Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Column: What to Expect

What to Expect
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
December 28, 2022

While many are planning their new year’s resolutions, getting ready to go back to school, and soaking up the last days of the holidays, Congress is gearing up for a shift in majority.

The top of many minds and news stories is the race for House Speaker. While there has been some uncertainty of a Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA), I believe he will prevail. We have much more important things to focus on—like the border, inflation, China, and crime—so I am hopeful the Speaker vote will move quickly.

Here’s a few things to expect from a Republican-led House of Representatives: 

Fiscal Responsibility-

America is more than $32 trillion in debt. This is not a problem to be ignored and left to our children to solve. A Republican-led House will be able to block any additional reckless spending by the Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats. Doing so will help slow inflation. Over the past two years, I have opposed more than $13 trillion in Democrat spending packages and will continue to do the same.


China is not our friend. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to expand its authoritarian regime in multiple spheres of our lives. Their negative influence of TikTok content for American youth and increased purchases American farmland and ag businesses poses a geopolitical threat to our national security. Next Congress, Republicans will establish a Select Committee on China to investigate the CCP’s actions and propose policies to ensure America is prepared to tackle this security threat.

Border Security-

The situation at the southern border is a crisis—a humanitarian crisis, national security crisis, and public safety crisis. I’m grateful the end of Title 42 was delayed, preventing a greater influx of migrants at our border that is already under stress. I’m hopeful for bipartisan support in this area to secure our border and increase public safety.

Farm Bill-

Every five years, the Farm Bill gets reauthorized. The last Farm Bill was authorized in 2018, which means it needs adjusted and passed again in 2023. Some titles that are included are conservation, crop insurance, and nutrition programs. I’m hopeful to be a chairman of a subcommittee within the House Agriculture Committee, giving me a lead role in drafting parts of this bill.

The next Congress will be pretty busy, and I am looking forward to bringing home more wins for South Dakota.
