Congressman Dusty Johnson Fundraiser with former Speaker of the House John Boehner on August 4th

From my mailbox, South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson will be having a fundraiser with former Republican Congressman & Speaker of the House John Boehner on August 4th in Sioux Falls:

10 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson Fundraiser with former Speaker of the House John Boehner on August 4th”

  1. this man lead the house minority in obama’s first term. people unfairly blamed him for the lopsided steamrollering the congressional dems and potus gave the country during that kleptastic two years until the house flipped in 1991. i’d urge anyone and everyone to be there.

  2. Sorry enquirer…it’s a little spendy for me…who around here has 4 grand for a dinner at a wine bar with a guy, who we should respect, but who has never been a riveting speaker, and has been out of the loop for several years. He’s certainly an interesting pick by Dusty…certainly not a Trump acolyte.

    1. ok revise me to start with the salutation “dear financiers and investment bankers,” lol

  3. It might be worth $4K if Boehner is the bartender dispensing advice, serving drinks, and solving all the world’s problems. He is well-qualified as he grew up in his grandfather’s bar. He is very funny and has a fine-tuned bullshit detector.

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