Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Report: The Big Three

The Big Three
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
October 6, 2023 

BIG Update

Ten years ago, Winter Storm Atlas came bearing down across western South Dakota. It brought record amounts of snow for the month of October, dumping 55 inches over Lead, South Dakota. Tens of thousands of livestock tragically perished in the storm, and many areas had power outages that lasted a week or longer.

Many of us have never experienced a storm like that in our lifetime, and hopefully never will again. The unprecedented nature of this storm brought people together to clear debris and restore damage over the following months. South Dakotans are tough and resilient. Neighbors helping neighbors, strangers helping strangers is the norm in South Dakota, even when times are tough.

The devastation endured by many is disheartening, but the strength of South Dakota remains.

BIG Idea

This week, I met with the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations (SDAHO) to discuss the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed rule to require nursing homes to have an onsite RN 24 hours, 7 days a week and mandate minimum hours for RNs and CNAs. This rule would force nursing homes across South Dakota to close because they can’t fulfill the requirement. In fact, the rule would cause nursing homes across America to close because Alaska is the only state that currently meets CMS’s baseline. If the outcome of this rule is thousands of nursing homes closing, that certainly isn’t the best for America. Like SDAHO, I oppose this decision, and I’ve been working in Congress to ensure CMS’s rule does not get finalized.

BIG News

Unfortunately, the House made history this week. On Tuesday, eight Republican members of Congress (only 4% of Republicans) voted with every single Democrat to remove the Speaker of the House from his post. It is a historic move with detrimental consequences to our country and to the slim House Republican majority. We were making progress on lowering spending and securing the border – these eight members brought that progress to a halt.

Without a Speaker of the House, no legislative business can be conducted on the House Floor. This situation is a giant waste of America’s time. We are 40 days away from a government shutdown and haven’t passed the necessary funding bills to pay our military, the aviation bill, or the Farm Bill. America deserves better. I came to Congress to solve problems, it’s unfortunate that eight of my colleagues don’t feel the same.


13 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Report: The Big Three”

  1. So, there were 8 out of how many that expected McCarthy to keep his word. I have to tell you, it’s a sad day in our country when the majority of our government stands for a facade rather than the truth.
    All McCarthy had to do was abide by the concessions he made in order to become speaker of the house and now that he didn’t, the RINO’s aren’t going to abide by McCarthy’s concessions, sounds just like the DNC.

  2. It’s time for Dusty to go. We need a strong primary challenger to get this career politician out of office. Let him earn an honest living, if he can.

    1. You’re a silly one. Why should we replace the most effective Rep on agricultural issues and one of the most effective Reps overall? Dusty works hard and brings home the bacon for SD.

      1. agreed on dusty’s value. my litmus test on someone’s political goofiness is based on them wanting to have dusty beaten and turned out of office.
        gaetz and the seven in his clown car emulated big daddy trump and used the leverage of the dems’ high plurality to whip and torture their own party. if you think they engaged in high holy politics you’re deluded. they forced mccarthy, a smart dealmaker, to give up all of his deal making ability so he could be the face of their eight-seat stonewall tantrum every day or get voted out. OF COURSE he got tired of of the puppet strings and returned to regular leading out of necessity. he paid a price for the deal they forced him or whatever other leader to make.
        now they’re going to torture the whole party into accepting trump’s chambermaid jim jordan. i am just waiting for the day that you all screw everything up to such a degree that you just quietly walk away in shock. that day is coming.

  3. Republicans seeking a more traditional approach to governing are lashing out at Gaetz and his clown car. Their inability to craft a majority and run those 8 Reps out of business puts them squarly in a clown bus….time for real action. Fear of Trump is paralyzing them.

  4. Earlier this year Johnson and McCarthy promised us the budget would be done, appropriation bills passed, and deficit dealt with. Then they raised the debt ceiling. Then they took the summer off. The deficit this year went to 2 trillion dollars. Now they say we have no time to do a budget. It appears we have not had time to do budget since the 90s.McCarthy did not do what he said he would do and it was time for him to go. Johnson hitched his wagon to McCarthy and he should go also.

    1. the republican-lead us house of representatives, from 1994 through the end of 2005, passed annual budget bills. annual budget bills stopped under nancy pelosi, and the massive debt which ballooned under obama has a life of its own at this point.
      i cannot understand how helping trump keep the gop crippled and under his thumb, is supposed to help balance a budget. you’re like alchemists in your approach to politics. it’s nonsense, and not having the guts to tell you this won’t help anything.

      1. You’re saying Dusty made a promise to do something he never intended to do. There’s a word for that.

        1. the word is “chess.” that is a long complex contest, where your adversaries wage a twisty long war to stop you. “chess” involves moves, counter moves and sacrifices for a larger long game. that’s the board you keep flipping over in rage every few moves.

      2. Every time your “conventional” republicans win something it’s because of the promises they made to win it and every time they fail to deliver because they are part of the system they won’t buck. So, people like yourself support these spineless RINO’s and low and behold they keep repeating the same and they keep losing over and over. Gaetz and his faction are trying to give the GOP a spine like they promised they would. Unlike your type of GOP they actually mean what they say.
        As for Trump crippling the GOP, you obviously can’t see what the GOP kissing the lefts derriere and losing control has enabled the situation Pelosi created. The RINO’s are crippling the GOP by their own complacency. Johnson is too quick to jump across the aisle to appease those who do nothing but use him. When and if he ever becomes street wise and understands his leftist counterparts are using him like a fool by giving him false praise, telling him he’s one of the most conservative of the GOP house when he’s not even close, he might become what you describe. Until then he’s basically just like yourself, out of touch. I believe you and the Terry are nothing more than Dakota Free Press trolls out to stir a turd.

        1. the gop is deeply split and weak; mostly because of trump’s constant effort to keep it kneecapped and unable to escape him. gaetz getting revenge on mccarthy is all part of the trump show, and to the degree it keeps the gop crippled, democrats are thrilled to provide leverage for the trumpers to keep wrecking their own party. your simplistic tantrums aside, if you’re gong to axe each speaker who has to engage in government negotiations and compromise agreements, you better grease that revolving door and settle in for the constant chaos your approach will result in. trump really is the speaker of the house, as long as his minions can wreck their own party just like he has. it’s a pretty abusive and sickening spectacle.

          1. trump learned well from hilary clinton, who ran the democrats the same way, and you see how awful they still are. that’s the future you are forcing on the gop. trump didn’t “lock her up” I noticed, so he lied to you too, to get your vote.

            1. Thank God you’re an exception to the norm. If you haven’t noticed yet, people liked being energy self-sufficient, they like a booming economy and they liked closed borders not to mention many other things they liked.
              There are those like yourself that are just too contrary to accept the reality of where the right is going. Conservatives are sick of RINO’s selling them down the river. They’re sick of promises being made to get power back only to see the RINO’s renege and lose it all again. They’re sick of double standards the left has imposed unconstitutionally and the RINO’s turning a blind eye to it. Most of all they’re sick of the ignorance it takes to put these RINO’s back in power time and time again because those that vote for them don’t know what a RINO is in the first place.

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