Congressman Dusty Johnson named Chair of Republican Main Street Partnership

Dusty Johnson has been named the new chair of a coalition of Republican elected officials. According to the group’s website, “The Republican Main Street Partnership encompasses a broad alliance of conservative, governing Republicans, including more than 70 sitting members in Congress. We are dedicated to working to enact commonsense legislation that gets things done for the American people. Our members run and win in the most highly contested swing districts in the country.”

13 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson named Chair of Republican Main Street Partnership”

  1. Dustbag is far from a Conservative! He panders to the Democrats at every turn. He also has no Common Sense. I am sure they could have found someone that fit the description much better. How he won the primary against a true Conservative Patriot, I do not understand!

    1. Because he’s the most effective current representative on Agricultural Issues? He actually gets bills passed unlike Wacky-Taffy? For that matter he actually shows up to work unlike her. You can have your so called “patriots”, the rest of the party will take winners.

    2. SDSenior, you have been lied to. The truth is that Dusty’s voting record is more conservative than anyone who has ever served South Dakota in Washington DC. He’s among the top 25% most conservative members of the U.S. House.

    3. I blame Ms. Taffy, for being batsh_t crazier than most, and rude at that. If she showed up in the legislatures more and got one, just one bill passed, she’d have stood a chance.

    4. You are the literal definition of a useful idiot. Your writing is semi-coherent and it is laughable that you would comment of the common sense of anyone, let alone one of the brightest reps this state has had in years. The people who are convincing you to be afraid are controlling you. Wake up.

  2. You have to respect the work Dusty puts into his office for the benefit of us South Dakotans. I see those comments from a small, vocal, pretty-near clinically- well, in need of help- trying to compare his real work to the Taffy Clown Show and it says even more good about Dusty for hanging in there and fighting for us. Thank you. The out-of-staters that spent over a half a million before the election to prop up their Taffy Puppet – do not speak for the strong majority of us that have known and respected your work for us.

  3. “Our members run and win in the most highly contested swing districts in the country.”

    Dusty is a an outlier with this group.

  4. “We are dedicated to working to enact commonsense legislation that gets things done for the American people.”

    Which apparently includes sending billions of dollars to Ukraine.

    What a joke Dusty Johnson is.

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