American College of Pediatricians releases position statement that “Gender Ideology Harms Children”

The socially conservative American College of Pediatricians released a position statement this past week that would appear to give ammunition to conservatives in the South Dakota Legislature who had proposed and supported House Bill 1008, otherwise known as the “transgender bathroom bill,” which was ultimately vetoed by Governor Dennis Daugaard after passage by the legislature.

As noted in the position paper…


2. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender (an awareness and sense of oneself as male or female) is a sociological and psychological concept; not an objective biological one. No one is born with an awareness of themselves as male or female; this awareness develops over time and, like all developmental processes, may be derailed by a child’s subjective perceptions, relationships, and adverse experiences from infancy forward. People who identify as “feeling like the opposite sex” or “somewhere in between” do not comprise a third sex. They remain biological men or biological women.2,3,4

3. A person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking. When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such. These children suffer from gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria (GD), formerly listed as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).5 The psychodynamic and social learning theories of GD/GID have never been disproved.2,4,5


5. According to the DSM-V, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.5

Read the position statement here.

Do you agree or disagree with the position paper?  Coming from a group of pediatricians, does it have merit?

And If this information had been widely available before session, would it have made a difference in the final vote, as well as the Governor’s response to the measure?

Advertising space available at the SDWC as we continue into 2016. Speaking of advertising…

You might have noticed a few ads have dropped off of the page, as they’ve completed their runs, so, once again has a couple of openings in it’s advertising line-up, including the top position in the right hand banner.

Once these top level spots are filled, the advertiser has the option to lock up that space through the election.

I already have a new advertiser who will be joining me shortly who will be running through November, so if you think you might want to advertise, you should contact me if you might be interested in the few remaining spots on the right, or the additional advertising spots are available on the left column of the page.

Advertising on the website is based on a first come, first serve basis for the available positions.  Advertising slots on the right are 300 by 200 to 300 pixel ads, which may scale slightly depending on WordPress theme. They may be either static image, animated .gif, or flash file, as long as the file size is within acceptable file parameters, does not impede the loading of the website, or interfere with existing code.

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Oh no! Last election’s leftovers again!?!

It sounds like Dems are serving up leftovers this election.

I’m hearing that for the District 13 State Senate race, they’re re-heating and preparing to serve up long-ago legislator Denny Pierson again as an electoral choice. Pierson was able to be elected in Mitchell from 1979-1982, and in Sioux Falls for the 1993-1994 term in the state house. But since then… not so much.

Pierson most recently lost the race for State Treasurer in 2014, Sioux Falls City Commission the same year, and before that a race for the United States House of Representatives in 2002.

Pierson would face the winner of a 2-3 way Republican primary in a fairly strong Republican district. And I suspect that this race would go as well as his last few have for him.

Open government champion Al Novstrup in favor of legislation loosening restrictions on Teacher discipline records.

The Argus Leader has a report today on their efforts to release the records of teachers who have been sanctioned by the state for professional violations, and the herculean efforts they have to make to pierce the wall of secrecy & obtain the records from the State of South Dakota:

Unlike neighboring states, South Dakota does not post details of its investigations into instances of teacher misconduct, forcing parents and other members of the public to submit an open records request to learn more about past violations.

After making such a request, Argus Leader Media was told Friday it would cost $4,410 to get a full history of disciplinary cases involving teachers and school officials.


Argus Leader Media found 36 cases of teachers who had their licenses revoked or suspended in recent years for making sexual advances toward students, for criminal activity, or for other — sometimes undisclosed — forms of misconduct.

Stories published last month would not have been possible without information released by the state Education Department, but the records were incomplete.

Names and case details were redacted in some cases, even if a teacher had received a so-called “public reprimand” from the state Professional Teachers Practices and Standards Commission, a seven-member board made up primarily of other teachers.

And the records only went back to 2008, including an open records response sent to Argus Leader Media as part of a 2012 investigation.

Because the timeline cuts off early, it’s unclear how many South Dakota teachers or school administrators have lost jobs or had their license suspended for breaking the state’s code of ethics.

Read it all here.

Unusually, the teaching profession is shielded from public disclosure while other professionals in the private sector are not. Professionals in Real Estate, Accountancy, Insurance, and others have some forms of readily available & researchable disclosure.

So, why shouldn’t information on discipline be available on teachers certified through the State of South Dakota?

I posed the question to State Representative Al Novstrup, who was the recipient of the 2012 Eagle Award for “Protecting the People’s Right to Know” from the South Dakota Newspaper Association for being a champion of open government.  And he agrees that South Dakota might need to open the door of accessibility a little further for people seeking this information.

Novstrup noted that he would “be willing to help draft and prime sponsor a bill for the 2017 legislative session, having worked closely with David Bordewyk and Justin Smith of the SD Newspaper Association. It would be my suggestion that we pick a state such as Nebraska or Iowa and pattern the bill after that chosen state.”

Expecting that Novstrup will be returned to the State Legislature in November with election to the State Senate, this might just be the beginnings of “Senate Bill 1” for January of 2017.

Tax increase package for Schools helping, but not stopping desire for more revenue.

Here’s an interesting story in today’s Argus.

The Garretson School District is looking for more money for it’s operation, and is voting on an opt-out, despite the passage of legislation to increase teacher pay. And that they’re saying is that it helped, but it’s not enough:

Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s trio of education bills lessened the necessary tax increase for Garretson, Johnson said.

The bills, which Daugaard signed earlier this month, gave school districts additional funds to raise teacher pay through a half-cent sales tax increase. The sales tax revenue also gives the state $40 million to put toward property tax relief, which helps bring down the possible opt out increase in Garretson.

The opt out conversation began before Daugaard’s education proposal was signed, which has meant making sure members of the Garretson school district understand the differences, Johnson said.

“It has made it a little bit more difficult,” Johnson said. “Just because of people’s perception when they see headlines that there’s a new tax for schools or for teachers … there’s an assumption that that will solve our problem here.”

The majority of new money flowing into South Dakota districts from the half-cent sales tax increase must go to teacher salaries and benefits, which does not solve Garretson’s struggle to fund programming and services for students.

Read it all here.

Will there still be a gaggle of opt-outs in South Dakota’s future, in spite of the additional tax revenue?

Gubernatorial hopefuls argue over conflict of interest laws

Bob Mercer is noting this morning that two different parties are arguing over who is responsible for strengthening the state’s laws on precluding conflicts of interest for those having contracts with the State of South Dakota.

And it’s rendered more interesting, as the two parties are slated to be facing each other in the race for Governor in two years:

Marty JackleyA deterrent stronger than a Class 1 misdemeanor is needed in state conflict-of-interest cases, Attorney General Marty Jackley said.


Jackley said a stronger deterrent is needed. He said he would be open to “triggering factors” and “aggravated circumstances” that call for higher levels of punishment depending on the severity of the crime.

Jackley repeated his statement made at the news conference in Platte last week that “an adult conversation” is needed regarding the penalties.


“Resolution would just involve the attorney general letting policy-makers know what additional tools he thinks he needs,” Mickelson said.

He offered it could start by the attorney general contacting the governor’s legal counsel, Jim Seward; or Sen. Craig Tieszen, R-Rapid City, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee; or three of the lawyers on the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Timothy Johns, R-Lead, Rep. Mike Stevens, R-Yankton, or Mickelson, the chairman.

“I drafted both bills with a lot of helpers and never heard a word from him,” Mickelson said.

Read it all here.

Both Marty and Mark will be speaking at the Brookings County Lincoln Day Dinner at the SDSU Performing Arts Center here in Brookings coming up on April 1st. With the both of them having a difference of opinion on who needs to take the lead on penalties for the state’s laws on conflicts of interest – there could be some fireworks!

Mickelson is also appearing today on one of the Argus Leader’s on-line video programs this afternoon at 3pm, where we’ll probably hear more about it as well.

Numerous petitions hanging out there 

Sounds like quite a few petitions are in the pipeline waiting for review. According to SDWC contributor Mike Clark, he noted in a comment under a prior post:

When I turned my Petitions in yesterday I learned that a lot of petitions came in through the mail Friday afternoon, it might take away to get through them all.

Interesting. That doesn’t count what likely arrived yesterday, when only three were approved, so it remains to be seen how many might have been rejected, and how many are left to be reviewed.

That list should grow considerably this week, so stay tuned!

What a Day! 8 days to go.

Sorry for the light posting today, although I saw you made up for it in comments on the post about another candidate getting into it.   It’s been a crazy Monday, as a few City and School candidates across the state have been calling about things.

The political candidates are starting to get ready for the primaries, my dog needed shots, and oh, hey – there’s that darn day job! So, there was no free time before work, over lunch, and this evening until about now.

Luckily, there hasn’t been much by the way of new candidates from either side of the aisle.  Larry Tideman picked up a Dem opponent in his race, which he should be handily able to shrug off. Someone who I believed is a Sanford Executive also filed as a Dem in House 9. And Republican Dave Landry filed to run in the House Race in District 11.

Still kind of quiet. Almost too quiet for the filing deadline being 8 days away.

Tina Mulally to challenge Haverly in District 35 Senate Race

batman_tima_mulaleyI’d head rumors of it, but saw my first evidence tonight that District 35 Resident Tina Mulally plans to mount a primary challenge from the right to Terri Haverly of District 35.

What marks it as somewhat unusual is that Haverly isn’t exactly what most might consider liberal. Senator Haverly was noted by the American Conservative Union as receiving their award for Conservative Achievement for voting with the group 80-89% of the time. As the group noted in a January press release which cited Haverly for her work:

ACU researches and selects a wide range of bills that reflect a member’s adherence to conservative principles. We select bills that focus on former President Ronald Reagan’s philosophy of the “three-legged stool”: 1) economic: taxes, budgets, regulation, spending, healthcare, and property; 2) social and cultural: 2nd Amendment, religious freedom, life, welfare, and education; and 3) government integrity: voting, individual liberty, privacy, and transparency. The range of issues selected have been specifically designed to convey to voters the most accurate assessment of South Dakota’s elected officials who can be counted on to defend the principles of a free society: Life, Liberty, and Property.

Legislators who scored above 80% in ACU’s 2015 Ratings of the South Dakota Legislature will receive awards for their hard work toward passage of legislation that reflects conservative principles. As Reagan stated, “The person who agrees with you 80% of the time is a friend and an ally.”

Read that here.

Mulally recently posted the above campaign slogan on her facebook page.

Tina Mulally.

What’s Mulally’s background? And why do I bring up the ACU? Mulally had been part of the wingnut group in Rapid City that in 2014 described it’s intent to push the Republican party further to the right:

To right those perceived wrongs, the vast majority of the group’s candidates are challenging Republican incumbents that the group views as too centrist.

Among a few of those candidates: Julie Frye-Mueller of Rapid City is taking on state Rep. Mike Verchio for District 30; Rip Ryness of Rapid City is challenging state Sen. Jacqueline Sly for District 33; George Ferebee of Hill City is contesting the Ward 1 seat of Pennington County Commissioner Ken Davis.


Mike Mueller and Tina Mulally, both of Rapid City, are running for positions as directors of two West Dakota Water Development Districts – relatively obscure political entities that oversee drainage issues in Pennington County.

And, after primary ballots are counted next month, Napoli is expecting success.

“I think well over the majority are going to win,” he said. “I really do.”

Read that here.

So oddly, Mulally is going to spend the election trying to out-conservative an already conservative candidate, launching herself at the State Senate straight from a 2014 campaign for a water district.

And I’ll just leave it at that.