Brown County GOP corn poll results

Our friends at the Brown County Republicans had a booth at the Brown County fair this past week, and did a little straw polling to determine fair attendees’ favorite candidate for president.

And I think we’ve determined that a lot of people watch TV.

Donald Trump came in first, which I’ve heard is possibly a sign of the impending apocalypse.

Thankfully, it was all in fun. And we have at least several months to go before anybody should consider any polling seriously.

MC possibly in the running to replace Hickey.

I caught a pleasant surprise on facebook this afternoon.

canttouchthisMichael Clark, who contributes here from time to time, and is an all around good guy, has apparently applied to take over Steve Hickey’s spot in the legislature.

From facebook:


I don’t know if he’s going to be successful, but I for one would love to see Mike appointed, and then run as a candidate for the state legislature. There will be two seats open with Hawks serving as the Dem’s sacrificial offering in the Congressional race, so if you aren’t chosen – take heart.

I’m glad to, and I’m sure there are others who will be happy to step up to the plate to help Mike run in the spring.

Spearfish resident praising Noem for her work in Washington

I caught this LTE this morning in the paper, and thought I’d point it out regarding the hard work our Congresswoman is doing in Washington. From the Argus Leader:

Letter: Noem hard at work to save hatchery
David J. Nickel, Spearfish


This Argus Leader reader wants to thank Noem for her efforts to save the Booth Hatchery and its archives. D.C. Booth is a major part of our state’s tourist economy and a major part of sport fishing in South Dakota. I’m glad that Congresswoman Noem is working hard in Washington to save the hatchery for South Dakota families of today and in the future.

Read it here.

Thats not a Republican Party regular. Just a real person appreciating what our Congresswoman does in DC.

Thune to Host Town Hall Meetings in Lemmon, Buffalo

thuneheadernewThune to Host Town Hall Meetings in Lemmon, Buffalo

WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Monday, August 17, U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) will host town hall meetings in Lemmon and Buffalo before traveling to Deadwood to address the South Dakota Telecommunications Association annual meeting.

Monday, August 17:

Lemmon Town Hall Meeting
1:00 p.m. MDT
Lemmon Senior Citizen Center
711 Main Avenue
Lemmon, SD

Buffalo Town Hall Meeting
3:30 p.m. MDT
Harding County Rec Center
204 Hodge Street
Buffalo, SD

South Dakota Telecommunications Association Annual Meeting
5:45 p.m. MDT
The Lodge at Deadwood
100 Pine Crest Lane
Deadwood, SD

Will she get 15 this time? May goes for another special session.

Apparently Elizabeth May does not understand that schools have already signed contracts for this year with teachers, and compensation is locked in for the next year. She’s back calling for a special session again.

From Today’s KCCR:

Representative May Calling For A Special Session, Again

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again.

That’s the motto of Rep. Elizabeth May of Kyle today as she has a new proposal that seeks to address the teacher shortage facing South Dakota school districts.

May is proposing that the Legislature dedicate the $21 Million state surplus to an incentive program intended to draw experienced teachers out of retirement.

Read it all here.

Here’s an idea: why don’t we stop calling special sessions, and let’s see how much taxpayers save on postage?

5 questions with…… Lisa Furlong, Chair of South Dakotan’s for Fair Lending


You won’t find this at KELOLAND or in the Argus Leader. This is the interview you’ve been waiting for. I had the opportunity yesterday to sit down and spend some time with Lisa Furlong, chair of South Dakotan’s for Fair Lending.

And as opposed to the type of person her opponents are making her out to be, guess what? She’s sweet, unassuming, and as nice as she could be. In other words, she’s your mom.


I understand that this is the first time you’ve ever personally gotten involved in an effort like this. What made you decide to do this and is it what you expected it to be?

Well, this type of involvement is pretty new to me. I’m no politician or professional at this sort of thing. I just want to do what’s right for South Dakota.

I am a single mother of two teenagers, I work hard to provide for them. We attend church every week. I believe that everyone has a right to be treated fairly. People should have some sort of an expectation that there will be safeguards in place to protect them from unfair lending practices. At the same time though, there are those of us that might need somewhere to turn…you know…to cover things when times get tough – a kid’s broken arm or a car repair, for example. I don’t see why there can’t be some sort of compromise here. As a single mom I understand financial difficulties. I would hate to have families in a pinch have less options to help find a way to climb their way out.

What would your proposed measure do and how is it different from other payday lending measures being proposed?

Our measure strikes the right balance in protecting people from predatory lending and preserving free market principles to ensure their access to credit. In fact, many would say our measure goes even further than that of the proposed 36% cap. This is a constitutional amendment, so it will be harder for politicians to change down the road. It is also an 18% cap, which is half of what the other proposal is asking for. I think it is very important to point out that the 36% cap proposal is a change in state statutes, which the legislature can overturn. However, our measure places greater protections for borrowers in South Dakota by putting an 18% cap on interest rates right in the constitution – making it much more difficult for special interests and politicians to undermine or weaken it. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the 36% cap.

Is this a “phony” or “fake” petition as has been suggested by those pushing competing measures, as well as some in the press?

Frankly, I think that is offensive. Our measure is thoughtful, reasoned, and just as real, if not more so, than any others out there. I’m not an Obama operative or a politician like the ringleaders of the other effort. I’m just a working mom. We have as much right under our state constitution to put our ballot measure before the people of South Dakota as anyone else. For anyone to say otherwise is somewhat arrogant and just plain wrong. I have not questioned the motives of others circulating competing measures. It is the South Dakota way to stand up for yourself and I think that’s what I am doing here.

There have been news stories recently about a man, “Deacon Pete,” or also known as “Floyd Pickett.” Leaders of a similar measure to yours have made claims that this man has been sent in from out of state to disrupt the business of those seeking to cap payday loans. What are your thoughts on this situation and has Mr. Pickett attempted to interfere with the efforts of your group at all?

You know, I have seen news reports on all that…and if what they are saying is true I…I think it is very unfortunate. I think it is very important that South Dakotans make the decisions here, not folks from out of state. I don’t know much more than what’s been on tv, but I’ve watched the same circus that everyone else has. And I do know that our supporters have been heckled and made to feel intimidated when they were trying to collect signatures at the fair, but I have no idea if that was by the same people as this guy…Pickett or Pete or whatever…or even supporters of other committees. I really don’t think it is clear who is behind it all or what the point of it is, but the whole thing seems like a big distraction. A big…unfortunate…distraction.

I know that you have put out quite a few statements as issues have come up, I know this because I am on the press list and receive your statements as I assume the rest of the media in the state do, but it seems that you don’t get the same level of coverage or deference as the competing ballot committee does. Do you agree with this assessment and, if so, why do you think this is?

Look, I get it. The mainstream media wants to sensationalize this story because a good fight sells. It’s certainly a bit frustrating to see so many of the news organizations take the side of one loud voice and report it as fact, often times without even mentioning that there’s another side or a different view. I think we are all used to the liberal media bias that exists these days. I guess it’s just part of what comes with this sort of thing nowadays and is what it is.

I certainly appreciate you for giving us a chance to talk about this effort though, Pat!

And Thank you for the interview Lisa. And for those of you who would like to take a look at the measure that started circulation today – you can read below – PP:


Businesses preparing for the perpetually-increasing minimum wage

Are businesses preparing for the impact of the perpetually-increasing minimum wage? Absolutely.  From the Argus Leader:

Sioux Falls McDonald’s customers will soon be able to order and pay for their meals from an app on their cell phone.

The technology will virtually eliminate the odds of some 16-year-old behind the counter messing up your order, checking “ketchup” when you wanted “mustard.”

As for that 16-year old, will their job be the next thing to go away?

Local restaurant owners insist the answer is no, but experts elsewhere predict a radical transformation is on the horizon for retail and restaurant workers as artificial intelligence, robots and other automation takes over many of the tasks humans perform today.

Read it all here.

Sorry local restaurant owners. If you disagree, you’re either kidding yourselves, or the article writer isn’t talking to many of them.  When it becomes cost neutral to install an automated system versus using a live employee, guess which one the employer is going to pick?

And as we experience the perpetually-increasing minimum wage for jobs that aren’t worth $10 or $15 an hour, that trend is only going to accelerate.

Ginning up the outrage because Businesses are there to lose money and go bankrupt.

I just caught this on facebook, and thought it brought up a few items worthy of discussion, especially taking a contrarian viewpoint just for the sake of it.

There’s been a bit of hullabaloo over the group, and as you might notice by Steve Hickey’s comment below, some demonizing/dehumanizing (see “the industry is slime comment) going on.  But, are their actions worthy of the coverage that former Obama Campaign manager Steve Hildebrand is trying to whip up by calling his buddies in the media to cover?

Noting the post:


First, regarding Steve Hickey’s comment implying there’s something wrong that the group is “in front of Target today collecting signatures and their petitions haven’t been approved by the Secretary of State.”  I think my reply would be “so what?”

There are lots of groups who informally gather names on petitions, with some trying to gauge support on an issue so as to determine whether or not there is support for the change. And I mean lots. If there weren’t, then I suspect wouldn’t exist.

From a political organization standpoint, if you’ve got a group of people hired, and are waiting for the AG and Secretary of State to complete their process, do you really want them sitting on their butts getting paid for doing nothing?  Why not send them out to get signatures of interested people that you can easily go back to.  The people who signed before are clearly identified supporters who signed a preliminary petition of support. It should be child’s play to send people back to them to get a signature on a real petition.

It’s not like they can use them otherwise. They’re signed and dated.

And then, there’s the other part where the Reverend Hickey tries to “raise” the level of discourse – “The industry is slime, and they don’t care about anything but staying in business.

Pardon me, but how dare they try to stay in business!  Businesses: Steve Hickey believes you are now there to lose money and go bankrupt.  How dare you invest money, build buildings to house your company, hire and pay staff, and think you are allowed to earn a profit off of your efforts. What in the hell do you think this is, a society based on capitalism? We changed to socialism a long time ago, dammit!

And that’s the point. In our allegedly free society, you should be free to choose to patronize a legal business, and do business with them, Or, you’re free not to. No one is holding a gun to your head.

You know, there’s lots of things to get outraged about. Let’s save the shock and outrage for things such as a drug using parent (allegedly) killing their child. Or a government holding a pipeline project hostage for 7 years.

But someone signing up like minded people to support their cause? Or *gasp* thinking that the free enterprise system is alive and well in these United States?

I just can’t gin up the same level of umbrage that others with more time on their hands are able to.