Was there a convention in Aberdeen this weekend? Not according to much of the State’s media, but it was a good one anyway.

I have to give kudos to the Aberdeen American News, as they at least had a reporter at the convention for a few short hours on Friday. Otherwise you’d be hard pressed to notice in the media that there was a GOP convention in Aberdeen. 

Any other political reporters? Meh. Not so much.

The Argus found themselves hard pressed to leave Sioux Falls, and spent time fawning at the Dem convention over the Democrat candidate for president who had his butt kicked by an avowed Socialist, Bernie Sanders.  Although, If any of their reporters had bothered to show up to cover a GOP convention, I’m sure the resulting story about Republicans would have been killed quicker than Stu Whitney’s Thune Story was. (That’s a story for another day.)

I remember the conventions where political reporters such as Dave Kranz regularly cruised the hospitality suites. If anyone had bothered, they would have seen 2 hopefuls for Governor in full throated campaign mode, with Gubernatorial hopeful Mark Mickelson hosting a room, and often mentioned AG Marty Jackley’s room handing out shirts without Attorney General emblazoned on them. If there was any doubt as to the race for Governor commencing, it evaporated Friday night.

In convention action, they might have seen yet another Lora Hubbel obamacare attack on the Governor deftly shut down by the Lt. Governor, who took up a competing resolution amendment first, rendering her attack redundant, and then gaveling her down when she tried to inappropriately press the attack during debate to suspend the rules. Out of her depth, she simply gave up.

It was also a convention which was the first big public event ran by a very lean State GOP staff (as in one full time ED, and one part time finance/political officer) closely tied to Governor Daugaard – and they ran a tight ship. Every portion of the convention I saw was well run, and they demonstrated their ability. 

Reporters (other than the Aberdeen paper) might have noticed that the GOP and its leaders are getting engaged on Amendment V, the hide-your-party, anti-transparency ballot measure. 

And as I’d remarked in an earlier post, except for Hubbel penning a poison resolution against the governor, they would have noticed everyone was cordial, friendly, and got along remarkably well. 

But as noted, stories about Republicans working together, demonstrating leadership, and looking towards the future don’t tend to get a lot of column inches. 

As opposed to them getting buried by the media.

A little controversy in the rules….

RIght now, there’s a little debate over the adoption of the rules. Apparently, former Independent Lt Governor Candidate and GOP Precinct committeewoman Lora Hubbel is upset that if she wants to present an amendment to the platform or bring resolutions that have not been heard, that she has to provide copies to everyone.  

She opposed the rule mandating it, and requiring approval of the body to go outside the committee process, similar to how they do it in the Legislature. 

After a little debate, the body determined she’s going to go have to make copies after all..

Trust me. Lora Hubbel’s loss was not caused by “Ogres of the Republican Party.”

A little less than two weeks ago now, Former State Representative Lora Hubbel lost yet another race for office, and oddly blamed her loss on bloggers:

Hubbel blamed her loss in part on Republican bloggers, which she called the “ogres of the Republican party.”

Read that here.

Yet, what have we seen in the days since the election from Lora?

For one, that the Masons are in control of South Dakota…

…… that no fewer than “8 shotgun deaths” are somehow connected to the GOED…

… And in her latest, she accuses the leadership of the SDGOP of being homosexuals.

It might be easier for someone with those types of views to accuse others of causing her electoral woes and call them names. But if bloggers are “ogres,” what do you do with a person like that who expresses views bordering on madness regarding state involved shotgun deaths and that the Masons are in control of our state?

The truth of her loss was that her opponent Deb Peters ran a textbook example of a hard working campaign. It was perfection in a contest that had the most conservative of conservative voters voting, and should have been an environment where Lora could compete. But what did Lora bring to the race? The kind of things that are as noted above – the worst things you see on your Facebook feed. Unproven statements and in some cases, outright lies unbecoming a member of polite society, much less someone who wants to lead it.

Shouldn’t a politician who makes outrageous and unproven claims such as saying publicly that “the SD Republican State Party” is “led by gay men” expect that their public statements might be held up to scrutiny, even if no one bothers to bring a lawsuit for slander?

If that makes one an ogre in her eyes, so be it. But I suspect it is more of a case that she didn’t care for what was written. Because what she espoused as truth was laid bare for all to see. And many found it monstrous.

Well, you do know Ogres are like onions. We have many layers. Hubbel-craft blames “Republican Bloggers” for her loss.

Interesting note in the Argus this AM:

A Republican state senator survived a primary challenge from a former lawmaker who sought to connect with Donald Trump supporters and other anti-establishment voters.

Sen. Deb Peters of Hartford received 56 percent of 1,010 votes cast in the District 9 primary, defeating Lora Hubbel, who earned 43 percent of the vote.

“I think it just proves that the positive messaging works,” Peters said Tuesday night.



Hubbel blamed her loss in part on Republican bloggers, which she called the “ogres of the Republican party.”

Read it all here.  Upon reading this in the Argus this am, an artistic friend was kind enough to send this over..


Well, you do know Ogres are like onions. We have many layers.

Getting out of the brain of Lora Hubbel, and back into reality, the reality was that this was her petty way of trying to portray her ill-fortunes in the race.  She didn’t lose the race, as much as Deb Peters dominated it.

Deb Peters absolutely worked her butt off as hard as I’ve ever seen any candidate run, and she did an exemplary job. At the same time Lora brought crazy, unfounded smears.

Believe me, I’d love to say it was all my doing. I’d wear it as a feather in my Twins cap. But I can’t in all honesty do so, because it was all Deb, and Lora wasn’t competing at anything resembling a competent level.

The Hubblecraft is down! The Hubblecraft is down! Deb Peters defeats Lora Hubbel by 128 votes.

Apparently people DO want their children to be vaccinated.

Hubblecraft is down

Thank God. I wasn’t looking forward to that kind of crazy for 2 years.

Update: It’s all the uninformed people’s fault. And my fault. Of course it’s my fault.


Although, I couldn’t ask what I’m allegedly lying about, because she banned me from her facebook page for challenging her odd notions back when she was running for Governor.

Argus interviews Hubbel….. will she need a garden hose for that?

The Argus Leader was interviewing candidates today about what they’d do if elected. And Lora Hubbel continues to explore the bizarre side of legislation:

Q: What legislation or policy would be your priority next legislative session?

A: …..I will also bring a “no undue influence” bill, which says that if you sleep around to influence legislation, you will be removed from your position.

Q: Would you endorse a presidential candidate at this point? Why or why not?

A: Donald Trump. I have taken thousands of dollars’ worth of his courses.

Read it here.

“if you sleep around to influence legislation, you will be removed from your position.”  I can’t say I’ve ever heard of that happening. Lora must hang out at seedier places than I would during session.

All I want to know if she’s going to be removing people from their position, will it be top or bottom?

(ba dum, bum. *rim shot*)

Bad Campaign Literature: The Wet Blanket of Negativism. So, what are you running for?

In case you were looking for a heaping spoonful of angry-crazy this am…



There’s more than a few things wrong with this piece (as well as the person it’s about), but let’s start with the most basic of basics – Name and Office. They’re not on the outside of the mailer.

Yes, the piece says “Vote Lora Hubbel” on the front. But for what?  Expulsion from the planet? I’d be for that. Only after you open the piece, assuming it’s piqued your interest that much do you get “Vote Lora Hubbel for SD Senate.”  And arguably, for 4/5 (or more) of people  – they didn’t get that during the brief passage of time as it traveled between the mailbox and the garbage with the rest of the junk mail.

No, that’s not a specific Lora statement. That’s a truism for all campaign pieces. You’re trying to punch a message through the fog of all other media impressions. And if a politician can’t get the basic message of their name and what they’re running for through the miasma, then they’re in big trouble.

If you can bother to take the time to open it, as opposed to trying to build a rapport with the reader, it treats them to a litany of “I told you so,” and “everyone is corrupt, except me.”

Although I did laugh at the part of “lobbyist gifts of hair appointments” and “other enticing bobbles (sic).”   I’ll have to ask Lee Schoenbeck how many times Harry Christianson has offered to buy him a hair appointment.

Seriously, the whole piece just vomits forth negativity, while telling you practically nothing about Lora. She might have been far better off mailing them the front panel only, adding her office, and leaving the back for the address and postage. Instead, she just underlined why she’s a pariah in most circles.

I suppose there is one consolation. She didn’t bring up chemtrails, anti-vaxxer propaganda, or the “pre-jihad at the SIoux Falls airport.

Boring politics, busy people, and my little yellow car.

I find myself staring at the screen searching for a topic that interests me this morning.  It’s not that there isn’t anything going on. There’s just so much that’s being so utterly overexposed, I’ve lost interest.

I did a post on Trump a couple down. The problem is I’m so bombarded with it in the national and now the local media, the thought of doing a post on it, has me going “meh.”

Lora Hubbel spouting off on nutty stuff (i.e., anti-vaxxer positions, muslims conducting pre-jihad at the Sioux Falls Airport, Chemtrails, etc.) happens so often lately that it’s like beating a dead horse.  (Although writing letters on the pre-jihad is always funny).

The other part of it is that I have been busy with work, writing articles, and trying to get a project off the ground at my day job.  And in the pre-work mornings, and pretty much all evening, I’ve been crazy busy with campaign materials.

I swear I’ve done as many signs in the primary election as I did in the last general, as well as plenty of postcards & palm cards. In fact this weekend, I’m going on deliveries, and treating my wife to a day out on the west side of the state for Mothers’ Day.  My only regret? I have to deliver some large signs that won’t fit in my latest vehicle purchase:


My kids had repossessed my Blue VW Beetle that I’d bought for a “fun” in-town car, because let’s face it; driving a full size Chevy Silverado pickup doesn’t make a lot of sense for school runs around town. It’s great for picking up and delivering signs, but to go a 1/2 a mile to get kids to school on time? Not so much.

Inevitably, after I’d bought it, it ended up being transportation for one kid to high school, to improve convenience for kid delivery. But when another child came home from college, it was more convenient for her to drive back, then to have me haul her back and forth on the 40 minute drive.

Dang it.

Thankfully, the Mini Cooper caught my eye on craigslist as being local, very inexpensive, and absolutely pristine in the interior. It is also less than 75,000 miles, which aside from the pickup is a rarity in my household of used cars. Given it’s status as a manual transmission, and a lack of that knowledge being passed down to my kids, I may be able to hold on to it for a while.  (Although my 14 year old son is asking me to teach him.)

If only I could fit 4×8’s on it, I’d be driving the mini to the Hills tomorrow. Which brings up the only interesting thing to me today: It’s set to be beautiful 70-86 degree weather all weekend. What are you doing reading a political blog? Go get your golf clubs out, scrape that grill, and enjoy those outdoors. Do something for your wife/mom on Sunday.

There’s going to be plenty of time for politics.