Larry Pressler advocating against Republicans and computers.
Larry Pressler has dropped all pretense after this last years’ election where he lost badly against Senator Mike Rounds, and is openly on the attack against Republicans:
Pressler fielded several questions from enthusiastic students in the audience over the 75-minute discussion period. Most regarded state government and voter apathy. He urged the young students to work to increase voter turnout among young adults, as well as eliminate the Republican stranglehold on South Dakota politics.
“Our Legislature gets a little too far to the right sometimes,” said Pressler. “The moderate center is where all the problems are solved.”
Pressler said the conservative South Dakota Legislature should consider implementing a state income tax, allow for gay civil unions and reconsider the new raised speed limit.
But it gets better. Why did we not elect the buffoonish Pressler, who when formerly in office availed himself of all its trappings? Well, gol durn it , the unwashed masses have too much information available:
Unlike many politicians, Pressler blamed new technology for creating a sphere of ignorance around local government. He said the reliance on global news outlets limits public awareness at the local level.
“Nowadays with computers, people think they know a lot more about politics than they do,” Pressler said. “We might know all about the problems in Ferguson, Missouri, but we don’t know about the problems on Native American reservations in South Dakota.”
Did he really say that? “with computers, people think they know a lot more about politics than they do.”
The fact of the matter is that politicians who could formerly thrive when no one in their home state knew what they were doing were quickly made extinct as the 24 hour news cycle and the Internet emerged. They can’t get away with doing and saying things in a vacuum.
So, Larry lost. And it was all the fault of Republicans and computers. Basically, Larry blames honesty and information.
Somehow, society will just have to suffer under their yoke.