A tale of two parties, and the case for vigilance and activism for the GOP faithful.
I came across this as I was looking for something to write about today. And to me, it makes a good case for getting out there and getting involved. Because it all can be taken away at a moment’s notice.
I was looking at the SDGOP’s May 2015 FEC Report for their federal account, which indicated $11,997 Raised. $17,609 spent. And $21,134 cash on hand.
In comparison, South Dakota Democrats filed a report with different figures:
$47,149 raised. $18,737 spent, and $59,113 cash on hand.
Wait, what?
Before you start getting excited, that doesn’t tell the whole story. $15,000 of what Dems reported was transferred in from party and committee sources. And these are just the reports from the federal accounts. State Year end reports from the SDGOP had them at $32,923 cash on hand as compared to the Democrat’s $14,047. And state accounts tend to be where a lot of the day to day stuff happens, especially for the SDGOP who holds all state offices, as well as a strong majority in each house of the state legislature.
However, it’s worth noting that it should serve as an item for Republicans to keep in the back of their heads as we move through the doldrums of the off year.
All we’ve done together – all we’ve accomplished – can be taken away in the blink of an eye if we become too complacent. We hold all state offices, and all but 20 state legislative seats. And I don’t suspect Democrats like that fact.
If we think back, it wasn’t that long ago when Democrats held all federal offices. In the last 20 years or so, Democrats held a majority in the State Senate for one term. Unless there are those who want that to happen, the figures posted by Democrats in their last FEC report should be a call to the rest of us to shake off the dust that’s gathered since November of 2014, and to get to work. Go to the SDGOP web site or contact your local Republican Party County Chairman or legislator and volunteer, make a donation, or otherwise get involved to make it happen.
It’s our party. And win or lose, it’s what we make of it. So, get involved.