Childcare facilities owned by former State Senator suddenly shut down in Rapid City, adding to the shortage

From KOTA News, the Preschool/Daycare owned by former State Senator Jessica Castleberry has closed in Rapid City, further cutting availability of child placements in area:

An email was sent to parents last Friday saying Little Nest Preschool is closing due to “unforeseen circumstances” but gave no other explanation for the sudden closure.

Little Nest Preschool was owned by former state Senator Jessica Castleberry, who is on a repayment plan for nearly half a million dollars in COVID-19 funds her business received. Still, she wasn’t eligible for it because she was a state legislator.


With both of Little Nest’s locations shutting down, parents are now raising more concerns about the area’s growing childcare shortage.

Read the entire story here.

How families can find child care and even more important – where can they live in terms of workforce housing – continue to be challenges facing the South Dakota economy as we to try to draw businesses to the state.  These aren’t cans that the legislature can just keep kicking down the road.

15 thoughts on “Childcare facilities owned by former State Senator suddenly shut down in Rapid City, adding to the shortage”

  1. Years ago businesses help find child care centers ie First National Bank & Trust Brookings. It made it a more desirable place to work. If child care needs hurt finding and retaining employees businesses need to again support child care centers. Stop complaining and get off your ass and support your employees.

  2. They are cans that most certainly will be kicked down the road, because the majority party in SD has made it abundantly clear for over a decade they do not care about what happens to kids in SD working families because that is “the parents’ problem.”

    1. Exhibit A. A cantankerous grouch who wants to see a growing local economy without doing any of the things to develop it and loudly wonders why service is so bad when all of the 20-, 30-, and 40-year olds with kids have moved on.

      You get what you sow, which in the case of most of SD is increasingly becoming field of communities on their way to becoming ghost-towns.

      1. If there is so much demand and not enough supply daycares should just charge more, it would encourage more supply.

        This does not need a big government solution.

        1. We need to make daycare more expensive, and then those women will stay home and cook.

          How come all our kids are moving out of state?

          1. Because then without the second (or only) income supporting the household thanks exorbitantly expensive childcare, those folks move to where they can support their families because that’s how the invisible hand of the free market works (as opposed to only working when it’s convenient).

            Elrond clearly prefers staying with the retirees and RVs waiting in line wondering why there isn’t anyone behind the counter so they can order the blue-plate special.

    2. Elrond? Bah, you’re more like Wormtongue.

      It’s been studied already and the State, along side business and local govt have to do more.

      Just look at school enrollment figures. Outside of Sioux Falls Metro and a few districts along I-29 and in the Hills, most rural towns don’t have long before they’re past the point of no return.

      1. Conservatives decry the welfare state ushered in by the New Deal and its long term effects on the nuclear family breakdown, yet once again come calling for the State/taxpayer to raise our kids.

        1. No rebuttal, no mentioning of the facts laid bare by the Child Care study, only a circumlocutory prattling about the New Deal and supposed collapse of the nuclear family. No acknowledgment that in modern society nearly all families need both parents working in order to survive. No pondering on the economic realities of childcare.

          Gríma you truly are.

          1. The road to big government is paved with studies and good intentions.

            I though, am not the one coveting your money.

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