but being at the podium this past weekend at the GOP convention, Matt showed us that we should not forget about him as time goes by.

Michels might be less likely than Noem to run, but as a familiar face to politicos and donors, he’s got a lot more game than many people might think, with extensive connections to this state’s healthcare and legal industries.  In other words, he has resources people might not credit him for. And he’s an exceedingly approachable and friendly guy.

As noted earlier today, Secretary of State Shantel Krebs giving speeches on the budget, and challenging other agencies on the same, as well as talking about our tax structure are topics far broader than the confines of her office. You don’t give speeches on those things, unless you want people to talk about it.

And given the level of comments and attention my post is getting, people are talking.

From there, we start throwing darts.

Given the reality of South Dakota politics, I suspect we can anticipate we will see a Tea Party Candidate running on the Republican ticket in the vein of Gordon Howie, Lora Hubbel, or Stace Nelson, if Nelson catches another case of legislator-itis. It might not be any of them, but there will be a close alignment.

They’ll be out there proclaiming they’re the true Republican in the race, but will probably lack the money or organization to make a significant dent. The Tea Partiers enjoy some level of support from the base of the party, as they say the right things, but they have yet to be able to produce a candidate with charisma, or to translate that into hard dollars for advertising – two important factors that actually help in winning a race.

If they don’t feel a native son like Marty Jackley represents them sufficiently, someone may arise from West River Farmers & Ranchers to talk about agriculture and grasslands issues. We saw that with Larry Rhoden in the past US Senate Race, and Ken Knuppe in the last open Governor’s contest. Don’t be shocked to see someone roll the dice and enter the GOP race for Governor wearing a cowboy hat. I think it could happen.

And then we have what I call “Random Legislator.” That person who has been elected to represent their constituents in Pierre who just can’t get the concept of being Governor out of their head, is looking at the landscape, and doesn’t feel they can wait for another race with no incumbent to open up in 2026.  That’s a long, long time off. They might feel the best time is to roll the dice now (in 2018), and they have both the dream and the drive.

Being “Random legislator” isn’t always a bad thing. Ask former Governor and current US Senator Mike Rounds how it worked for him. They key there is for this person to have some money, experience in statewide efforts, and some sort of statewide network. Mike had helped races long before he was elected to anything, and had an energized staff.  I’d argue, while he wasn’t a legislator yet, Scott Munsterman also fit this archetype.

On the Democrat side, there are two. Literally. That’s all they have on their bench. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and Mike Huether.

Huether is already running for all practical purposes. He wants it so bad, he can taste it.

I argue Herseth Sandlin might not be 100% confidence that she’s running, as she’s quietly below the radar for now. I can’t help but think she might be looking at her stock portfolio and $500k plus salary at Raven and asking herself “why do I want to take a massive pay cut, move to Pierre, and get my butt kicked by a Republican Legislature who attacks me at every turn?”

Common sense might keep her out.

So readers – What do you think I omitted, or what do you disagree with? Sound off in the comments!