Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Update: The Big Three

The Big Three
By Rep. Dusty Johnson
September 29, 2023

BIG Update

Last week, I gave you an update on our national debt. This week, our nation is facing the September 30 deadline to fund the government. House Republicans continue to pass individual appropriations bills that cut spending, strengthen our military, and secure the border – but we are running out of time to get everything across the finish line by tomorrow at midnight. A government shutdown costs the U.S. money and would prevent our military from getting paid – it’s a terrible option.

That’s why I worked on a short-term solution with the House Freedom Caucus and Republican Main Street Caucus to keep the government open for 31 more days paired with historic spending cuts and strong border security provisions. Unfortunately, 21 of my Republican colleagues sided with Democrats and opposed our bill. They try to make it sound like a noble cause, but it doesn’t move America in the right direction. In fact, it does the opposite.

This bill was our chance to show the U.S. Senate and President Biden that House Republicans won’t accept a clean government spending bill and that we are serious about lower spending and securing our border. These 21 prevented that from happening.

Learn more about the plan I put forward with members of the House Freedom Caucus—watch my remarks from today here.

BIG Idea

China plays a large role in chassis (the base frame that helps move cargo) production for truck trailers. In our steps to decrease dependence on China, leveling the playing field for chassis production is part of that strategy. I met with the Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association and Trail King of Mitchell, South Dakota to talk about ways to increase production in America and foster a robust workforce.

BIG News

Border crossing numbers hit new record highs. More than 60,000 people came across the southern border illegally just this week. The news has 24/7 coverage of long lines of people streaming across the border. It’s clear the Biden Administration isn’t allowing Border Patrol agents to do their jobs.

Eight Democrat mayors and governors have declared a state of emergency because of the illegal immigrants that have flooded their communities. They don’t have the resources—physical or financial—to handle this influx.

The crisis at the border cannot be ignored, yet the Biden Administration’s border policies have neglected it for nearly 36 months. Congress can’t rely on President Biden’s policies to change any time soon. It’s long past time to put in place real border security solutions. On Thursday night, House Republicans passed our bill to fund Homeland Security. It secures our southern border by hiring more border patrol agents, investing in new technology, resuming construction of the border wall, and removing dangerous criminals. We’re taking action to secure the border. It’s too dangerous not to. It’s my hope the Senate agrees and passes our bill.


13 thoughts on “Congressman Dusty Johnson’s Weekly Update: The Big Three”

  1. Well, this is about par for the course. It’s Mr. Johnson that usually votes with the few and now he’s on the receiving end of it. Now he’ll understand how frustrating it is to see him side with the left as we’ve seen in the past. I do appreciate him trying to do the right thing and just hope to God he keeps doing it.

  2. We had the big spenders in Congress cornered and were making them pass appropriation bills but Dusty let them go again by pushing CR for McCarthy just like raising the debt ceiling. I see no walk to Dusty’s talk about limiting government spending.
    And we do not need more money at the boarder we need the law enforced. The money is being used to process and support illegal aliens as well funding facilities to support the invasion of the southern boarder.

  3. Dusty is sticking with Speaker McCarthy…he is a Conservative with common sense and a supporter of our Republican Party Leadership. Well done.

    1. i watched that whole roll call. my congressman johnson voted NOT to side with the left – or more accurately, voted against the splinter of republicans who headfaked themselves into disgracing their whole party with the help of democrats on the eve of a new election cycle. i think johnson is where he needs to be. i wish someone of his sensibility could be speaker.

    2. Do any of you understand RINO? All McCarthy had to do is keep his word and he couldn’t even do that. Do you people want Biden to go free, because that’s exactly what McCarthy was going to do. He denies the subpoena for Hunter Biden and that’s why he was ousted.

      Look, it took 15 votes and God only knows how many concessions for McCarthy to win speaker in the first place. He and the rest of the gop house knew what the concessions were and now they’re trying to change the rules and in the process let Biden and his family walk. That’s what will happen if these RINO’s reinstate McCarthy.

      1. gaetz gave dems the perfect thing to shut down the house, and they’ll do everything to keep it shut down as long as impeachment is happening. that was stupid if you want impeachment.
        the freedom caucus wants the full weight of the gop behind them in a series of anger-fueled full frontal assaults / tantrums and they want their right to run everything in trump’s holy name to be unchallenged. mccarthy tried his best to be a house leader in a classic mode, but dealing with the freedom caucus meant he couldn’t negotiate certain solutions, he had to lie and bait-and-switch at times, like someone with stockholm syndrome has to do to survive their captivity. and it’s gaetz’ and company’s own fault he had to operate that way. i don’t see the house having a powerful speaker again, unless a gang of centrist republicans and democrats line up behind one person they both can live with – but that person won’t be a trump person and the biden impeachment thing will be over. it already is basically over if you hadn’t noticed.

    3. Anyone that knows anything about McCarthy and what it takes for a “conservative” to be elected in the state of CA knows beyond a shadow of doubt he’s not a died in the wool conservative nor does he have conservative values. Thet being said maybe Terry can tell us what’s so conservative about making deals with the left behind closed doors without his parties’ knowledge.
      All McCarthy had to do was keep his word and he couldn’t do that. I was under the impression we back here in the mid-west appreciated honesty, yet I see a lot that could care less about it if it doesn’t suit their idea of the way they see things. In other words, y’all are just as big a hypocrite as the RINO politicians in congress.

  4. Dusty’s conservatism and common sense got us a 2 trillion dollar deficit this year and more to come. McCarthy was the author of the 2 trillion dollar 2023 deficit. McCarthy is gone so let us get a speaker that will keep the house in session and do the appropriation bills and the budget not another CE and omnibus bill. We have been running the country with out a budget since the 90s and the resulting debt shows it.

    1. the 90s in my memory had a gop majority that enacted the contract with america, did everything except cut taxes, then generated huge surpluses every year and thought they were good little boys and girls even though they did nothing in the 90’s to address the preexisting national debt.
      when 9-11 hit in 2001, they and democrats linked arms for a few months and started big spending on the new war on terror. and annual budgets under the 1994-2006 gop majority still balanced every year. but it was a harder trick to pull off.
      the gop didn’t even see it coming when nancy pelosi painted the gop as spendaholics and her meek little dems as fiscal tightwads. that house majority, that financially competent house majority, didn’t beat down that laughable notion, didn’t think they had to, just like bush didn’t think clinton could beat him.
      THAT, sir or madam, is when budgeting stopped and reid and pelosi wrecked any bush 43 legacy, preparing a wrecked economy for a radical overhaul of banking and healthcare we will never come back from.
      you freedom caucus people are full of your shared narrative and angry reactions, whipsawing around when trump needs someone punished or ruined, and your historical references are outrageously incomplete and distorted to the point of error. this b-s of blaming both parties for the reid-pelosi-obama aftermath is offensively stupid.
      gaetz and his seven colleagues blithely dealt dems a strong poker hand, regardless of how you want to spin it. i kind of hope he sees a little payback for that.
      mr johnson, thanks again for your experience and expertise.

      1. btw- while banking and healthcare got overhauled, dusty was part of the fight that kept the boxer bill carbon taxes from becoming a thing. i trust his view on how to proceed more than i trust the trump club.

      it is disturbing and believable that trump wanted to insert himself into congress, as third in line to presidency overseeing an impeachment. sooo believable.
      this was this past january. gaetz was pressured by trump to nominate and back trump, which he did on jan 5th. it lead to a vote where only gaetz himself voted yes, all other gop said no and trump went ballistic. he urged his freedom cluster who deserted him to back mccarthy, which they hated doing but dutifully obeyed.
      jonathan karl says steve bannon was pushing trump to try and angle for it again now, but trump didn’t want another humiliation associated with him.

      and a lot of you want this nut job back in the white house. good grief.

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