Slick Rick Weiland promising Initiated Measure this month. But nothing seems to have been filed yet.
Losing US Senate Candidate Slick Rick Weiland is out shilling for money again for his organization “” And in the latest edition of his “Send me money” e-mail, Weiland claims he’s going to introduce an initiated measure in South Dakota:
One of our favorite cartoonists is “Tom Tomorrow” who, once a week, delivers a cartoon that brilliantly satirizes current events, and was just nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. You can visit his website here:, and be sure and visit Daily Kos on Mondays for his weekly cartoon.
Between the tragedy continuing to unfold in Baltimore, the gridlock and disarray of Congress, it sort of feels like our country is slowly coming apart at the seams. People feel a sense of hopelessness and abandonment.
What happened yesterday, with the Senate passing their 10 year budget blueprint, the first joint congressional budget plan in six years is certainly worth a comment or two.
This new budget cuts 4.2 trillion dollars from benefit programs like Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps; it kicks 27 million people off of Obamacare and Medicaid, cuts Pell Grants, slices $600 billion from school lunch programs, nutritional assistance for poor mothers, and tax credits for the working poor.
Hmmmmm. It gets worse….Medicaid is slated to become a block grant program to the states. Medicare will be turned into a voucher program to buy private health insurance policies. Obamacare will be repealed – not replaced, and there will be more tax cuts for wealthy.
As President Clinton was so fond of saying – “Give me a break!”
Balancing the federal budget on the backs of those who can least afford it is a cowardly act, one perpetrated by the powerful and privileged who have rigged our politics and now own our politicians and our government.
How about some tax fairness for starters by requiring that corporations pay their fare share of taxes? Repeal the tax law that allows them to hide their profits in offshore bank accounts before you start cutting food stamps and education? You can read about here: its call “Inversion.”
With Republican control of the House and the Senate, and a Presidential election around the corner, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
While the political process has been bought and paid for by ‘big money,’ TakeItBack.Org has a plan to fight back, to use populist ballot initiatives in the 24 states that allow them.
We will send a message, starting in South Dakota, that “We The People” have had enough! How? By passing our ‘anti-corruption/big money’ initiative which will be released at the end of the month and, when passed, will be proof that the public is mad as hell, pure and simple, and that we are not going to take it anymore.
Please contribute and join us in making this pledge: that working together, using direct democracy, we will take our country back, one state at a time!
Paid for in part by TakeItBack.Org-Political Action. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions to TakeItBack.Org are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. All content © 2015 TakeItBack.Org, All Rights Reserved
P.O. Box 2017 Sioux Falls, SD 57101
So, Slick Rick claims that “We will send a message, starting in South Dakota, that “We The People” have had enough! How? By passing our ‘anti-corruption/big money’ initiative which will be released at the end of the month and, when passed, will be proof that the public is mad as hell, pure and simple, and that we are not going to take it anymore.”
And don’t forget to send him money. Which seems to be a common thread in all the e-mails he’s sending.
If Weiland is going to release this ballot measure at the end of the month, that would assume that he’s done their pre-clearance of the initiated measure through the Legislative Research Council and Attorney General. In the middle of all this fundraising.
But if you look at the Secretary of State’s web site on ballot measures, what do you see regarding what Weiland is proposing? Nothing. No state ballot measure group. Nothing on potential ballot measures.
I’m double checking, just in case something hasn’t been posted yet. But barring that, I’m not thinking we’re going to see anything from Weiland this month. Outside of more fundraising e-mails.